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The Pinball Arcade |OT| play them all from Soho to Brighton

if the iPad ver is 99¢ and the Vita ver is $10, is there a difference between content on those versions?

Content is the same, see above post. Obviously the controls and game experience will be different between an ipad and a vita. I'm not a fan of the touchscreen controls on the ipad version myself, although it does look cool on a tablet screen.


There are two iOS versions. One's free with no tables unlocked and the 99¢ one has TotAN unlocked. If you buy all the tables in-game regardless of what iOS version you have, it adds up to $9.99.

Oh ok. And so those tables are included with the Playstation version, making it $10? Or do I have to buy those in game.
Give me a few days and I'll set a monster score on Arabian Nights. On PHOF I used to be able to get about 1 wizard mode per ball.

Oh ok. And so those tables are included with the Playstation version, making it $10? Or do I have to buy those in game.

Don't take my word for it, but I'm pretty sure $10 gets you all four tables on whatever platform you buy Pinball Arcade on.


Give me a few days and I'll set a monster score on Arabian Nights. On PHOF I used to be able to get about 1 wizard mode per ball.

Don't take my word for it, but I'm pretty sure $10 gets you all four tables on whatever platform you buy Pinball Arcade on.

Well thank you both very much, that sounds fantastic. I am interested in buying this when it releases on Vita then.


Yeah it's confirmed in the blog post that you get those four tables when you pick up the Vita version. You also get the PS3 version thrown in.


so far Arabian Nights is my favorite table. ive played it a good bunch of times on a real table and i find it to be a lot of fun.

ToM is also really cool. Ripley's i dont have a handle on yet at all. Black Hole is cool, but the reverse field is hard to get the hang of. still getting used to it.

I seem to be able to get the left ramp pretty consistently by freezing the ball on the right flipper after it comes out of the bazaar then letting it roll down until almost the end of the flipper before shooting. I just got the Harem multiball by spelling Harem from the left lane, I was never able to do that on the pinball classics version, instead i had to resort to getting lucky with harem sneak-ins.


Only go for the ramps when the ball is rolling down the surface of the flipper - so either when the ball has come down the inlane, or after trapping the ball. If you look at the flipper while the ball is rolling down, there's a certain sweet spot the ball will be at where you need to flip it. Once you figure out where this sweet spot is, you're set.

great, thanks for the tips.

one more question. when getting good scores, how much do players rely on bumping the table with the stick? just wondering if its a skill that's used regularly at a higher level than im at now.

im still getting used to which way i need to be pressing the stick to get the ball to do what i want. i figure its just one other skill to develop along with flipper control. if anyone wants to speak about that id appreciate it.


one more question. when getting good scores, how much do players rely on bumping the table with the stick? just wondering if its a skill that's used regularly at a higher level than im at now.

im still getting used to which way i need to be pressing the stick to get the ball to do what i want. i figure its just one other skill to develop along with flipper control. if anyone wants to speak about that id appreciate it.

I'm not the best player here, but I use nudging pretty often. 90% of the time, it's used when the ball is close to draining down the center. You nudge the stick in the direction opposite of the flipper you want the ball to hit. (So if you want it to hit the right flipper, nudge left.) Nudge when the ball is approx 6 inches above the flipper and then hit the flipper so that the flipper will hit the ball at the center of its arc. If it's an especially close call, and you're afraid you're only going to graze the ball, hit the flipper and then the opposite flipper a split second later.

You can also nudge to avoid losing a ball down the outlanes. This is trickier due to the way the outlanes work. You really just have to get a feel for them. You want to nudge in a direction that causes either the outside wall of the table or the outlane separator to strike the ball. (so if the ball is going to drain clean out by the wall in the left outlane, nudge the table to the right to cause the wall to hit the ball and make it pop out. If it's going to graze the separator on the way in, nudge up or left to get the separator to strike the ball. Don't nudge more than twice in a short timeframe or you're likely to tilt.

Sometimes after an outlane drain (or a re-entry drain on Black Hole) you can nudge up while raising a flipper on the side it's draining. This will cause the ball to pop up a little bit and you can then hit the opposite side flipper to occasionally save a ball. This only works rarely, but I've had some pretty miraculous last-ball saves this way.

