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The Random Image Thread


Hold onto your panties

Read 3 & 4 in the last advert


Gold Member
One of the oldest preserved human body is that of Otzi, a 5300-year-old "wet mummy" that was found still partially encased in glacial ice in northernmost Italy in 1991. Otzi is far older than the Egyptian and Incan mummies, or the peat bog bodies in Northern Europe, and he holds several other records as well:

- it has the oldest intact preserved human organs and red blood cells
- oldest known tattoos (> 60 of them).

And probably - the oldest known murder cover up.

Here's how it likely went down:
It was late spring and Otzi was feeling his age of 45 years. He'd recently had acupuncture treatments to relieve pain at the tattooed sites on his lower back, knees and ankles. He had eaten birch polypore mushroom to ease his ulcers. Otzi's rotten teeth hurt, and this morning, he'd swallowed poisonous fern bracken to try to get rid of his whipworms. He'd had a fight in the village in which his hand was injured, and he was fleeing to higher ground. At 10,500' elevation, Otzi's pursuers caught up with him and shot him from behind. The arrow to the shoulder was a mortal wound, but his enemies still finished him off with a blow to the head. To remove evidence, they extracted their arrow, losing the point in the process. Dragging his body to a gully, they threw him in along with his valuable possessions. After covering him with snow and ice, they left.

Image: the first photo taken of Otzi on September, 19th, 1991.


For some odd reason was thinking about this the other day. Remember when some DVD's would come with both the Widescreen version and Full Screen version of a film on separate sides of the disc?


Hold onto your panties
For some odd reason was thinking about this the other day. Remember when some DVD's would come with both the Widescreen version and Full Screen version of a film on separate sides of the disc?
The whole point of the DVD-era was to accommodate the transition of 4:3 framing to widescreen 16:9. Even the double-sided would sometimes lie about this and crop 4:3 to widescreen. You'll have an instance where the back said: 1.85:1 but it's clearly cropped 4:3. Aspect ratios were the flub of the DVD era in many cases.






Gouache renderings of the San Angeles /Los Angeles cityscape for Blade Runner (1981), by Syd Mead​

Syd Mead: "In my mind, all the tall buildings have a sky lobby, and nobody goes below the 30th floor, and that's the way life would be organized."
"Architects love Blade Runner, they just go bonkers. When I was working on the film, it was all about, let's jam together Byzantine and Mayan and Post-Modern and even a little bit of Memphis, just mash it all together. We called it retro deco, or trash chic."
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