MAZINGER FINALE. Hmmm, was not that epic for all the crazy background story stuff going on with ZEUS and 1,000s of years of history, etc... For all the flash and coolness of the new Mazinger, in the end it seemed like a fairly small scope story done with love and style (which is the impression I got from the first 8 or so eps of the TV series). Dr. Hell and his 3 cronies want to take over the world, Kouji fights them in Mazinger a bunch of times; they gang up and challenge him to a fight. He beats them, Ashura remembers his/her past and helps Kouji finishes Dr. Hell, the detective guy indicates there might be something more and he's working for someone but nothing is named. 100 rocket punches. The end.
I dunno, I don't think the finale should have been so early in the game, with 13 stages still remaining. I felt that Z2 was SHIN MAZINGER's game as the star since Mazinger is synonymous with SRW and he's in the center of both covers, but it felt like they're finishing up his story line early in the finale like Votoms and it just makes it seems like less important. I think they could have made it a lot more grand and epic near the final stages, with more enemies, tougher bosses, and a Dr. Hell who at least attacks twice per round.
Still, there were good things about the map. Pigman sprite = so awesome! The little dialogue where all the women in the game gang up on Brocken for being a sexist bastard was cute. Ashura robot's sprite was good. 100 rocket fist animation was...ok. Didn't like that it re-used Big Bang Punch animations for what is his FINAL ANIMATION. I dunno, I think as a whole a lot of the sprites in Z2 feel closer to the DS animations that are fully of cut-in cut-in cut-in used dramatically instead of actual well-animated sprite animation. I sort of hoped/expected at least the final attacks for each new Z2 robot would get really amazing animation. /shrug.
Quick question about Mazinger's plot. For half of the Z2 series, Dr. Hell is digging up something on the island he lives on. What was he digging up? Was it Kuro no Eichi (The Black Knowledge), or was it the Super Robot he pilots in the finale? Or was it something else? Kind of confused at what he was doing down there most of the series.
GODBLESS DANCOUGAR FINALE: (or GODBLESS UNIVERSE I AM MR. GEASS). Good map! Liked it better than the Mazinger one thanks to how it had multiple stories going on at once with Godmars, Macross F, Dancouger stuff all happening in the enemy base. Plus any map where Basara takes over Ranka's stage and starts singing Dynamite Explosion is great. Also I'm sort of confused. Did we get the 2nd half of Godmars story here with Gestalt Metal? There didn't seem to be much story in there. Just like HEY I'M GESTALT. DEVIL RING!!! ARMORED PERSON SAVIOR. DOUBLE ATTACK ON GESTALT. WE WIN. OH IT'S ROSE POSSESSED BY MARG. Didn't really seem like half a show worth of story and I thought Marg had a mech or something in the 2nd half. Btw, Godmars is a weird animation main unit. In all of Z2 he gains like 1 attack in his tiny form and 1 in his real form which is just a combination of the other animations for final godmars attack. He has 4 attacks! And 3 animations. And that'! You'd think they could give him a new attack or something in Z2-2. Especially if they were giving him more story.
Muge sprite again is cool. Like how many "people" sprites we're getting in Z2. I hope it's a trend for SRW from here on out since some mecha series have their dramatic fights in non-mecha form.
Dancougar/Nova combo attack is long-awaited and pretty good. I like the animation, I really do, but again, if you take out the higher-detail sprite advantage, I swear this animation could've been straight out of K or W. It's ALL cut-ins and almost zero animation. I kind of feel like the SRW team is getting cheap and trying to have more units, more attacks, at the cost of fewer animation frames and while that is good, I could do with a few less support units, a few less attacks, if the actual sprite animation is mindblowingly awesome level. Even Dancougar Final's final attack is pretty sad compared to its Alpha 3 animation. Just a beam up and then beam down. But it's saved at the last minute by throwing the physical sword through the enemies head on a dynamic kill