• Hey, guest user. Hope you're enjoying NeoGAF! Have you considered registering for an account? Come join us and add your take to the daily discourse.

The Official NeoGAF "Introduce Yourself" Thread

Hello! Just wondering when you can create your own threads? Do you have to be a member for several months or something else?
You need to get member status. I'm not sure if it happens after 1 month and +50 posts. Also, you need to have an avatar
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Neo Member
Hello everyone, happy to finally be here.
I'm an hardcore gamer since childhood.
The reason why I have a Doomguy as an Avatar is because I am a Doom fan.

My consoles so far consist of:
PS2 Slim
PS3 Slim
PS4 Slim
Original Xbox
Xbox 360 Fat
Xbox One S
Wii U

I'm also playing on a PC, but it's not really strong so it's mainly for older games and indie games.
But I plan to upgrade in the future.

Can't wait to have fun with you all!


Hi everyone, this is onlyoneno1

I have been a gamer since the NES days. I am not a console fan boy, but I do prefer playing on Xbox. My ideal situation would be to own all systems but that is not practical for me at the moment. Also, I love cats.


Hello GAF,
I am highly cynical. Apparently I think I am better than everyone else simply because I am. I love video games and have been a part of neogaf for like 9 years or something like that.

I don't create threads cause I know its a great way to get banned. Been fortunate enough to only get banned once.


Yo Yo Yo - I like Sony, Nintento and MS... all types of games. I don't care for console fanboy wars, rather that industry continues to be healthy and gives us consumers value.

I also like cars, being healthy, and a bit of a romantic.


Neo Member
Hey folks! I’m a tree stump ghost known as a Phantump! The afterlife is pretty cool aside from the fact my human body died. I hope to have fun with you all!


Neo Member
Hello there! I was a console gamer as a youngster (mostly Sega but I loved my NES and SNES), and now I’m trying to fit more gaming back into my busy life. I have a library of PC, DS, Wii, and PS4 games that I started but never continued. I can be a little nostalgic when it comes to console games, but I appreciate (and even adore) a few newer titles.

I also like YouTube, cats, and trying new projects and crafts. (Example: today I bought myself a beginner’s ukelele even though I’ve never played before; I just think it would be fun to learn how to play.)



Im Zay and im glad to be here, guys, i live in Asia and in Vietnam, i invite all of you to take a trip to my amazing country and enjoy the beauty of the land of the blue dragon. Here is a website i can recommend you if you're interested in to plan a trip to Asia: http://www.vietnameseprivatetours.com


Hello everyone, nice to meet you all.

Haven't been part of an active forum for quite some time, so hopefully I'll become part of the community soon enough.

See you around!


I've been here for a long, long time, like back in the gaming-age days with opa opa, futami, etc

disappeared when this turned into communist age and any non-hive mind opinion got banned. now the forum is much better after the split and varying opinions are allowed so I'll probably post more.


Neo Member
Hi, I'm Chris. I'm an old gamer (45), and I like fps, third person action/adventure and horror games. Also love retro stuff, especially shmups. Resident Evil 4 is my favorite game of all time. And I'm a self admitted PlayStation fanboy, though I do like and support Nintendo and Xbox. I own a PS4 Pro, Switch and Xbox One X, as well as as lot of old/retro consoles (too many to list). Glad to meet everyone and be a part of the best game forums around!


Neo Member
Hello, i´m Martin, i read for year´s GAF and now i register :)
I´m a "oldie" gamer (38 year old). My firts console has a atari 2600 and still work :p and my son use´s. I has too NES, Genesis, Ps1-Ps4 (all), xbox 360, game cube and PC.
Gretting for all!!!!


friends/family call me Ronnie. 29yrs old.
I currently live in Anchorage, AK. In the USAF.
Currently playing GOW.
Used to be an avid online gamer. But I'm mostly into the big single player games. Die hard MGS fan. Love Uncharted series, The Last of Us, Horizon Zero Dawn, currently playing God of War.
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Hey guys. Lurked for awhile, went over to resetera when all the shit happened, recently got a temporary ban for calling people out for overanalyzing, and just generally being offended at everything.

Life is SO awful, have you heard? People actually say offensive things in real life. How can they?

