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The Verge: The ACLU is launching a campaign to pardon Edward Snowden

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Snowden will always be a hero to me. But I don't see a pardon happening anytime soon. Definitely not in the current political climate.
Ah yes, Obama the best friend to whistleblowers and journalists that break story. He's definitely the guy to give him the pardon.

I think he's confusing candidate "government transparency!" Obama to President "shroud of secrecy and collect ALL the data on citizens" Obama

I'm thinking more like a Dumb and Dumber "So you're saying there's a chance..." vs Mathematically zero chance.
Like, He helped start an important conversation vs He spent three years globe-trotting in the vicinity of potentially nefarious foreign actors after divulging classified information.
As I noted before in another post, it's not happening. I just have this crazy internalized thought there are varying degrees of not happening.
The fact that he is in Russia and we have no idea what he has told Russian intelligence or if he has aided them in any way killed any microscopic chance he ever had at getting a pardon

Who made it impossible for him to leave Russia which he was originally planning?

If you pardon him (or offer him a good plea deal) would it make him leave Russia more quickly? How would that affect his ability to withstand pressure to give up information to Russia
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