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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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Punched/plano'd AH, DH, and Lurker last night.

Holy shit, so much chit.

Anyone played with the Lurker gates? Should I jump right in with those or wait a bit? They seem to perhaps up the difficulty so I'm thinking hold off for now.


Punched/plano'd AH, DH, and Lurker last night.

Holy shit, so much chit.

Anyone played with the Lurker gates? Should I jump right in with those or wait a bit? They seem to perhaps up the difficulty so I'm thinking hold off for now.

Wait a bit. They add an extra layer of checks'/annoyances, not necessary to begin with.


Wait a bit. They add an extra layer of checks'/annoyances, not necessary to begin with.


I assume I can also keep the Arkham Location cards from the expansions shuffled into their respective decks even if I want to play a game of AH with no Dunwich, right?


Hail to the KING baby

I assume I can also keep the Arkham Location cards from the expansions shuffled into their respective decks even if I want to play a game of AH with no Dunwich, right?

That's what I do -- adds more variety. There are a handful that refer to expansion locations and you can just discard those as they arise.


That's what I do -- adds more variety. There are a handful that refer to expansion locations and you can just discard those as they arise.

Exactly what I do too. My "base" game is the various item cards + location cards + relationships + injuries/madness + (optionally) missions etc. I keep the mythos/otherworlds cards separate per expansion, don't know if other people do that or if it's just me.
Spent a good portion of the weekend trying to beat Ghost Stories. What a son of a bitch game this is. Closest I ever got was summoning Wu Feng, but by then all my tokens were depleted and all my taoists were down to one Qi due to overusing the Witch tile.


Spent a good portion of the weekend trying to beat Ghost Stories. What a son of a bitch game this is. Closest I ever got was summoning Wu Feng, but by then all my tokens were depleted and all my taoists were down to one Qi due to overusing the Witch tile.

Ah Ghost Stories, the only game I own where Easy mode wasn't Easy enough so I house ruled some changes so I didn't scare away new players lol.


I'm slowly entering the world of board games I guess. A while back, years ago, I got Carcassonne on Xbox Live for free and loved it. I've played it a lot and always wanted to get the actual board game. Same thing happened with Ticket to Ride and TTR:Euroland on iOS. So I started to pay attention to the prices on Carc a couple months back and finally took the plunge. Got it in up here last month and really enjoyed the game I played of it (that's right, singular game. don't really have anyone to play with).
Pandemic was cheap recently (even was posted ITT I believe), so I read up on it on BBG and bought that too. It sounds really cool and the co-op should be fun. Someone that I can probably talk into playing some games of it is moving to night shift in a couple weeks and the person on-shift with me now who played the game of Carc will probably be down. So I might have two coworkers to play games with.

I was hoping that I could run through a bunch of games with my best friend when I get back to the US in a couple months; he just started getting an interest in 40k I guess, found out he used to play a long time ago. So I thought he would be in, but he has orders to Japan and is leaving pretty much around the time I get back.

Right now I've got these two games and I might have two people to play with up here. But after March I don't know what I am going to do, because I don't really have any friends outside of that one guy mentioned above. Depending on where I go for work though, I might be able to find a group wherever I move to. But I don't like socializing and meeting new people, so that more than likely won't happen. I feel dumb that I didn't buy a bunch of stuff at the beginning of the year; a coworker who has since left was super-into stuff like Axis and Allies and other old war games and I could have gotten him to throw down with me.

I've read back a ton of pages in here and have been reading BBG for months and have a pretty solid list of stuff I want though:
-Both main Ticket to Ride games plus expansions
-Pandemic On the Brink (if it drops in price, can't justify paying more for an expansion than the base game cost)
-Smash Up
-Small World
-Last Night on Earth
-Arkham Horror
-King of Tokyo
-Fortress America

I'm debating on buying some Carcassonne expansion too and have read what most people consider the essentials to get, but I have also read the instructions for all the expansions and don't know if I want to get into any of that. I like how basic the base game is.
Lot of stuff on that list though. Only problems are: I am really indecisive about spending money, no matter how much of it I have at a given time. And I also love getting a deal and feel like if I miss a deal, I have to wait until I can catch one again. So some of those games are pretty pricey and at the moment I feel like $30 or so is my max I want to spend. I just got into photography too, which is pretty expensive.