Anyway, I'm just gonna chill here now and contribute when I can.



Hey guys. Lurked for awhile, went over to resetera when all the shit happened, recently got a temporary ban for calling people out for overanalyzing, and just generally being offended at everything.

Life is SO awful, have you heard? People actually say offensive things in real life. How can they?

Anyway, I'm just gonna chill here now and contribute when I can.

Word for word same thing happened to me. I imagine there is a lot of us. Dude things got out of hand. I was unaware of anything happening or whatever I just came back and saw a thread talking about that sort of stuff happening to so many and the site looked different so I tried to make a new account and it's been pretty good so far. What exactly happened? Hope I'm not derailing the thread too much just curious.
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Word for word same thing happened to me. I imagine there is a lot of us. Dude things got out of hand. I was unaware of anything happening or whatever I just came back and saw a thread talking about that sort of stuff happening to so many and the site looked different so I tried to make a new account and it's been pretty good so far. What exactly happened? Hope I'm not derailing the thread too much just curious.

oh, it was something in the "Why is it OK for Hip-Hop artists to call women bitches?!!" thread. My ban is still in effect so I can't quote myself, but what started as a semi-reasonable discussion got derailed into a parsing of the word bitch, then to other insults, then to other words, it just got ridiculous. So I told everyone they were acting like a bunch of bitches and that I've never seen a community so determined to suck the joy out of every single aspect of life by parsing its meaning and by breaking down whether or not something was OK.

And it would be so bad over there if the mods weren't bending over backwards to make sure that no one, ever, EVER, is offended by anything. Sarcasm is dead over there.

I consider myself a pretty progressive dude, but I think it's pretty crazy over there. I actually have no idea what happened here before the site went dead and came back. I lurked in the VG threads but the folks who created resetera made it sound like the community was toxic at NeoGAF. If it was, I hope it's been given an enema.


My ban was lifted. Here's what I wrote that was so horrible:

Can't believe this thread is still going strong at 15 pages.

Bunch of whiny fuckin' bitches in these parts. Seriously. I've never seen a group of people over-analyze, dissect, and generally just beat a topic to death more than I have in this thread. Seriously, if you don't like the word 'bitch', then just don't freakin' use it. But in the real world, people DO use words that other people might find offensive and we all have to deal with that as grown adults. So an artist calls a woman a bitch in a song. Big deal. There are bigger things to worry about in the world than offensive words.

Deleted member 738645

Unconfirmed Member
My ban was lifted. Here's what I wrote that was so horrible:

Eh, I can see why you got banned. You could have worded you a lot better. I mean, you are calling other posters "whiny fucking bitches". I don't know any forum which calling other forum users "whiny fucking bitches" would be allowed.

Swearing is fine, sweating at other forum posters is not fine.
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Eh, I can see why you got banned. You could have worded you a lot better. I mean, you are calling other posters "whiny fucking bitches". I don't know any forum which calling other forum users "whiny fucking bitches" would be allowed.

Swearing is fine, sweating at other forum posters is not fine.

I guess I'm just used to the old school forums like Rotten Tomatoes where as long as you didn't post porn or spoil the ending to a movie, everything was fair game. Hell, some of the best threads over there were arguments over something or other where folks would rip into each other like there was no tomorrow. And then when it was all over, they'd bond over some other topic, then fight like cats and dogs the next week over something else. In its heyday, that place was a really tight-knit community and yet the insults and taunts flew. It was like a family.

I just have very little patience for the easily offended. Or, as I put it, "whiny fucking bitches". But I will be more mindful in the future of the delicate nature of today's generation of posters, and I will be respectful. I guess.


Hi everyone, I’m the Question, and have been around for a while. Love the gaf community.

Favourite games:

Zelda (most of them)
Metal gear solid 1,2,3
Mass effect trilogy
Quest for glory 1,2,4
Gabriel Knight trilogy
Dragon quest 4,5, 8

Fav Movies:

Appocolypse now
Wes Anderson films
Chris Nolan films

Cheers, everyone!


