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The Official NeoGAF "Introduce Yourself" Thread


Gold Member
Been a lurker of Neogaf pre and post meltdown and now the REEEsetera meltdown. Never bothered to feel the need to comment until seeing how Black Chamber was treated over on that other site.

I’m as leftist and liberal as it gets but what they’re pushing right now on the other site is just straight up insanity

Maybe this would have been better left in the other thread than the new user one but ehhh either way, nice to finally talk to you all.


Neo Member
Hey everyone!

So glad to be here, after the lunacy of the other site. Back to the roots, and SO looking forward to some quality time with you folks 😉

Xposting from the other thread:
Hi everyone! 👋

Just got my account validated and I thought about poppin in to say hello to you folks.
I was a Gaf lurker in 2012~'17, before creating an account on RE after the big exodus. Era has then been my post-work chill place to discuss and get news about one of my favorite hobbies, like I'm sure most of us do.
Well, I haven't been very active for the past year - during multiple lockdowns, of all times - as the climate has become more and more.. bizarre. Never knowing what the boundaries are, one assumes "well, let's just be polite and respectful as usual" thinking that would suffice, but it's so hard to coexist in a place with such strong influences, clear biases and dogmatic rules - explicit or less so. This even without taking into account their extremely weird moderation trends, where one can get banned just for expressing concerns that go against the grain: doesn't matter how respectfully, logically or according to the TOS one acts, their logic bends with the hivemind. Neutral points of view get you banned, it's a mind bending proposition.

I'm an European leftist, always been, and I was incredibly happy to see the stance taken by the Trans community over there in front of dubious actions from CDPR over CP77's development but even that got sour.
As valid as their concerns are, a community should never be in a position to dictate what a neutral individual should think, or say. I voiced my support for their cause in their thread multiple times but their continuous lashes towards neutral posters in the hype thread kept coming across as extremely wrong, especially after they started considering everyone that was just there to merely talk about the game as transphobe.

Then fast forward today with the whole thing blowing up and honestly, enough of that.
"Freedom of thought" is just not there.

So yeah, I'm looking forward to get into this community with you dirty bunch without worrying about the Gestapo 😉
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Hi all, I like to talk about video games I'm excited about and that doesn’t seem to be allowed at that other site anymore. It is great to see people here seem so welcoming toward us returners.

PS. Would be really cool if someone could help me recover my old account since it was linked to a school email I longer have access to.
What is your old account. I’m sure EviLore EviLore will help you out for a small fee.


Neo Member
Hello, everyone. I've had this account for this two years, but never used it - always been a lurker. I was also a lurker on Resetera, but never bothered with registering because that forum always seemed to be a deeply unpleasant, unwelcoming place. The current meltdown they are having over CP2077 made me decide to start using this account, because I am now fully convinced supporting places with apparently pleasant, reasonable communities is a good thing to do.
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The New Guy

Unconfirmed Member
Warms my heart to see so many people joining. It really does.



Neo Member
I used to be a regular on GAF/NeoGAF but dropped off when life stuff happened around 2012 and I mostly stopped gaming. Eight years later, I picked up a PS5 and Astro's Playroom gave me the feels so I decided to see what the good people of NeoGAF were saying. Something about the forum felt different. I did a bit of digging and learned about all the drama (so much drama). I went to check out that other forum—right before things imploded in the Cyberpunk 2077 threads. Holy moly. No thanks. Anyway, it's good to be back.


Hello Gaf!

I'm pretty sure I registered an account here a decade ago but never got approved. I've finally made it!

Just a filthy Canuck who nerds out on good movies, TV, books, and games. I'm currently watching TENET and completely confused. Slowing working through Schitt's Creek. I'm reading Shogun which so far is pretty amazing. Annnnd I'm waiting for CP77 to drop so I can play at 30 fps on my 1060.
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Neo Member
Hello GAF.
Thought it would be neat having the option the interact, after years of lurcing.

I'm a guy from Germany, who's into consolegaming and many aspects of gaming culture in general.

I started out with the commodore 64 before getting a snes after finishing elementary school. Did quite a bit of pc gaming in the 90s, before shifting back to console. Today i mostly play ps4/5 and xbox.

Some modern favourites of mine are: RDR2, Insomniacs Spider-man IP and FF7re.
Some blasts from the past are: the Lucas Arts golden age of point and click, MGS 1-4 and Shenmue.

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