% A car runs the man over. Screen goes white, comes back
% with the man sitting in front of a slot machine. He comes
% to and pulls the lever. The machine stops on three bars.
% Change rolls out of it.
Clyde: Ha-ha-ha! A casino where I'm winning? That car must've killed me.
I must be in heaven! [He pulls the level again and wins again]
A casino where I always win. That's boring. I must really be...
... in HELL!
% A man steps up from behind the slot machine.
Man: No, Mr. Smith. You are not in heave or hell. You are on an airplane!
[He slides the curtains, revealing the airplane windows. Clyde
whimpers and looks out the window. A bluish creature sits on the
wing of the plane ripping wires out of it]
Clyde: There's a gremlin destroying the plane. You gotta believe me!
Man: Why should I believe you? You're Hitler!
% He pulls a mirror from behind his back. Clyde's reflection indeed looks
% like Hitler.
Clyde: No! [Now he looks like Hitler. He turns to a woman sitting next
to him] Eva Braun! Help me! [The woman pulls off a mask,
revealing a head of a giant fly]
Clyde: A-a-ah!!!
% Cut to Planet Express staff, minus Fry, watching the show on TV.
Bender: Saw it coming.