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The "What Are You Playing?" Thread--Feast or Famine Edition


I've been playing a lot of Symphonia... and I finished it yesterday... but with almost no sidequests, so I didn't save and I'll do the sidequests first, then beat the hell out of
again :D .

After TWW... I think ToS is my favorite game :D

Katamari Damacy (sex)
Gradius V (sex * sex)
Shadow Hearts (I'd like to get through the free copy of this before SH2)
Dracula X: Rondo of Blood (PCE - can't help it!)
Naval Ops: Warship Gunner (got this in a $5 Circuit City sale recently. I've fallen off this a bit since Katamari's release, but it's still fun)
MGS2 Substance (PS2 - picked this up a couple of weeks ago; going through VR missions and Snake Tales bit by bit)


Just finished Fable. Was going to start a new character and try either totally bad or totally good (my character was more or less in the middle), but I'll work on more games instead...

Also playing...

Star Wars: Battlefront - PC version at work and Xbox at home
Burnout 3 - bought it on accident, but can't stop playing

And old games that became new again..

Rallisport Challenge 2 - new cars and skins
Ninja Gaiden - tough as hell


:D :D :D :D


hyperbolically metafictive
blood will tell (just a few fiends left to track down...rad game)
advance guardian heroes (i've given up on super hard, but i keep replaying it on hard, just for kicks)
gunvari collection + time crisis
time crisis 2
time crisis 3 (it's been a long time since i've had my guncon hooked up...been on a bit of a time crisis binge.)

i've got a donkey konga preorder at gamerush that i'm going to pick up this evening. and fable's coming in the mail. need to get to pikmin 2 at some point as well...it's just been sitting around for a month.


olimario said:
I'm convinced I'm playing the best titles this year.
-Pikmin 2
-Katamari Damacy
-Donkey Konga
-4 Swords Adventures

The best titles this year so far, right oli? Remember you still have Paper Mario 2 and Metroid Prime 2: Echoes to go. :)

Hey PhatSaqs, is that the crystal xbox? If possible, can you post some pics of the console itself?


Currently playing:

Megaman X command mission (too short, but lots of side stuff to do, and the battle system is fun)

Shadow Hearts II (It's the first game without the miniscule field/town areas and broken/dragged out combat! Woohoo!)

Star Ocean 3 (Urssa Lava Caves; I fucking hate Elicoor and don't want to play the game in a dour mood because of it so I'm putting it on hiatus for the moment)

As always, Vice City

And various years of King of Fighters

Grey Fox

Rome:Total War
Warcraft III SP again
Slowly working through Legends of dragoon

what I wish I was playing:
World of Warcraft
Monster Hunter



Burnout 3
Doa xbv
Star Wars kotor
Star Wars Battlefront
DJV ffny
Animal Crossing


Mainly Pikmin 2 (absolutelly brilliant game), but also adding a little bit of TOS here and there (need to finish it) and Four Swords (also need to finish it). Have just begun playing Katamari, so when the rest of this games are finished I will get to it. God, and Paper Mario should be arriving on monday, when the fuck will I study?


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Star Ocean 3, Gradius V, Radiant Silvergun, Katamari, and just started Shadow Hearts 2


Pro Evolution Soccer 4 - Nothing to worry about this time, boys. Contra WE8, the rosters are up to date through August (though a LOT has not been done. ie, Rooney), the game plays a little faster, and the framerate is mostly solid. Great conversion this time.

Gradius V - I'll probably keep coming back to this one for a while yet.
Sims 2
Star Wars Galaxies. Ya know juding fomr when I was playing CoH the boards (CoH) reaction to SWG I was expecting E.T. 2. It's gotten much better since the beta. Odd thing is the SWG haters on CoH want CoH to be a SWG clone.


-Chains of Promathia
-Star Ocean: 'Till the End of Time
-X-men Legends.

I've decided to make no purchases for October. And simply play what I have left over from the past few months. Feels nice to have so much less clutter after dumping a metric ton of games at the trade-in shelf at GameStop, woohoo.

And although I feel slightly guilty for getting rid of Pikmin 2 so fast, it's countered by the removal of such evil as Xenosaga and Metal Gear Solid 2 from my household.

So, the current "I made too many poor purchases or ran out of time" list is bumped to: Phantom Brave, Gradius V, Nocturne, Neo Contra, Druaga and San Andreas.


