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The Village (Rottentomatoes watch)

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The fact is, it's an OK movie (it's not his best work and it's not his worst) and if you liked Unbreakable, you'll like this just as much if not a little more. It's worth seeing if you have a taste for these psychological horror films. Otherwise, if you want to see a truly great movie this weekend, see The Manchurian Candidate.
I think fans of his movies will like it, since it will have the Shamalammadingdong flavor to it. Those who didn't like say, Signs or Unbreakable though, will probably either hate it, or just think it's ok.


Well, I hated Signs, liked Unbreakable, and loved The Sixth Sense. How will I feel about this movie?

Lil' Dice

I'm kinda tired of Shamalan, or whatever the fuck his name is. His movies are so formulaic that they're not appealing to me any more.

Lemme guess, build up suspense for 1:45 minutes, then reveal something "SHOCKING!!" in the last 5 minutes....
I think fans of his movies will like it, since it will have the Shamalammadingdong flavor to it. Those who didn't like say, Signs or Unbreakable though, will probably either hate it, or just think it's ok.

Or you could be like me, who liked Signs and Unbreakable, but thinks The Village sucks.

Well, I hated Signs, liked Unbreakable, and loved The Sixth Sense. How will I feel about this movie?

Somebody needs to run a regression analysis.


Signs is crappier the more I think about it.

Unbreakable was dissapointing after...

Sixth Sense, which was really well done.

All the movies have a certain level of quality, but past Sixth Sense, the plot just starts sucking IMO as the movie goes on. I bet The Village will be really good until the plot starts to unravel about 80% in, and then the movie will go to pieces :p


Signs = decent....good if you don't think and shite if you do
Sixth Sense = average and over-rated...one "boo" moment in the whole flick and predictable
Unbreakable = awesome...slow pacing but RAWK
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