Finally, when there are rollover lanes on a table, and you're trying to light (or un-light) all of them. Most modern tables allow you to use the flippers to adjust which lanes are lit, but some older tables (such as Black Hole) did not. You can nudge the table to help coax the ball down the lane you want. A lot of times in Black Hole, the ball will pop repeatedly on the bumper and up through the center rollover lane. Nudging left or right at the right moment can cause the lane separators to strike the ball into an outside lane.
What about your Arabian Nights strategy? ;)

10: shoot the lamp
20: goto 10

one more question. when getting good scores, how much do players rely on bumping the table with the stick? just wondering if its a skill that's used regularly at a higher level than im at now.
For me, almost constantly. There are very few actions that do not involve table nudges. The trick is to learn how to do it without setting off the tilt sensor.


great thanks for the input on nudging.

so those letter banks on Black Hole. can any of you guys actually take them down in order with any regularity? that seems like it would be incredibly difficult to do.
great thanks for the input on nudging.

so those letter banks on Black Hole. can any of you guys actually take them down in order with any regularity? that seems like it would be incredibly difficult to do.

Hell yeah.

After a few games on Black Hole, I got to the point where I never shoot for the lower playfield until both banks are completed.


fuck me. im out!

i cant even imagine doing it once at this point.

just keep shooting for them and practice at keeping balls alive. One thing that's nice about aiming for them is that since they're so far up the table, you tend to have plenty of reaction time to the ball coming back down. It's a great way to practice saving center drains.


Are you trapping the ball before you shoot it?

yep. but like i say, im having problem just hitting the more difficult ramps. the precision needed to hit the letter in order seems crazy to me at this point.

just keep shooting for them and practice at keeping balls alive. One thing that's nice about aiming for them is that since they're so far up the table, you tend to have plenty of reaction time to the ball coming back down. It's a great way to practice saving center drains.

thanks. im actually pretty decent at stopping the center drain thing unless it comes back super fast.

im going to try out some Black Hole now and try to ignore the sub level for the moment. im playing for survival here!


interesting didnt think about that. thanks.

i just used nudge to save a ball that was about to slip off the flipper while i was trying to trap it. that was a revelation to me. i feel like im learning something.
interesting didnt think about that. thanks.

i just used nudge to save a ball that was about to slip off the flipper while i was trying to trap it. that was a revelation to me. i feel like im learning something.

On Black Hole, I use a light nudge almost every time I trap. If you do it at the right time and angle you can really kill the ball's momentum.
With no context that's a pretty funny quote :)

Any tips on the lower playfield? I'm having troubles controlling the ball and keeping it in play there.

Well you've got the big flashing arrows pointing right and left. Right advances the bonus multiplier and left locks a ball for multiball. Multiball's kind of useless so you can ignore the left arrows, but you'll want to shoot in the direction of the right arrows 5 times to max the multiplier. Those shots are super easy from the tip of the left flipper if you can either trap the ball or at least bring it under reasonable control.

There are two sets of drop targets, the 3 on the right, and the 4 (?) on the left that I can't fucking see. Completing either set of drop targets sets the gate to "open," but hitting anything else sets the gate to "closed." If you need to go back to the upper playfield, either lock the ball over by the left arrows, or let the ball drain while the gate is open.

Besides that, just stay calm and trap trap trap. Proper nudging will help you trap the ball on either flipper so you can set up your next shot. If the ball is moving too fast for you to trap, just fire it at the drop targets and try to trap it the next time it comes back to the flippers.


Hail to the KING baby
Sorry Parallax jumping in late here. Thinking about getting this on iPad or Vita. Worth it? Is the iPad experience jank at all?
Sorry Parallax jumping in late here. Thinking about getting this on iPad or Vita. Worth it? Is the iPad experience jank at all?

Sup bro! I am heavily biased but I think the ipad version is mega ass. Of course it looks cool having it on a big tablet screen, but touchscreen flipper controls suck, and touscreen/shake nudging is much worse. If you were good at nudging with the xbox analog stick you will seriously miss it.

I don't know what the vita version is like, but I'm guessing it's kinda like the xbox version. Which is awesome.


Gold Member
Yeah, I'd pick Vita too if I could only have it on one, as it will have the best of everything (touch + buttons + portrait mode + share purchases with PS3), but I'm not restricting myself to one platform.

I don't find the lag bad at all on my iPhone personally though, and I do expect the ease of iOS updates to help a little vs MS/PS3/Vita, as iOS will have 6 tables before any one else, and that's probably going to be true of future releases too. If you have a iPad 3, it should also support the crazy 1500p resolution soon too, so you could expect it to look really good there, especially if they work in the additional lighting effects down the road.
Yeah, I'd pick Vita too if I could only have it on one, as it will have the best of everything (touch + buttons + portrait mode + share purchases with PS3), but I'm not restricting myself to one platform.

