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The NEW NeoGAF Tinychat: Mischief. Mayhem. Party Pig Dance Parties.




At what hour do you guys usually hang out on the chat?
I've tried visiting it few times and usually there were only one or two users and no talk at all :/
At what hour do you guys usually hang out on the chat?
I've tried visiting it few times and usually there were only one or two users and no talk at all :/

Generally there are people there starting from the evening (in America), and running throughout the night. So maybe 2AM-noon GMT is the most active, thought there are occasionally things going on during the day.


Once I get the PSeye driver working again, I plan on coming back full force.

I had a lot of fun last summer/spring, I just got really busy with a divorce and that sort of thing.


Sorry Mob. I would have continued ranting had tinychat not exploded. I'm going to bed.

drugs alcohol drugs alcohol drugs alcohol drugs alcohol drugs alcohol drugs alcohol etc.
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