Today President Bush announced that he plans to veto any legislation that would loosen restrictions on embryonic stem cell research:
"Ive made it very clear to the Congress that the use of federal money, taxpayers money, to promote science which destroys life in order to save life Im against that. And therefore if the bill does that, I will veto it."
Thats strange. When hes talking about the death penalty, President Bush says he likes policies that destroy life in order to save it:
"I have been supportive of the death penalty, both as governor and President.
And I happen to believe that the death penalty, when properly applied, saves lives of others."
So, lets get this straight: President Bush supports state-sanctioned killing because he believes that it will save lives, despite the multitude of studies showing thats nonsense. And President Bush opposes research that could rescue millions from the living hell that is Parkinsons, Alzheimers, spinal cord injury, stroke, etc., because he objects to destroying embryonic, in vitro stem cells that would have been discarded anyway.
Oh, and dont forget, this mangled, convoluted logic is called principled. And it shows a committment to a Culture of Life.