I don't find the lag bad at all on my iPhone personally though, and I do expect the ease of iOS updates to help a little vs MS/PS3/Vita, as iOS will have 6 tables before any one else, and that's probably going to be true of future releases too. If you have a iPad 3, it should also support the crazy 1500p resolution soon too, so you could expect it to look really good there, especially if they work in the additional lighting effects down the road.

Well for me, playing PHOF Williams Collection for xbox I got to the point where I was pretty much like Neo, controlling the ball's movement with my mind. I'd be crazy not to continue playing on xbox for the new game.


Well you've got the big flashing arrows pointing right and left. Right advances the bonus multiplier and left locks a ball for multiball. Multiball's kind of useless so you can ignore the left arrows, but you'll want to shoot in the direction of the right arrows 5 times to max the multiplier. Those shots are super easy from the tip of the left flipper if you can either trap the ball or at least bring it under reasonable control.

There are two sets of drop targets, the 3 on the right, and the 4 (?) on the left that I can't fucking see. Completing either set of drop targets sets the gate to "open," but hitting anything else sets the gate to "closed." If you need to go back to the upper playfield, either lock the ball over by the left arrows, or let the ball drain while the gate is open.

Besides that, just stay calm and trap trap trap. Proper nudging will help you trap the ball on either flipper so you can set up your next shot. If the ball is moving too fast for you to trap, just fire it at the drop targets and try to trap it the next time it comes back to the flippers.

Thanks, just tried it and was able to do much better with the trapping, I found if I left both flippers up, it was pretty easy to deflect with the right and trap on the left fairly often, then as you said it's an easy shot from the left flipper.

As for nudging, that doesn't feel very natural to me with only using the left analog stick, nuding up and to the right feels ok but not nudging left. I don't recall ever being able to pull a pinball machine to the left with my left hand in real life. It would probably work better for me if I could nudge with either analog so I could nudge left with my right hand.


Hail to the KING baby
Cool tough decision then. PS3/Vita is cross-compatible? Or at least purchases work across both? That's pretty cool and makes it a no-brainer for me though I did get used to the 360 controls.
Thanks, just tried it and was able to do much better with the trapping, I found if I left both flippers up, it was pretty easy to deflect with the right and trap on the left fairly often, then as you said it's an easy shot from the left flipper.

As for nudging, that doesn't feel very natural to me with only using the left analog stick, nuding up and to the right feels ok but not nudging left. I don't recall ever being able to pull a pinball machine to the left with my left hand in real life. It would probably work better for me if I could nudge with either analog so I could nudge left with my right hand.

I'll be honest, I only nudge left or right 99% of the time. I'm not sure if up or down even does anything, but that was good enough to get me a PHOF score that has stood at XBL #1 for nearly 2 years. The best advice I can give is to only push the thumbstick part way. Don't push the stick all the way to the edge. Most of the time, you'll be safe from tilt penalties that way.
Duh, i was checking some things in my "old" tegra tablet, and looks like the new tables are already up in the Play Store, Medieval Madness (Table of the Month, free with ads, 2.99$ without) and Bride of Pinbot (2.99$), there´s a pack option too, both for 4.99$


Just beat the Wizard goals for TotAN, I scored a bit over 100mil which put me in the top 100 xbl. Not fantastic but so far I've been playing for the goals more so than a top score. With the goals out of the way I can change focus.


still no word on when we'll get that update for the new ipad? and a new table.......please.

Farsight submitted the update to Apple last week so we should get it any day now. I have been dying for the new tables since this is pretty much the only game I play nowadays. They can't get here quick enough.


DLC update is out for Android. That Facebook comment thread on Farsight's page is mostly full of angry iOS dudes at the moment, but supposedly Farsight is hoping the iOS update drops today too.


Can't wait for the PS3 version. This upcoming Tuesday is like the most stressful day of this entire year for me, so far, and I hope it goes well and I can come home to try out the PS3 version of Pinball Arcade...

What happened to Parallax? :( Such a good resource to have around, now silent.


Fuck. There are new tables out? And I can't get to them? Argh.

Is there a release schedule for when things come out on XBLA... or is it just the nearest Wed. when all new XBL content comes out?

Oh, FWIW, even though the Vita version will be playable in portrait, I actually prefer playing in landscape mode. Find it's more true to how I play IRL, with being less "bird's eye" and closer to the lower cam perspective (unless it's a multi-flipper/playfield table). Helps with the angles :) But the Vita and PS3 content sharing, along with Lumines and Wipeout... damn, it's tempting :(
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