Anyway, look forward to reading the new OT.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
I'm slowly entering the world of board games I guess. A while back, years ago, I got Carcassonne on Xbox Live for free and loved it. I've played it a lot and always wanted to get the actual board game. Same thing happened with Ticket to Ride and TTR:Euroland on iOS. So I started to pay attention to the prices on Carc a couple months back and finally took the plunge. Got it in up here last month and really enjoyed the game I played of it (that's right, singular game. don't really have anyone to play with).
Pandemic was cheap recently (even was posted ITT I believe), so I read up on it on BBG and bought that too. It sounds really cool and the co-op should be fun. Someone that I can probably talk into playing some games of it is moving to night shift in a couple weeks and the person on-shift with me now who played the game of Carc will probably be down. So I might have two coworkers to play games with.

I was hoping that I could run through a bunch of games with my best friend when I get back to the US in a couple months; he just started getting an interest in 40k I guess, found out he used to play a long time ago. So I thought he would be in, but he has orders to Japan and is leaving pretty much around the time I get back.

Right now I've got these two games and I might have two people to play with up here. But after March I don't know what I am going to do, because I don't really have any friends outside of that one guy mentioned above. Depending on where I go for work though, I might be able to find a group wherever I move to. But I don't like socializing and meeting new people, so that more than likely won't happen. I feel dumb that I didn't buy a bunch of stuff at the beginning of the year; a coworker who has since left was super-into stuff like Axis and Allies and other old war games and I could have gotten him to throw down with me.

I've read back a ton of pages in here and have been reading BBG for months and have a pretty solid list of stuff I want though:
-Both main Ticket to Ride games plus expansions
-Pandemic On the Brink (if it drops in price, can't justify paying more for an expansion than the base game cost)
-Smash Up
-Small World
-Last Night on Earth
-Arkham Horror
-King of Tokyo
-Fortress America

I'm debating on buying some Carcassonne expansion too and have read what most people consider the essentials to get, but I have also read the instructions for all the expansions and don't know if I want to get into any of that. I like how basic the base game is.
Lot of stuff on that list though. Only problems are: I am really indecisive about spending money, no matter how much of it I have at a given time. And I also love getting a deal and feel like if I miss a deal, I have to wait until I can catch one again. So some of those games are pretty pricey and at the moment I feel like $30 or so is my max I want to spend. I just got into photography too, which is pretty expensive.

Anyway, look forward to reading the new OT.

If you have an iPad, you can get some of these for cheap on iOS to see if you like them enough to spend money on the full thing. E.g. Small World, Ticket to Ride and Eclipse have excellent iOS versions.


Took a drive out to the burbs to a Xmas gaming grabbag, first time at the gaming group for me. Absolutely blown away by the home owner's personal collection. Full basement of every game you can imagine.

1st Ed. Space Hulk
1st Ed. Blood Bowl
1st Ed. Robo Rally w/ Xpacs
1st Ed. Formula De w/ Xpacs


Literally everything.

Had a blast.

I personally played Red Dragon Inn and Storm the Castle.

In the White Elephant exhchange I was 6 out of 17. Stole Suburbia but had it stolen back. Ended up with P.I. by Martin Wallace. My buddy I went with had the last pick and got Rampage with sticker set. He is always that lucky.


