asl?Cunth is bored
4 days/Worm/Père Lachaise Cemeteryasl?
Hello! Just got approved a few days ago. I've been trying to find a new forum, as the one I've been visiting for almost 20 years has become a very toxic environment over the last 3-4 years. Not toxic like a global chat channel in a game, more like self-admitted full on white supremacists running around. Despite that, I've continued to read/post there because it's been my go to forum for so long, but it's really been wearing on me more and more.
As for me, while I'm definitely a fan of games, I haven't had a good gaming PC for awhile (just got one this week, though) so the main games I've played have been things like MTGA, Hearthstone, SC2, some League of Legends, etc.. and I live out in a rural area with really bad internet, so anything that requires low ping is generally out of the question. I tend to get about 80 in something like league, which is bad but playable, but also random disconnects that make it frustrating. Tend to prefer turn based stuff, or single player games, as a result.
Started playing Cities:Skylines and Path of Exile this week since getting my new PC.
where you can talk about gaming with thoughtful hardcore gamers interested in gaming first, not virtue signalling or activism.
I like the moderate centrist part. While I'm a registered democrat, and generally liberal, the extreme SJWs are getting out of hand. Unfortunately, the forum I was on has become radical the other direction, full of alt-right and actual, literal racists (not the kind of racism the hardcore SJWs espouse at every turn). One of them is even a mod, and tries to push the 'every race should have their own country' narrative that they use to justify it. i.e. send non-whites back 'home'.Welcome. Yeah, the internet is becoming radically polarized along left/right lines and suffers from insular thought bubbles. What we've been striving for with NeoGAF is a moderate, centrist, rational baseline that allows a wide range of viewpoints without extremism, and where you can talk about gaming with thoughtful hardcore gamers interested in gaming first, not virtue signalling or activism.
I don't think the 50 posts requisite is true anymore since I have yet to see a create thread button. It must be like they say in the thread you linked to where a staff member promotes you to the member status.Welcome to GAF, Kaedro! Once you reach 50 posts you can create your own threads; it's mainly just out of precaution. However, you can request someone to make a thread for you here! If you have anymore questions, don't hesitate to ask them. It's good to have you here.![]()
I don't think the 50 posts requisite is true anymore since I have yet to see a create thread button. It must be like they say in the thread you linked to where a staff member promotes you to the member status.
Oh, really? I wouldn't have minded waiting a little longer but thank you, EviLore.It's 50 posts and one month since registration. I've bumped you up manually to full member.
Welcome back lad. Thank you for joining us againHi all.
I am old lurker (10 year GAF veteran), coming back to talk about games and life.
Welcome aboard butt lad. Thank you for joining usHi, I'm new here and was adviced to post in here as a first post.
I made a huge mistake by posting in the "butt"-thread instead.
Hi, I'm new here and was adviced to post in here as a first post.
I made a huge mistake by posting in the "butt"-thread instead.
He's looking at the sky.EviLore, what is it you're looking at in your avatar?
EviLore, what is it you're looking at in your avatar?
If you squint hard enough, it could be a girl.
Would you rather sleep with Projared dressed as Sailor Mercury or would you rather go down on Hillary Clinton? And she hasn’t washed down there in a week. So, it’s nice and ripe.NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Would you go down on her?Fuck ooofffffff Matty![]()
Hello, long time lurker first time poster. I'm not the kind of person to post too much.
Oh I've seen worse.Welcome to NeoGAF, Gravon! Don't mind the depraved people above.![]()
You can fuck off tooWould you go down on her?
You can fuck off too![]()
Welcome aboard. Thank you for joining usHello, long time lurker first time poster. I'm not the kind of person to post too much.
hello, thank you)Hi members, both new and old.
We've set this imaginatively titled thread up as a friendly, welcoming space for people to just say "Hi" and maybe share a few words about themselves. This was my introduction from the thread we created for staff members, it doesn't need to be anything of that size though, anything would be great.
Maybe tell us what sort of games you like, what games your looking forward to, what non-gaming things you're interested in and maybe even a little bit about your choice of avatar.
We actually have several hundred brand new members that have just been joined up (Neophytes), I've added a few links below so that newer members can find their way to threads that may be of use to them.
------------------------------BASIC MEMBERSHIP TYPES
There are three main types of membership on NeoGAF which I'll give a brief overview on below. You may also see other types of members in the community but these are the "standard" membership types.
Neophytes - The absolute newest of members.
- Unable to create new threads. (Neophytes can now request to have a thread created on their behalf, follow this link for details.)
- Unable to send messages using the NeoGAF messaging service. Able to receive messages though.
- Unable to edit own posts after five minutes.
- All posts are unpublished until a member of staff validates and publishes the posts.
- Unable to enter NeoGAF Giveaways.
Neo Members - Have been seen to contribute positively to the forum.
- Unable to create new threads.
Members - Have demonstrated a sustained positive contribution to the forum.
- No member restrictions.
Although number of posts are also a factor in people moving from one type of membership to another, the reason we're not listing specifics is because it isn't solely based on that so somebody who has contributed positively could well be moved earlier than somebody with twice as many posts. Don't spam posts and expect to be moved earlier because it's very easy for the move to be delayed if we see that you're having a negative effect of the community.
Although being a full Member is permanent, in the general sense, it is possible for people to have rights removed if its deemed fit by the team. This would be unusual but it certainly isn't unheard of.
As some may already have noticed, we now have a Giveaways Tab at the top of the page, we're currently hosting our first giveaway and it's very much a work in progress but each individual giveaway can be set with a required minimum membership level rather than there being an overall requirement, so it's always worth checking there. Neophytes will not normally be able to enter though but as this one is a bit of test run for us, it is actually possible.
