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The Night Of - new crime limited series - HBO Sundays - 90 on Metacritic

I liked the ending; there are no "happy endings" for this kind of thing. Life just moves on, for everyone involved (well, except for Andrea).

Oh, and Naz did it.
Well, I guess it's time for me to check out "Criminal Justice" by BBC that the credits say this show was adapted from. Hopefully it doesn't have such a disappointing last few episodes.


This show had the potential for greatness - shame about the horrible missteps it took along the way

Still enjoyed the finale


I feel like it was the most predictable ending imaginable to be honest.

1. The financial adviser did it.
2. Naz gets released, but is tormented and forever affected by his time in prison.
3. Cat ends up back with Stone.
4. Chandra continues to be a moron.

I could have told you all of this like three episodes ago.


I feel like it was the most predictable ending imaginable to be honest.

1. The financial adviser did it.
2. Naz gets released, but is tormented and forever affected by his time in prison.
3. Cat ends up back with Stone.
4. Chandra continues to be a moron.

I could have told you all of this like three episodes ago.

Its almost like that was a clear major theme of the show..
Wait, so the show hints that it was the financial advisor all along.

I guess the fact that he was overly helpful and trying to tie Andrea's father to the murder makes sense.

Still doesn't explain the savage brutality of it though.


Damn that was good, kept me on the edge of my seat expecting the worst. Very well acted and love how it all ended with the repercussions. Honestly didn't expect the guy who did it but my guess was pretty close. I expected the father paying someone like Duane or the Hearse guy.

Really powerful about what just throwing a college kid in Rikers even for a short time will make him a criminal for life.

Watching Chandra get absolutely crushed for putting Naz on the stand was fitting after all her other fuck ups. My attorney wife was cringing the entire time.


I think some are being a little harsh, to be honest this was one of the better episodes aside from Chandra's continuous dumb fuckery.

I just have a hard time reconciling how Naz and her could be so incredibly stupid.


Its almost like that was a clear major theme of the show..
I no right. I 100% expected an ending like this after they kept showing his transformation. The show was never gonna be about "who dun it". Which is why they just let you assume the financial advisor did it, because it doesn't matter.

I was expecting him to commit a crime and get thrown back in jail as the ending though.
Its almost like that was a clear major theme of the show..
Yep. The middle episodes were a bit of a drag, but I thought the show accomplished in what it set out to do:

1) Show the corruption of the judicial system.
2) Show how counter-productive the current prison system is (with Naz as the case study).


So long, Ben.


Forgot he is in this show.


I no right. I 100% expected an ending like this after they kept showing his transformation. The show was never gonna be about "who dun it". Which is why they just let you assume the financial advisor did it, because it doesn't matter.

I was expecting him to commit a crime and get thrown back in jail as the ending though.

We were legit afraid he was gonna get shanked or set up by Freddy or his goons on the way out due to how attached he became to Naz. An if I can't have him then nobody can type thing.



No one will remember this show in 6 months, not even the people who tried to make excuses for it the whole time.


One of the biggest faults of the show was its failure to show the passage of time properly.

Naz going from meek little shit to hard ass motherfucker who is an accomplice in prison murder, doing crack and getting tattoos in the span of less than five episodes was a hard pill to swallow.

If the show demonstrated in a more nuanced way that time had passed, I think the theme of the show would have resonated more and Naz's decisions would have made more sense.


But have you seen Carnivàl?

That's one of my top three HBO shows!

Only The Sopranos and Deadwood are above it.

On topic:

I liked the finale. As some others have said, the pilot was fantastic and had been worked over and worked over for a good, long time. It had gone through several versions when James Gandolfini was involved, even. So that had been polished into something special long back. The rest of the show couldn't quite hit that level, and that's not necessarily a bad thing. There were a few sloppy parts, sure, but I wouldn't say it was ever bad. It knew how to create tension on otherwise normal moments, it had great performances, and it did what it set out to do. But it did not hit its potential, per se. Still, I'd recommend it.


Meh. The show was alright. First episode was great and then it never got close to that quality again.

Also, the actress that played the DA (IMDB'd it; Jeannie Berlin) is terrible. She was distractingly bad in several important scenes and even seemed to bring down the performance of anyone acting opposite her. (only Bodie seemed resistant to it) It was like she had never read the script and was just one-taking everything from cue cards. The worst casting I've seen in a long time... like someone owed her a favor or something.


Just catching up on this thread. So people didn't like it because Naz and Chandra are a bunch of fuck ups? The judicial and prison systems were pretty well portrayed and sent a pretty strong message throughout about how flawed they are using both Naz and Chandra as case studies. Was a slow burn and fairly predictable but was still fantastic.


Really satisfied with how all of that ended. I was doubting the show a bit there but they tied it all up nicely. Mostly, I am just happy that Pakistani Americans got some representation in such a mainstream show.


I hope some journalist does a postmortem that tears this show the new asshole it deserves. I can't think of a show with more wasted potential than this one.
I know it's cool to hate on True Detective Season 2, but I really don't believe you think that it is the worst thing HBO has aired.

It's certainly the worst thing I've seen put out there by them. Man, maybe I'll feel differently looking back but this was such a disappointment compared to Show me a Hero last year.
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