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"The Next Action Star" Hype Thread

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OK on a forum like this I can't be the only one hyped for Joel Silver's reality TV brainchild. The venerable Austrian Oak can no longer be our action hero, The Rock isn't getting the right film roles and Vin Diesel just isn't gelling with audiences, the US of motherfucking A needs a new action star. The show premieres in less than 30 minutes; who's hyped with me?


I never even heard about this, but then I saw it about halfway through. Could be interesting, but then again, Joe Shmoe 2 is starting up...


lol the fuck who wins this isn't gonna be americans next action stars. American Idol's aint even Idols. They're circus attractions.
sp0rsk said:
every woman on this show cannot kick for shit.

That's because the women are being picked on how attractive they are, not whether or not they can actually fight. Watching some of the previews and a bit of the show it basically just sounds like they want your typical defenseless hot girl and not someone that can actually fight.
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