If you are a Neophyte and are wanting to contact staff for something and it isn't appropriate to use the Report Function (Reporting inappropriate posts) or the Error Reporting & Feedbackthread then you are able to do this using the Contact Us tab at the very bottom of the page or by using this email address -
Although you may find that you have more or less privileges than other members with different membership types, it doesn't mean that one type of member has authority over other members, it's not a rank and should never be treated as such.
Welcome to all members and thank you all for your contributions here, there's been a lot of support from the community here recently and we all hope that the you will lead by example for the new people rather than just relying on us to tell people what to do.
- New Thread Requests, Full Members Will Post on Your Behalf (If you are unable to create your own thread because of your membership type, you can request to have that thread created on your behalf here.)
- NeoGAF 2.0 Error Reporting & Feedback Thread (What do you think of the new style forum? Have some ideas for improvements? Want to report faults? This is the place to do that.)
- New NeoGAF Moderator Intro/Social (Meet the new moderation team.)
- 'Neo' & 'Neophyte' Members - New Thread Requests, Full Members Will Post on Your Behalf (Want to create a thread but can't, let us know here and somebody will do it on your behalf.)
- Official NeoGAF Avatar Request Thread - Get Your Custom Avatars Here (Need a custom avatar but don't know what you're doing? Let the community help you by requesting one.)
- NeoGAF FAQ - Read here before emailing the staff (There's a lot of information here but it's all accurately titled so it's always worth having a look here if you do have questions.)
Welcome aboard and thank you for joining us!hello everybody and thanks!
I love poker too! Welcome aboard and grazzi talli ssieħbu magħnaHi everyone guys, i'm a videogames and poker lover!
greetings from Malta!
I like you already. Mainly an Xbox player here too with PS4 just for the exclusives! I don’t like horror games or now after I’ve grown up so me and you both. Pussy! Please stick around and participate, you look like a top ladHi all,
Long time lurker, videogames is pretty much a main aspect of my life so figured why not join one of the most dedicated gaming forums there is. I play almost everything (except horror, hell no, call me a pansy if u must) and am mainly an xbox gamer but I play ps4 for exclusives, and will prolly get back into pc gaming at some point once I actually get a mediocre gaming computer. As for favorite games idk if I have one, Halo holds a dear place in my heart but from the Witcher 3, to multiplayer moments in COD zombies, to fortnite (I'm a grown ass man and I LOVED fortnite, and apex, hated PUBG tho) to weird moments in my current game of choice Nier Automata, as long as I'm entertained Ill play pretty much anything (cept horror shutup, I think I have ptsd from either the military or the clock tower games) . ive even vegged out for hours playing cities skyline, command and conquer, and the civilization series. glad to be here!
Welcome aboard dude and thank you for joining us!Hello everyone!
I'm just a dude who loves videogames, technology and guitars.
I wish a nice day to everyone!
Welcome aboard. Thank you or joining usHello from Mach.
Welcome aboard. Thank you or joining usHi everyone!
My name is Jaclyn DeRosa & I am happy to be here.![]()
Welcome aboard man and thank you for joining us! You sound interestingAll! Wanted to introduce myself. HuskerfanChuck, lifelong video game player, even starting out in junior high and high school, when video games were just starting out... I'm 50, have been through many modes of gaming in my life, including owning various consoles, and playing video games on the first computers I got ahold of (Apple 2e and a Timex Sinclair tape drive machine). Have lots of fun in many genres, love playing games with my 11 year old who wants to be a video game designer/developer, and my 14 year old who just likes to play at times. (Not that it matters, but the youngest is a boy, oldest is a girl.) Don't discuss politics too much in video game forums, but my views are very conservative and very Christian. Love to golf, disc golf, and do anything associated with video games. Here to have fun chatting with fellow video game enthusiasts!
Welcome aboard Nadir and thank you for joining us. Your name sounds Arabic to meHello, my name is Nadir, I'm new here!
I play mainly on PC and PS4, and a very big fan of car games. (Simulators, arcade, open world, circuit.. anything that has cars)
Very happy to be in this community!
Very happy to have you here. We have a similar gaming history. You are not uninteresting. Sounds like you know what you want and you achieve that. Good stuff.Hello Neogaf, long time lurker and first time poster. Happy to be accepted at a community I know a good deal about, one that I feel has been moving in a good direction for me recently, which is why I decided to sign up and hopefully be a part of.
I've been an addict to video gaming since I first got my hands on my dad's Atari some 30ish years ago. Nintendo sealed the deal when I opened my very own NES a year later at Christmas and completely wore out that Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt combo cartridge that came with it. The next two presents the following year being Final Fantasy and The Legend of Zelda making me the happiest 7 year old I knew at the time. There's not been a generation of gaming I've missed and only a handful of consoles I regrettably have skipped in my pre-job years. I reckon I'll be a gamer for as long as I'm able to escape away to it.
No family of my own as I'm not responsible enough for it but I do have a number of siblings, nieces, and nephews whom I enjoy spending time with. I work nights at a local printing company I've been with for nearly 15 years now to support myself, my gaming habits, and the two sweet ferocious cats I've adopted. An orange tabby named 2B and his umm sisterwife who is named Sasha, she's a calico. I enjoy grilling good food from time to time while having a drink or smoke every now an then.
I was born an raised in the heartland of the USA and have lived in the same area all my life. You'll find nothing particularly interesting about me unfortunately, though I do have a vacation planned to Hawaii next year that I'm excited about. I'm very keen on math and science as I have a methodological mind I think, or at the very least I like to think my gaming habits have attributed to that. Not so much in any arts or languages as they were my worst subjects in school. In any case before this stretches too long I look forward to crossing paths/discussions with you whomever I do in the present and future. Cheers!