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The Official SPIDERMAN 2 Love Thread


I had to click through advertisements not once, not twice, but THRICE before I was able to access the review. Shiiiiiit.


I didn't have to click through any, though I don't know why :p

A pretty good review, but geezus! They didn't mention the length, or anything about missions structure!

Are there actual missions in the game besides just taking out random thugs and delivering pizza? Do they take place in levels or buildings, or does the entire game take place outside??


mattx5 said:
I didn't have to click through any, though I don't know why :p

A pretty good review, but geezus! They didn't mention the length, or anything about missions structure!

You gave me your popups, you bastard!


"One of the most impressive aspects of the game is the fully rendered model of New York City that acts as your virtual playground."

Hmm... The producer told me it was a model half the length and half the width of Manhattan. One quarter of the actual size. I don't know. The game looked okey to me, but I found it repetitive very quickly. The swinging, however, is all good. I always enjoy swinging.


Great scores so far! I'm just going to wait for the IGN review to make extra sure, and then I'm going to pick this baby up.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Looks like we might have a new and unexpected trend on our hands, licensed games that are actually good. The Chronicles of Riddick surprised me, but for some reason I'm not shocked by this Spiderman game being as good as it seems to be. I guess because I knew the first game was on the right track, so I had a great feeling about this one.

evil ways

Buy it. The game is pretty damn fun, even though the combat is similar to the previous games, which is a bit clunky and repetitive, but there are now air combos and a shitload of combos, moves and abilities to purchase in the game.


Banstick Emeritus
Well, it'll have to be hot sex on a platter to dethrone Chronicles of Riddick as "Greatest Movie Game Ever Designed". I'm looking forward to playing it.


Maybe its just me, but I have a hard time remembering the words of someone with no name --- I mean, WTF is that? Are you a fan of old school rpgs or something !!! --- ???


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
That was a wierd review, the actual text of the review makes it sound much more negative then the score it received.


It's not so wierd when you think about it. IGN is the antithesis of Gamespot. Gamespot has glowing review text and a 8.0 review score


well not really...yet
Does anyone know how long the game is? Less than 10 hours? (btw im talking just the mian game, no side stuff or anything)


Sure, there is the dull repetition of the Hero missions, the missions drag down, and the boss fights range from stupid to incredibly annoying -- especially the Doctor Octopus...and well, even the Mysterio fights -- and the voice acting is downright shameful.

And it got a 9? Heh.


Mashing said:
Maybe its just me, but I have a hard time remembering the words of someone with no name --- I mean, WTF is that? Are you a fan of old school rpgs or something !!! --- ???

I believe his name is ----
I notice you didn't quote the rest...

"-- and the voice acting is downright shameful. But the game's integral factors ascend above the fray, giving players a huge, multifaceted game that's rich in skill-based gameplay and replay value. It's fat with a massive array of challenges, and it delivery a distinct Spider-Man style of fun previously unmatched in the action genre."

I swear, you're worse than Michael Moore.

I kid, I kid.:)


I swear, you're worse than Michael Moore.

Lol. Yeah, I suppose I should have quoted the rest of it. I just found it odd that someone would have some pretty big complaints and still award it a 9.

Oh well, it sounds fantastic aside from the production values. Gonna pick it up tomorrow for sure.


Gas Guzzler
So for people with all three consoles, which version is the version to get?

Which has the best controls? best graphics? Any console specific extras?


I've been playing it for a few days now, it's pretty much an 8-8.5 in my book, with the extra points coming from the scape/recreation of the city.

That said it has loads of problems so I wouldn't give it a 9. :/

Save for the swinging and fighting animations, the rest of the in game animation is pretty bad, as is the above mentioned VO work. Also, the non-spiderman models in the game are horrible... you can definitely tell what they spent the most time on.

The bad models aren't even confined to the npc's. A big "WTF?" to the hunchback Peter Parker model his asstacular running animation... and others as well.

But again, the city scape, swinging and fighting (once you unlock the better moves) and the vast amount of moves/stunts you can pull off more than make up for the negatives.


Nah, they automatically dodge you so you're limited to beating up on the bad guys. :p

Though you can grab a badguy swing up to the top of the tallest building you can find (ie Empire State Building) and pile drive him off. So that kinda makes up for it. ;)
raYne said:
Nah, they automatically dodge you so you're limited to beating up on the bad guys. :p


raYne said:
Though you can grab a badguy swing up to the top of the tallest building you can find (ie Empire State Building) and pile drive him off. So that kinda makes up for it. ;)



Yep exactly my thoughts... as a I said 8-8.5 (my score) only because the city was impressive enough to add another point to it.

The non story arc missions really make the game boring in a hurry, FAR too repetitive.
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