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The sports car is a lemon.


Jeez, are you some nintendo PR guy or something? That article you just posted is 10 months old and the battery issue has been beaten to death already on this forum. Why don't you wait until solid details are released? Or better yet, just stop posting all together.


no, he should be banned.

I don't mind a bit of diatribe, or even a well thought out troll now and again, but stupid ones that are done with no imagination are just a waste of space.
Friend said:
That article you just posted is 10 months old and the battery issue has been beaten to death already on this forum.

Errrr... 10 months???? The article is from 1 of November 2004 ????!?!! What are you smoking and why you are not sharing :D


Sorry but it says that it was posted 01/11/2004. Where I come from, they put the month first and the day second.
Friend said:
Sorry but it says that it was posted 01/11/2004. Where I come from, they put the month first and the day second.

Well, where the author of that article comes from, it's the other way around!


Scary Euro Man
Yeah, you know. In a sort of sane order where the day, month and year are arranged in order of size of unit.

If they were really going for a sensible system, they'd use yyyy-mm-dd, but I guess we can't have everything.
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