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the Tony Reali Sucks thread.

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this douchebag is ruining Around the Horn. He doesn't know ANYTHING about sports. He always makes these stupid ass facial expressions, and he looks like fucking Guy Smiley or something.


You guys should've been watching the College World Series!

ATH has lost a bit of its luster, but I, Max is starting to grow on me. It's just too bad that Holley doesn't get more time.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
I'm going into PTI withdrawals since I've been working all summer. Around the Horn is unwatchable to me regardless of who hosts. I might watch if Mia Hamm hosted it nekkid.
ATH is absolutely horrible with Reali. Still can't score people correctly, boring chatter, and I hate his wannabe arrogant tone when he speaks. I only watch for Mariotti and Woody Paige anyway...

I don't really like I, Max that much either. It's real a ego stroke, but it does have Michael Holley, who was lured to go over to that show. Bill Wolfe (disembodied voice on ATH) also moved over, but he's just a kiss ass. But who wouldn't, Kellerman took him along and Wolfe made more money, so who wouldn't be loyal?

PTI is the best, bar-none, hands down.


Drunky McMurder
I still think I, Max is a solid show, and I still think that Tony Reali is among the worst TV hosts ever. He's up there with Magic Johnson and Chevy Chase.
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