If you have an iPad, you can get some of these for cheap on iOS to see if you like them enough to spend money on the full thing. E.g. Small World, Ticket to Ride and Eclipse have excellent iOS versions.
I play a couple rounds of Ticket To Ride Europe on my phone ever morning before I go to sleep. I don't have either expansion for the TTR games, since I can't access the app-store or anything (phone stays in airplane mode since there is zero reception for hundreds of miles and I never bought a wireless router to use with this garbage internet in my room). When I get back to the US in march I might try a couple iOS versions though. Especially Eclipse, since I have eyed the physical game for a while and was always put off by the price. Same thing with the price on some of those though; they may be cheaper than the physical products but my standards are different for iOS games. I remember people rolling their eyes in the iOS thread here and on CAG when I would bitch and moan over the price of Carcassonne. I don't feel like I am super-cheap or anything; I blow money on stupid shit all the time. But after getting Carcassonne and Pandemic for under $30, it will take me a while to adjust my expectations.

I get emails from some online toy shop, the name escapes me at the moment, but they have promos and deals all the time. And I signed up to get emails from them because last year they had the Carcassonne Big Box for like $50, before they shot up in price everywhere and Z-man released some. So maybe they have some good games on there, I don't know.

I am starting to pay attention to the postings on Slickdeals too. Every time Catan or Dominion or something very popular goes on sale somewhere, it gets posted. That is how I was alerted to Pandemic in fact. King of Tokyo gets posted when it is on cheap and I missed out on Tsuro for $16 a couple days ago.

So I'll keep my eyes out for some that find their way onto my radar and some others I will download in March and give a try.


Spent a good portion of the weekend trying to beat Ghost Stories. What a son of a bitch game this is. Closest I ever got was summoning Wu Feng, but by then all my tokens were depleted and all my taoists were down to one Qi due to overusing the Witch tile.

Took me around 20 tries before I beat Ghost Stories for the first time. >___< Brutal. I wouldn't dream of subjecting my gaming group to it.
Avalon was a big hit last night. It's hilarious when evil can sit back and watch two or three good players spend the entire game accusing one another.

Any tips for how to play Merlin? In the five games we played, the three folks who were tagged as him didn't really contribute much to the overall team. A quiet Merlin is a big boost for evil.
Avalon was a big hit last night. It's hilarious when evil can sit back and watch two or three good players spend the entire game accusing one another.

Any tips for how to play Merlin? In the five games we played, the three folks who were tagged as him didn't really contribute much to the overall team. A quiet Merlin is a big boost for evil.

Yeah it's been my experience in the 3 games I've played that the Merlin character has stayed fairly quiet. If they are fairly new to the game it's probably better they stay quiet rather than say something and give themselves away. Probably a skill that might come with more experience. I've only been a loyal servant and would like to get experience as Merlin and evil, as those roles are more difficult to play.


Played Rampage last night and it was pretty much exactly what you'd expect. If you like dexterity games you'll probably enjoy it. I personally do not, and it got old pretty fast. Amazingly, it didn't have any appeal to the kids wandering by either.

Also played Qwirkle for the first time (thanks Tabletop) and it was great. At the table we had two medium/heavy gamers, a non-gamer, and an 8 year old, and everyone enjoyed it. It's like Scrabble except you don't have to know any words. :)


Any tips for how to play Merlin? In the five games we played, the three folks who were tagged as him didn't really contribute much to the overall team. A quiet Merlin is a big boost for evil.
Act like you don't know anything. I've seen many games where Merlin is picked out because the non-Merlin characters were too obvious about not knowing anything.
Act like you don't know anything. I've seen many games where Merlin is picked out because the non-Merlin characters were too obvious about not knowing anything.

Also, if you participate in a argument instead of starting the argument, that helps too. Looking like you got the idea from another person, or are instead agreeing with someone else (who you know is right) can help keep it from being too obvious.


A mate and I went halves in the Star Wars X-Wing starter pack and a Firespray (Slave One). We love the mechanics so we think we're going to invest in it with some other friends. I think I'm going to hold onto the Firespray and assemble an Imperial force, but I'm not sure what I should do in terms of units.

I've seen people running dual Firesprays with an extra Tie but I'm unsure. Any tips on what a sturdy 100 (and even 50, for starters) point team should consist of?
A mate and I went halves in the Star Wars X-Wing starter pack and a Firespray (Slave One). We love the mechanics so we think we're going to invest in it with some other friends. I think I'm going to hold onto the Firespray and assemble an Imperial force, but I'm not sure what I should do in terms of units.

