• Hey, guest user. Hope you're enjoying NeoGAF! Have you considered registering for an account? Come join us and add your take to the daily discourse.

The Official NeoGAF "Introduce Yourself" Thread

I used to use this board (and the other one) mostly as a sort of gaming news aggregator. General gaming-oriented discussion forums with any sort of quality discussion are such a rarity for some reason, and Reddit's structure makes it hard to follow (not that it has any quality discussion most of the time, either :p). I mostly follow news and developments out of sheer curiosity, as I own no consoles and my only PC is a midrange tablet hybrid circa 2015. But the occasional indie game, and the vast majority of the actually good games from 'ye olden times' still interest me.

I only recently discovered that apparently regular people can now also register here. So... well, I guess I'm here now. I'll try to stay out of everyone's way. :)

And good morning.

edit: Hmm. Anybody know how to disable the automatic conversion of emoticons to emoji?
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Neo Member
Hi there,
i am an enthusiastic gamer since the old days of Commodore VIC-20 and C=64. Later i went from AtariST to Amiga (500, then 1200) and then to PC gaming for quite a while. My move to console gaming came quite late with the Xbox360/PS3/Wii
Since then i owned pretty much every console and love all of them.
I was lucky enough to get preorders on PS5 and XSX, so i look forward to the next console generation even if it does somehow not seem as exciting as the last 2 and a half launches.


Hi there,
i am an enthusiastic gamer since the old days of Commodore VIC-20 and C=64. Later i went from AtariST to Amiga (500, then 1200) and then to PC gaming for quite a while. My move to console gaming came quite late with the Xbox360/PS3/Wii
Since then i owned pretty much every console and love all of them.
I was lucky enough to get preorders on PS5 and XSX, so i look forward to the next console generation even if it does somehow not seem as exciting as the last 2 and a half launches.

I too am a old school gamer brought up on Commodore 64 games like ultimate Wizard and Spy vs Spy, Beach Head 1 and 2. Ibe own every console since Atari and Colecovision. My top Genres are Strategy and Rpgs and quirky mixes of both loke Dragon Force and Soul Nomad om ps2.

Ive lurked for a good decade and decided to rejoin a group like this since most od the drama queens left a few years back. I look forward to talking about old and new games. Maybe even challenge a few of you.


Neo Member
Hi Everyone. I'm a 31 year old gamer. I'm married and have 2 cats. I try to play all sorts of games, but some of my favorites are the Resident Evil series, Silent Hill series, Half-Life series, Team Fortress, Uncharted, Deadly Premonition, and many others. I'm also a big soccer fan and enjoy the PES games. Also enjoy movies, TV shows, Books, and Music (mostly rock/alt rock/metal).

I'm mostly a lurker on message boards, but I'd like to try and engage more and be a part of an online community. I've always heard of NeoGAF but never really explored it much until now. Seems like a great site.


Hey lads, I'll play basically anything, though platformers and shooters are my main speciality. I've been looking for an alternative to /v/ because that things become unusable recently lol. Cya around.
Figured I'd make an account here after being permanently banned from resetera without a shred of an explanation or warning, or even a hint as to which was the offending post. I'm a leftist, did my best not to ever insult anyone or be confrontational, and always engaged in good faith. My account was nuked because of "account inconsistencies" whatever the fuck that means.

Anyway, they can go fuck themselves. I did my very best to abide by the "rules", which means going along with whatever the mods decided the responses should be, avoided threads where I knew I would have a slightly different opinion, but somehow still got permed without explanation. Fuck that place, it's filth and the mods are self-righteous lunatics on a power trip. Pretend they're virtuous but deep inside they're horrendous people.

Looking forward to being able to post reasonable takes here without the constant fear of an inexplicable ban and holding my tongue 98% of the time.
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Neo Member
Hey guys,

How's it going

Name's Haris and I run the site called As We Play, its a relatively new site, which has a lot of focus on indie and point and click adventure games, with their own category. I have been writing for over 7+ years now, for different websites for both games and their original music, so decided it was high time I looked into doing something of my own.

However, this doesn't mean we only cover those games, as we love to celebrate both big and small games! We also have both developers and writers behind the site, so we do some interesting opinion pieces here and there too, providing an interesting insight into things.

I am also a games designer at Dambuster studios, currently working on the next Dead Island game! :)
Great to finally register here


Neo Member
Hello all,

long time lurker 👀. My name is Albert. Have a family and we all play games. Own all 3 systems currently but prefer Xbox. Here for the gaming news/discussion and what ever else I can contribute to the community. Thanks for having me


Neo Member
Hi, this is SAAwei.

25 this year, and heading GM in NA Overwatch.

Also working on startup projects to build up a gaming industry gig platform.

Please dm me if anyone is interested to know more about me or my project.



Parody of actual AJUMP23
I like video games and wanted some where to talk about them. I like other things too, but I am mainly here for the video games.


Welcome to GAF, neo-nerds



Hello. I'm new to this site, but I was a member at the other site for around 2 years until I was perma-banned.

Even though it was a little toxic and hostile at times I enjoyed the gaming discussions there. So here I am at the next best closest thing.
Hello everyone.

I have visited so many times over years that NOT being a member was just silly, so here I am.

Choosing an avatar was strangely difficult, finding just the right pic and all that.

I know it doesn't really matter, except that it does really matter!

Happy to be here.


Neo Member
IT Pro by day, gamer, dad and streamer by night! Play a little bit of everything from GTA RP, FFXIV, R6, and a ton more. If I'm not at a console or PC I'm a HUGE fan of Dungeons and Dragons and board gaming in general!


Neo Member
Hey everyone, I'm CasasClay. I play all sorts of games old and new and often do playthroughs of entire series. Recently, I started getting into CRPGs with Divinity Original Sin 2 then Baldur's Gate 3 but now I'm playing L.A. Noire. I'll be checking in on the convos going on here every once in a while but I also stream majority of my games over on Twitch. Looking forward to chatting with you guys here!

Suicide King

Neo Member
Hi, everyone. I'm Suicide King. Scholar that researches language and literary through marxist lenses by night. Gamer who likes RPGs and indie stuff by day.


Hello. I'm new to this site, but I was a member at the other site for around 2 years until I was perma-banned.

Even though it was a little toxic and hostile at times I enjoyed the gaming discussions there. So here I am at the next best closest thing.



A fan of Nintendo games, especially 3D mario games. Something in between a casual and a hardcore gamer. Passionate about video games industry since forever. Heard and read through NeoGAF many, many times - decided to register eventually.
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