You're picking two data points out of ten.
And you're picking random end points that fit your preconceptions. It's an old statistics game used to fool people who want to be fooled.
You said it hasn't warmed in the last 10 years. The warmest years on record being 2005 and 2010 proves that statement incorrect. Full stop. What you wanted to say was the average global temperature now and 10 years ago was similar. I don't even know if that's true taking all data sets into consideration, but it's a rather irrelevant piece of trivia. That you think it means something bad for global warming says a whole lot about your level of understanding.
So, in the period in which CO2 emissions have had the greatest increase in human history (due to the rise of the developing world) and temperature sensors on land and especially in satellites have been more accurate than any period, the relative constant "global average temperature" of the last decade is inconsequential?
I don't see how anyone, who isn't making money off of AGW, "green" technologies, or is just a die-hard enviro-lefty, can not be skeptical of the laughably wrong predictions many climatologists have made over the decades and continue to make.
In regards to Kosmo's point, I'm consistently confused by these
sorts of arguments.
Before even confronting the evidence he proposes on its own merits, I have to question the logic. The evidence he's providing (that is, that temperature hasn't increased for 10 years on average) is extremely straightforward even to climatological laymen like Kosmo and I.
While it's perfectly possible that the majority of climatologists are wrong, I think the likelihood that their error is something obvious and simple like this are almost absurdly small. There are hundreds if not thousands of independent climatologists in the IAC (InterAcademy Council), EASA (European Academy of Science and Arts), ICAETS (International Council of Academies of Engineering and Technology Sciences), etc.
What are the odds that these thousands of people who have dedicated their lives to the study of climate have overlooked something so obvious and simple, and that a few casual observers on an internet forum have identified their critical error? On the contrary, if Climatologists have made an error, it is likely obscure and opaque to virtually anyone but the most well versed, or else it would have already been found.
Climatology is inherently flawed. It's similar to how physicists used to teach their students and write papers on light following Newtonian physics. Climatology inherently follows global temperature having a 1:1 ratio with CO2 concentration in the atmosphere, which is simply wrong. It's obscenely basic, anti-intellectual assumption. Over the recent years, more and more non-climatologists have been reviewing the work of their "peers" and many have become alarmed at just how poorly climatologists overall understand basic scientific principles, hence the rapidly growing AGW skepticism within the scientific community.
The overall consensus of a branch of science can be wrong and be wrong for decades. It's happened before many times and it's occurring today (and not just in climatology either).
Except religion tells people that they will only go to heaven if they follow that religion's rules, like not being gay, or not using birth control, or killing their religion's enemies etc. All this does much more harm than good. And besides, science has proven that consciousness is the result of the physical operations of the brain, and that if someone dies, their brain will cease to function and their consciousness will disappear. If religion contradicts this, then religion is stepping on science's toes.
One can consider themselves a Christian or Muslim and not follow every little item in either the Bible or Koran. Religious views can differ significantly between different people, whom consider themselves in the same religion.
Which brings us back to my earlier post, which the non-scientist atheists have so desperately ignored.
Christian fundamentalist refusal to believe in evolution is stupid, yes, but ultimately harmless.
The Science that Democrats choose to deny, vaccines, adult stem cell research, cancer discoveries including the ABC link, lead to thousands of avoidable deaths every year.
Exactly, despite people of the left wanting to harp on those who don't believe in evolution or perhaps evolution has some supernatural component to it, those beliefs are mostly harmless and do not significantly impact technological progress.
Calling for massive new taxes on the most used and efficient energy sources, a whole new unnecessary commodities' market that would be ripe for mass speculation, and capping the quick progress of the developing world are extremely detrimental to economic prosperity and technological advancement. If you do not think there are extremely negative consequences to the proposed solutions to combating propagandized AGW (which even those solutions would do jack shit), then you're not educated enough on the subject.
I would say you're wrong but maybe it's just the scientist in me that likes data (which I will repost again for you to ignore) over bad analogies:
Figure 1: Global temperature (red, NASA GISS) and Total solar irradiance (blue, 1880 to 1978 from Solanki, 1979 to 2009 from PMOD).
While solar activity does correlate well with historical temps it is NOT driving current warming trends. Continual regurgitation of false statements doesn't incrementally make them more of a reality.
Forgive me question the very accurate solar irradiance values of the 1880s...
Christ, this is almost as bad as people believing the Adam and Eve story actually occurred (which even the Bible's writers intended it to be metaphorical).