I've seen people running dual Firesprays with an extra Tie but I'm unsure. Any tips on what a sturdy 100 (and even 50, for starters) point team should consist of?

Bounty Hunter (33)
Heavy Laser Cannon (7)

Bounty Hunter (33)
Heavy Laser Cannon (7)

Howl Runner (18)

That's a pretty standard build that shouldn't be too hard to assemble.


I've played Dominion, King of Tokyo, Catan, Neuroshima Hex, Ticket to Ride, and Small World. I really liked King of Tokyo and Dominion, and very much hated Catan. The rest were okay, but I wouldn't play again if I had veto.

Catan. Ugh. Both it and Ticket to Ride were exercises in tedium. Building railroads, and farming? Boooring. I'll take fighting with giant monsters, thank you. (I don't even know what is it you do thematically in Dominion, but it was also fun.)

What to try next?


I've played Dominion, King of Tokyo, Catan, Neuroshima Hex, Ticket to Ride, and Small World. I really liked King of Tokyo and Dominion, and very much hated Catan. The rest were okay, but I wouldn't play again if I had veto.

Catan. Ugh. Both it and Ticket to Ride were exercises in tedium. Building railroads, and farming? Boooring. I'll take fighting with giant monsters, thank you. (I don't even know what is it you do in Dominion, but it was also fun.)

What to try next?

Play Catan and TTR again. Until you understand them.
But seriously... it's not about farming or building railroads as much as it is about building first before another player takes the route/resources you wanted. About expanding while blocking others.


Santa brought me Ticket to Ride, i can finally add it to the collection
Congrats, you'll have a lot of fun. Is it the US version? If so I'd recommend picking up the 1910 expansion for bigger cards and more scenarios. It's 12 bucks or so and makes a good game even better.


Play Catan and TTR again. Until you understand them.
But seriously... it's not about farming or building railroads as much as it is about building first before another player takes the route/resources you wanted. About expanding while blocking others.

Blocking doesn't seem that effective, atleast early game when the train pieces are plenty as tracks more often than not can be rerouted without a significant hassle. Then it's pressing your luck and drawing cards to end the tedium.

I think I liked the possibility of immediate conflict in the other games better than just the sloooow (and menial in the case of TTR) building up to victory in Catan and TTR.
My family has totally given in to my board game obsession! My Christmas haul :D



Hail to the KING baby
Blocking doesn't seem that effective, atleast early game when the train pieces are plenty as tracks more often than not can be rerouted without a significant hassle. Then it's pressing your luck and drawing cards to end the tedium.

I think I liked the possibility of immediate conflict in the other games better than just the sloooow (and menial in the case of TTR) building up to victory in Catan and TTR.

Catan sucks buuut TTR is one of my favorites. Map and player count will absolutely change the style of game entirely (which is quite fun in its own right), but Nordic Countries and the new Nederland map are absolutely some of the more brutal games you'll play.

If you want a Euro where you can just spend the entire game screwing people and have that be a valid strategy, try Carcassonne though.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Got my dad a copy of Dominion for Christmas, since he really enjoyed it when we played it at a friends house. The main reason I got it though is I think it will possibly replace the old Civilization game as our family's big go-to game since it's got similar dynamics of development and upgrading without taking eight fucking hours to play

Seriously, we all love that game but dedicating basically an entire weekend and the complete dining room table only to invariably get destroyed by my brothers "rush tanks" strat was starting to get exhausting.


Christmas haul just got better
Received Eldritch Horror, Sebring Track expansion for Formula D, and Shadows Over Camelot plus some money for more from my in-laws. was a great day.
On the Brink is an excellent expansion for Pandemic. The petri dishes may be the best addition.

No doubt.

I've only played the Virulent Strain mod; haven't touched the Mutation mod yet.

I might have to start buying dishes for my other board games, since OtB spoiled me.