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Hey everyone. :D

I've been here for a long, long time, like back in the gaming-age days with opa opa, futami, etc

disappeared when this turned into communist age and any non-hive mind opinion got banned. now the forum is much better after the split and varying opinions are allowed so I'll probably post more.

kev, glad to see you pop by, OG GAF representing. Yeah, trying to ensure sanity prevails from here. Talked a bit more yesterday about the toxic hard-line authoritarian push we ended up on and how I'm totally conscious of keeping guard against for a healthy balance. Hope you stick around, we're settling into a chill and open atmosphere I think.


oh, it was something in the "Why is it OK for Hip-Hop artists to call women bitches?!!" thread. My ban is still in effect so I can't quote myself, but what started as a semi-reasonable discussion got derailed into a parsing of the word bitch, then to other insults, then to other words, it just got ridiculous. So I told everyone they were acting like a bunch of bitches and that I've never seen a community so determined to suck the joy out of every single aspect of life by parsing its meaning and by breaking down whether or not something was OK.

And it would be so bad over there if the mods weren't bending over backwards to make sure that no one, ever, EVER, is offended by anything. Sarcasm is dead over there.

I consider myself a pretty progressive dude, but I think it's pretty crazy over there. I actually have no idea what happened here before the site went dead and came back. I lurked in the VG threads but the folks who created resetera made it sound like the community was toxic at NeoGAF. If it was, I hope it's been given an enema.
Yep not surprised one bit. All I did was comment on a thread about a mass shootings saying I support the 2A and got called a pos, a fucking Moron, a monster you name it then I got banned 😂 Its disgustingly far far far left on ResetEra. Which I didn't even know existed till I read this thread. Everything on the offtopic is some extreme shit jumping to conclusions. They have a thread on there right now about anither waffle house incident that 100% mislead everyone and brought out all the insanity instantly. The people on the old forum were extremely prejeduce and cruel to anyone who disagreed with them.

So explain to me what happened? Unless this is documented someplace. How did it change, when did ResetEra come about?
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I'm McCheese, I'm Scottish, I'm ginger, I talk about games instead of actually playing them.

I tend to lurk a lot, but figured I'd make an account so I correct people who say a game which isn't PSOv2 is the greatest if all time.
I like cryptocurrencies and FTC is something I'm particularly interested in because of the tight knit community and it is something easily minable without ASICs.


Been here a long time, I can see that it's improved immensely, likely due to the exodus to the other place. Hopefully a more level handed set of moderation will be continued.. I really didn't like how before the purge any sort of discussion that didn't lean a certain way was dealt with by hive mind mentality or outright ban.
Feels good to be back


are in a big trouble
Hello I'm nani I'm from Ireland and I'm a big gamer. I own a gaming PC and multiple consoles including retro.

Glad to join the site
Hi guys, I love anime, manga, and retro games on PC98.

I think this is a good community for me to join, I'm noticing a fair number of members who like the same things I do.;)


Neo Member
My name is Zoe, I love fashion and games. Currently living in LA. Enjoy the sunshine and the beach! lol


Hi Im RyuCookingSomeRice! I love video games and crazy news articles.

I wanted to post this story/video about a French family who doesn't know what a Safaripark means and the rules about not exiting your car almost got them eaten by cheetahs :



Hello, I'm Tejas. I'm from India and I'm a big gamer. I own a gaming PC and multiple consoles including retro.

Glad to join the site :)


Neo Member
Good evening everyone,

My name is Daniel and I have 2-day jobs (one working in a logistic warehouse and the other one doing IT work). Also at night, I work on several projects based on PHP, HTML, some CSS and some JS.

I also listen to music, watch TV shows and watch movies as well :)


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Re-introducing myself since it's been years since I actively posted.


My name is RubxQub and I have a compulsion to be liked by all of you, while simultaneously loving to argue and defend my perspectives until proven wrong beyond a shadow of a doubt. I have a penchant for technology and am deeply invested in the Apple ecosystem so you'll likely see me having my strongest opinions there.

You may remember me from such hits as: the original avatar request thread, the Obama election, generally any Apple-related thread from 5-10 years ago, or that one time I spent like 4 hours writing up if I remembered anyone and if I did, how and what I thought about them on GAF.

Hey again folks!


