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The Official SPIDERMAN 2 Love Thread

I can see the repetition, and even mentioned it in my review. I was waffling back and forth between a B+ and A- too. Maybe I was too generous, but I really did enjoy doing stuff within the city.

Deku Tree

AniHawk said:
I'll wait for IGN PS2 and IGN Cube to comment. As well as Gamespot. Though the urge to buy is rising.

We'll the IGN cube review is total cut and paste of the xbox review...
They even forgot to put mention the GC version in this passage:

"The city details remain vivid for the most part and players can swing as fast as they can through it without a single hiccup in the technology -- i.e. no glitches, no stuttering, no massive pop-ups (there is a little here and there). The Xbox version fares better than the PS2 version here, but both deliver a seamless technical experience."

This is fromt the cube review, yet no mention of the cube version here at all!

Musashi Wins!

"This version of Spider-Man 2 is available for the Xbox, GameCube, and PlayStation 2. The game makes fairly intensive use of a lot of different buttons, which makes the PlayStation 2 version the best in terms of control, if only by a very slight margin. But, graphically, the Xbox version comes out on top with its cleaner look, though the GameCube version is a very close second. Regardless of these pretty standard differences, the game holds up pretty well on all three platforms, so you aren't really missing out on anything by getting one version over another."

from www.gamespot.com
Mashing said:
It's not so wierd when you think about it. IGN is the antithesis of Gamespot. Gamespot has glowing review text and a 8.0 review score

You can't look at Gamespot's scores. They use an average scoring system. The 6 they gave the game in sound is really pulling the overall score down. Their text is always more accurate than the actual score.


AniHawk said:
I'll wait for IGN PS2 and IGN Cube to comment. As well as Gamespot. Though the urge to buy is rising.

Guess you aren't the spontaneous gaming type hehe.

I don't know...there's something to be said about renting, or even buying the occasional game without reading 100 reviews/previews, watching preview videos etc.. Sure you buy a bomb every so often (Driv3r) but there's nothing like the surprise game out of no where that kicks your ass.

Sometimes I do miss being a casual gamer :(


It's not weird when you think about it because the Gamespot review was written by Jeff Gerstmann who is a complete dumbass. Let's face it folks, Spider-man 2 may be a good game, but it ain't no State of Emergency. :p


Picked up the game this afternoon and I like it alot so far. I was worried about the side missions being very repetitive, but they aren't so bad. It's actually kind of fun to do them due to all the cool moves you can pull off.

The textures are pretty awful. It looks like a PS2 game on Xbox. However, the animations are pretty fluid and it runs at a great framerate. Basically if you're a Spider-Man fan - it goes without saying that you need to pick this one up at some point. If not, the swinging mechanics alone are worth atleast giving it a rental.


Can someone explain what the missions are like?

Do they only take place in the streets?

Are there actual 'levels'?


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
"How fun is squaring off against Doc Ock?"

Dodge, Dodge, Dodge, Dodge, Dodge, some luck, Dodge, Dodge.

"Can someone explain what the missions are like?

Do they only take place in the streets?

Are there actual 'levels'?"

There are some "chase" levels (chasing certain characthers rooftop to rooftop) Various battles in the street, and occasional boss battles, usually in the confines of a warehouse/hideout. For the most part, all take place in the wide open "world" with no confined areas.

Don't think there are "levels" in the old sense, but more like "get a certain amount of points, a certain purchased skill, and visit "such and such", and that progresses the story along.



So does the mission concept work then? It seems odd to me that there aren't any missions like in the old games, that take place inside (ie, sneak inside a warehouse, kill off baddies, rescue hostages, etc)


There are missions that take place inside buildings, but they are incredibly short. Nothing like the first movie game.

For example, one of the first few missions has you follow some thugs into an art gallery and you take 'em all out. Then a certain character appears and you end up following them around the city.

There are the random missions such as rescue a window washer from falling, save people on a sinking boat, stop a hijacked armored car, etc. Then there are 'petty crime' missions where you get a stolen purse back from an old lady, get a kids ballon back that's flown away, and help cops out in shootouts.
There are boss fights/boss levels who are very cool, and the game overall feels very cool. There's always something to do, and there is always a new story mission happening.

Anyway, awesome game, 8/10 in my book.

Musashi Wins!

Littleberu said:
There are boss fights/boss levels who are very cool, and the game overall feels very cool. There's always something to do, and there is always a new story mission happening.

Anyway, awesome game, 8/10 in my book.

I'd agree with this so far. Really fun. Everyone's right to praise the swinging mechanic and city because tooling around and jumping off of skyscrapers is incredibly fun and addicting. I like the upgradeable moves and such as well. So far, soooo good. Except it's a little buggy. I got locked in a loading screen once and had to reboot.


well not really...yet
The game is okay so far...but

the graphics are atrocious, they make Enter the matrix looks like a nicely polished game...

ugly as hell, cars going into cars, half of peoples bodies being inside concrete.... its horrible


DeadStar said:
The game is okay so far...but

the graphics are atrocious, they make Enter the matrix looks like a nicely polished game...

ugly as hell, cars going into cars, half of peoples bodies being inside concrete.... its horrible

What version do you have? I've been playing the Xbox version, and I've only seen the 'cars into cars' thing during one of those chase events--sometimes the getaway car spawns partway inside another vehicle during that little cutscene where the criminals are getting away, if the street's crowded. I've never seen anything like that happen outside of those events, though, and I haven't seen any people embedded in the sidewalk or anything either. Unless the PS2 or GC versions are a lot worse than the Xbox version, comparing Spider-Man 2 to the bugtacular EtM really does the game a disservice. :p
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