On separate note, I purchase the Lord of the Rings Card Game. Love the art work and the quotes from the LotR books. Took me about 2 games solo to get the hang of it, definitely helped that I'm a former Magic: The Gathering player. Not so sure my girlfriend will particularly absorb it as easily as she did Pandemic, since she's completely unfamiliar with the mechanics and nuances of LCGs.

Yesterday, I introduced my brother to Ghost Stories. He's a fan of the theme, and it took some time for him to get a handle of the game. We played 2 games, and he was hooked once he started to put things together. Of course, we lost both games embarrasingly, but that didn't stop us from having fun.

Wishlist: Acquire (1999 version) and Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective. Can't find these games any where, at least not for a reasonable price. Consulting Detective is out of print, damnit. And Acquire (1999) is being sold for with an absurd mark-up.

Can someone recommend an educational game with a heavy and realistic finance and investment theme, specifically set in modern times? I was looking at Cashflow 101, but that game just reeks of a scam production. What others are there?
No doubt.

On separate note, I purchase the Lord of the Rings Card Game. Love the art work and the quotes from the LotR books. Took me about 2 games solo to get the hang of it, definitely helped that I'm a former Magic: The Gathering player. Not so sure my girlfriend will particularly absorb it as easily as she did Pandemic, since she's completely unfamiliar with the mechanics and nuances of LCGs.

Lord of the Rings LCG is completely fantastic. The way they executed co-op gameplay in a collectible card game is genius. You should definitely stick with it as the later quests have a tremendous variety to them, from trying to "guess" the password at the Gates of Durin while The Watcher is attacking you to being separated from your friends in Moria as the ceiling caves in to battling Smaug at Laketown. There is a large number of deck archetypes to, despite the rather small card pool. Hopefully your girlfriend gets into it, but if she doesn't the great thing about this game is that you can play it solo (it just isn't quite as fun imho).


I haven't played board games since I was a kid (standard fare stuff). I want to get something that plays relatively quickly due to not always having lots of time for my wife and I to play.

I was thinking Zombicide. Thoughts?


I haven't played board games since I was a kid (standard fare stuff). I want to get something that plays relatively quickly due to not always having lots of time for my wife and I to play.

I was thinking Zombicide. Thoughts?

No. I love Zombicide, but it's not a good "jumping in" point. What sort of experience are you looking for? Ticket To Ride is the gateway game I normally recommend.


Guys, what do you think about Formula D? Should I buy it?

Games my family loves: dungeon petz, nuns on the run, bang, forbidden island, pictionary man, apples to apples
Games they like: agricola, small world, the bean trading card game, the game where you find the culprit in a monastery, the arkham horror game with dice
Games that didn't click at all: puerto rico, ticket to ride, carcassonne, quarriors, 7 wonders


No. I love Zombicide, but it's not a good "jumping in" point. What sort of experience are you looking for? Ticket To Ride is the gateway game I normally recommend.

I like the idea of survival horror, and the fact I can play it solo if need be. It's also cool because games are pretty short.


My family has totally given in to my board game obsession! My Christmas haul :D


Terra Mystica is such a great game. Really deep gameplay, but it has some inbalance between the different race sadly :(

I got Ascension: Immortal Heroes (Extension for Ascension: Storm of Souls

And Myrmes

I played both. I really like deck building games like Ascension/Thunderstone, so Ascension: Immortal Heroes is right in my taste.

For Myrmes, I don't know how I feel about it yet. I played it once and it's a bit complicated. I think I'll like it better the more I play it. (Anyone played Myrmes here?)