Scary Euro Man

I was working on finishing Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits, but I've just recently also picked up and made a brief start on Star Ocean 3, Phantom Brave, Pokemon Fire Red, the first two volumes of .hack, X-Men Legends, Katamari Damacy (which I've played through, but still has much more to offer) and it's only with great difficulty that I restrain myself from picking up Shadow Hearts 2. In fact I'll probably get it anyway. Also on my in-pile are a couple of Lucasarts games - Rebel Strike and The Dig. All that, and XIII, Whiplash and True Crime: Streets of LA are on their way from Amazon (from back when they were selling a stack of XBox titles at £4 or so a pop). Oh, and also Mario Golf Advance, replaying Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, and Ribbit King.

Too many games. :(


iapetus said:

I was working on finishing Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits

Bleh, thanks for reminding me. I played pretty frequently up until the last boss, who was too hard. I died, and that was like 6 months ago! Now it's hard to regain motivation to play the game again, especially since it'll take a while to beat the last boss, and since I may die and have to do it all over again. And I'm not even sure I can remember how to play the game properly either. :(


RTCW (XBL only, of course)
Amped 2 (XBL and offline)
Midtown Madness 3 (XBL only, fuck the skins)

I got Simpsons Hit & Run and X-Men Legends as well. I spent a few minutes messing around with SH&R. Camera is a little annoying, but it was pretty fun. Haven't touched X-Men, though. I'll get into it after I finish Fable.


Currently splitting my time between:

Dragon Warrior VII (PSOne)
Final Fantasy XI: Online + Chains of Promathia (PS2)


Hates quality gaming
Still slaving away at the latest batch of free battles (880 of 'em to be precise) for Black/Matrix 00. 130 hours of bullshit and I'm not even halfway through the game.

Besides this it's the usual sporadic rounds of IIDX, Nethack, and Robotron.


Party Pooper
playing on a consistent basis:

Fable (getting near the end, only 1 or 2 more main quest to do. having fun being a landlord, but will finish the game soon. maybe. probably my next day off...)

havent played in about a week:

Burnout 3 (love this game, need to get in more live play. fable is hogging the xbox)

unlocking hard songs in:
Donkey Konga (US)
Donkey Konga 2: hitting parade (JP)

havent touched in 3 weeks even though i REALLY loved the 4-5 hours i spent playing it

Pikmin 2

and finally, on the backburner since i played the hell out of the import:

Katamari Damacy

Kumiko Nikaido


* Guilty Gear X2 #Reload: The Midnight Carnival
* Burnout 3: Takedown


* Katamari Damacy
* Gradius V
* Gungrave: Overdose

I also bought Mega Man X: Command Mission for PS2, but haven't opened it yet.
I got Katamari Damacy based on all the rave reviews its been receiving....and I gotta be honest, I don't get it. I'm stuck on star 7 but can't bear to play the game any longer to beat it.


PS2- Katamari Damacy (favourite game)
GCN - Pikmin 2
GBA - Super Mario Advance 3: Yoshi's Island

University has consumed my life like a tub of cool whip at a teenage girl's birthday party. I didn't play a game for 3 weeks before Katamari Damacy.


Front Mission 3 and Einhänder.

I have La Pucelle, Gradius V, Front Mission 4 and Disaster Report breathing down my neck, but currently no PS2 to make them stop :(


Katamari Damacy
Narutimett Hero 2

Katamari Damacy is a trip. This game was clearly conceived under the influence of some kind of hallucinogen. Great stuff.

Narutimett Hero 2 kind of sucks, though I've yet to unlock even one character - at this point, I don't even know HOW to go about doing that, I'm just playing through story mode and hoping for the best.

I'm starting to like ESPN more and more, though there are still a few things I hate - the weak crossovers and the shiny players.
I'm still playing Monster Hunter. It's not the greatest game in the world but there's something cool about beating a game from start to finish with cooperation from other people online.
It's nice playing an online game where you dont just run around in circles.
PSO doesn't really give you that sense of progression since there's only like 4 bosses.

I might review it when I finish but right now It's about an 8


Currently Exploiting...errr playing Phantom Brave, and some GRadius V. Might dig out the GC too and play ToS and MP.


being watched
Fable 6 hours in.
Finished ObsCure.
Outrun 2 3rd Tier of the 101 Missions route.

Phatsaqs....I bow before your Crystal l33tness.
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