Not much to say, since I enjoy what anoymity that I have. I am a gamer, mainly consoles since I can remember(picked up on Zelda on the NES when I was about 5-6 years old, the console belonged to my sister) and enjoy pretty much anything related to gaming.

I enjoy most genres, RPG’s, J’s and the W’s, FPS’ers, racing, fighting, third person games, and recently been hooked on the Telltale/Life is Strange genre of games. While currently I only own a Xbox 360 and a Xbox One X, I’m planning on getting a PS4 Pro later in the year.

I’ve lurked for a few years before even making a account, I saw what this site was and what it is now. This place seems incredibly more welcoming and open than it used to be(not saying it ever was not welcoming) compare to what Gaf used to be and what it is now, it’s a nice change.

So to draw this to a close, thank you for having me and I anticipate many exciting things to talk about now and the near future.
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Neo Member
Hey everyone, I'm a British AAA game developer, I enjoy gaming on consoles and PC mostly these days, loved my hobby so much I decided to turn it into my profession. Always been put off joining gaf because of the rather toxic atmosphere surrounding certain mods and their politics, but now this place seems to be in a much better state.

See you guys around!


Hi everyone. I'm new here. Heard about this place forever but never attempted to join until now. I love games of all types except for realistic sports games. Right Now My big kick is MMO's. Love meeting new people to play with.

Hope to see you guys around anhd have good conversations.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Hi everyone. I'm new here. Heard about this place forever but never attempted to join until now. I love games of all types except for realistic sports games. Right Now My big kick is MMO's. Love meeting new people to play with.

Hope to see you guys around anhd have good conversations.
What are you playing these days? I'm dabbling in FFXIV again but I can never full-on get into it like I'd want to.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Re-introducing myself since it's been years since I actively posted.


My name is RubxQub and I have a compulsion to be liked by all of you, while simultaneously loving to argue and defend my perspectives until proven wrong beyond a shadow of a doubt. I have a penchant for technology and am deeply invested in the Apple ecosystem so you'll likely see me having my strongest opinions there.

You may remember me from such hits as: the original avatar request thread, the Obama election, generally any Apple-related thread from 5-10 years ago, or that one time I spent like 4 hours writing up if I remembered anyone and if I did, how and what I thought about them on GAF.

Hey again folks!

Hey RubxQub! I remember all your hit tracks. We're trying to keep it fun and sharp-witted 24/7 without all the commercial interruptions that turned it into such a drag a while back. This is DJ EviLore and you're tuned to Classic GAF FM. Welcome back. :D


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Hey RubxQub! I remember all your hit tracks. We're trying to keep it fun and sharp-witted 24/7 without all the commercial interruptions that turned it into such a drag a while back. This is DJ EviLore and you're tuned to Classic GAF FM. Welcome back. :D
Looks like it's been a wild ride for the site, but I'm happy to be back to contribute. I have a ton of great memories here, and I'm kinda brand-loyal. :)


What are you playing these days? I'm dabbling in FFXIV again but I can never full-on get into it like I'd want to.

Actually just picked up Crowfall tonight to give it a try. Will Try Bless next week. Have been considering returning to ff14 because it's probably my favorite mmo but I don't believe my guild exists anymore. And for me MMO's are all about hte people you play with.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Actually just picked up Crowfall tonight to give it a try. Will Try Bless next week. Have been considering returning to ff14 because it's probably my favorite mmo but I don't believe my guild exists anymore. And for me MMO's are all about hte people you play with.
Amen to this bit.

My biggest frustration is that I don't quite have the time to invest in MMOs these days as I used to, but I loved nothing more than just messing around with guildmates.

Games like Destiny 2 or Rocket League have been dominating what little gaming time I have these days, but Destiny 2 has next to no obvious way to feel like a guild even when you're in one, and Rocket League is just gaming masturbation since none of my friends really play.

I'm always too scared to try obscure MMOs because I feel like they're going to be poorly made or not fun. I let the reviews scare me away. I suck, man. o_O


I'm always too scared to try obscure MMOs because I feel like they're going to be poorly made or not fun. I let the reviews scare me away. I suck, man. o_O

I wouldn't worry about that too much. I've bought into just about every MMO there is and for a lot of them I wish I could get my money back.
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