Was hoping to play Smallworld for the first time tonight (my physical copy anyway) but turns out my friend bought me Settlers of Catan for Christmas so we played that. :) Game took forever but if we weren't watching sports at the same time it would have been much quicker.
I got Ascension: Immortal Heroes (Extension for Ascension: Storm of Souls
I'd like to hear some thoughts and what it adds.
Lord of the Rings LCG is completely fantastic. The way they executed co-op gameplay in a collectible card game is genius. You should definitely stick with it as the later quests have a tremendous variety to them, from trying to "guess" the password at the Gates of Durin while The Watcher is attacking you to being separated from your friends in Moria as the ceiling caves in to battling Smaug at Laketown. There is a large number of deck archetypes to, despite the rather small card pool. Hopefully your girlfriend gets into it, but if she doesn't the great thing about this game is that you can play it solo (it just isn't quite as fun imho).

Played a solo game last night.

This game is pretty tough. On my very first game, I played with all the Spheres, which, in hindsight, was stupid. Then on my game last night, I played with two. I did better but I'm still getting my ass handed to me. Are my chances better playing a single-sphere deck?
Played a solo game last night.

This game is pretty tough. On my very first game, I played with all the Spheres, which, in hindsight, was stupid. Then on my game last night, I played with two. I did better but I'm still getting my ass handed to me. Are my chances better playing a single-sphere deck?

play on easy mode at first if anything. Its not in the base game set as they added it to the game later, but on FFG's site there is a document which tells you how to play easy mode on the older products. They now with newer releases have 3 difficulty levels for each scenario and they are marked for such use to swap in and out cards, but older sets didn't have any markings so you got to download the guide online. To play nightmare modes of the older stuff also requires you to buy the upgrade packs for the old scenarios.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
In our third game of Dominion ever, while trying to teach it to our grandmother no less, my brother realized halfway into a huge combo involving Woodcutter, Throne Room, Village and Council Room that he could go infinite, cycling through his deck while building up surplus gold and buys and then blow out the game by purchasing all of the Victory cards.

So that was fun. Throne Room is kind of nuts.


In our third game of Dominion ever, while trying to teach it to our grandmother no less, my brother realized halfway into a huge combo involving Woodcutter, Throne Room, Village and Council Room that he could go infinite, cycling through his deck while building up surplus gold and buys and then blow out the game by purchasing all of the Victory cards.

So that was fun. Throne Room is kind of nuts.

I'm racking my brain.

What's the combo?

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I'm racking my brain.

What's the combo?

Basically he had bought a lot of Throne Rooms, Villages, and Council Rooms. He would Throne Room a Village to get four actions, then Throne Room a Council Room to draw eight cards and then he would have enough Council Rooms, Villages, and Throne Rooms to basically keep doing that , such that he could draw through his entire deck while building up surplus actions and crucially a surplus of buys by playing additional Villages and Council Rooms. Once he realized he could cycle infinitely he invested in some more Woodcutters, convinced us that he could add them to the cycle to build up infinite surplus gold and then end the game by buying all of the Victory Points at the end.

EDIT: Just looked up the rules. Apparently Action Cards don't go to discard until end of turn? We had that completely wrong. Whoops


How did he do it infinitely though? He doesn't have an infinite number of cards in his deck.

Edit: Just saw your edit. Yeah, he goofed. :p


Was hoping to play Smallworld for the first time tonight (my physical copy anyway) but turns out my friend bought me Settlers of Catan for Christmas so we played that. :) Game took forever but if we weren't watching sports at the same time it would have been much quicker.
I'd like to hear some thoughts and what it adds.

It is a nice extension. It adds a new type of card: "Soul gem". These gems change the dynamic of the game. They are basically OP cards and you can only pick one under certain condition (Some cards ask you to draw one, some monsters give you one when you beat them/use them as a trophy/...). They are one time use card, so once you draw them, you put it back in the discarding and can't use it anymore. It adds variety and a new type of strategy you can go with.

It's also a standalone game for 2P and let you play with 6 people with Storms of Soul. I only played it as a standalone with my bro. I need to try it with the base game to give you more impressions. (Sorry for my bad bad english)

I need to play more smallworld myself too. We have all the extensions and we never play it lol.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Also in Dominion what is the point of Feast? You can spend 4 so that later on when you re-draw it you can trash it and gain a card costing 5? And the gained card doesn't even go to your hand? That just seems awful
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