God bless IMDB:
Dan: We'd like our money now. If that's like, you know, okay.
Ira Gaines: Well, just we're like, you know, clear, what happened to the other girl?
Dan: Janet? Like I told you, we had to kill her.
Ira Gaines: 'Cause my people tell me that a girl fitting her description was taken to a hospital near to where you were. How do you explain that?
Dan: Well, the thing is that
Dan: maybe she wasn't quite dead.
Ira Gaines: Well I tell ya, Dan. You're either dead or you're not dead. There's no such thing as "sorta dead". Here, let me show you.
[Pulls out gun and shoots Dan]
Ira Gaines: [to a very shocked Rick] You've just been promoted. Congratulations
George Mason: Have you noticed, wherever you go there's a body count?
Andre Drazen: When Plan A fails, you should have a Plan B, not Plan A recycled
Ira Gaines: Say something.
Jack Bauer: If you hurt my daughter I WILL kill you.
Ira Gaines: Good. That's a nice, clear signal.
Jack Bauer: You probably don't think that I can force this towel down your throat. But trust me, I can. All the way. Except I'd hold onto this one little bit at the end. When your stomach starts to digest it, I pull it out. Taking your stomach lining with it. For most people it would take about a week to die. It's very painful.
Tony Almeida: So, uh, what are we saying here? If we save LA from a nuclear bomb, then you and I can get together for dinner and a movie?
George Mason: Believe it or not, I used to want to be a teacher. A long time ago. You know why I didn't? DOD offered me more money. That's how I made my decision. So I made myself miserable. And I made everybody else around me miserable. For an extra five thousand dollars a year. That was my price.
Michelle Dessler: I'm sorry.
George Mason: You know, Michelle, I'm not a big advice giver, but under the circumstances... Don't wait around for your life to happen to you. Find something that makes you happy, and do it. Because everything else is all just background noise
George Mason: You still have a life, Jack. You wanna be a real hero, here's what you do. You get back down there and you put the pieces together. You find a way to forgive yourself for what happened to your wife. You make things right with your daughter, and you go on serving your country. That'd take some real guts
Nina Myers: He is gonna put a bullet in my head before I can say hello, and then he'll turn the gun on himself.
Jack Bauer: We'll make sure he doesn't turn the gun on himself
[Chloe has just broken the news to Kim that Chase has a baby]
Chase: How'd she take the news?
Chloe: Gosh, Chase, I think she was kind of pissed!