I haven't played it yet. A while back though a seller on eBay had a copy he was going to let go for a really good price and I started looking into the game. It looked pretty good; I definitely liked what I was seeing. That it plays in less time than Twilight Imperium is definitely a plus. The game and components look pretty; more than several reviews speak highly of the artwork and the attention to theme that the game displays. That it requires three people minimum, like Twilight, is about the only thing I see that takes it down a slight peg for me (but that is only because I really only have one dedicated person who will game with me, so I am all about games that play with two).Speaking of space games, have any of you played REX (the "Dune remake")? I was listening to them talk about it on the SUSD podcast, and it sounded pretty cool. I've never played Dune, nor will I probably ever get the chance to, but like TI3, it seems to be one of board gaming's featured games (though it could just be that it's because the game is rare)
I am kicking myself for not getting it when I had the chance. After I get my hands on a third edition Alien Frontiers (or possibly second, I need to go to Firefly Games in Columbo, SC and see which edition their copy is, because I don't want the fourth edition) and Eclipse, REX will be the next space-themed game I pick up.