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The Wii U turned 9 today - Happy Birthday Wii U, Happy Birthday Wii U!



A 7th generation console that unceremoniously kicked off the 8th generation of gaming, the Wii U was an odd duck to say the least. It came as no surprise that the vast majority of the gaming community ignored it outright and focused on the PS4 and XBONE. (The Wii U released 362 days before the PS4...)

While the Wii U had some quality launch titles, most were things that didn't really impress. However, browsing the Miiverse was an adventure and game in it's own right. Those who did buy a Wii U at launch will probably agree that the best thing this strange new console had going for it was the Miiverse.

Who can forget when Jim Sterling transformed the Rabbids Land page into the Dafoeverse? It was amazing.



The Miiverse was silly as hell and wildly entertaining.

Eventually the Wii U would offer up a software library with an insane amount of quality titles; Xenoblade Chronicles X, Mario Kart 8, Super Mario 3D World, Pikmin 3, Bayonetta 2, Breath of the World, Paper Mario: Color Splash (this game is awesome stfu), Zombi U (launch title), Fatal Frame 5, Wind Waker HD, Twilight Princess HD, Super Mario Maker, Super Smash Bros. It also featured some quality 3rd party support: Deus Ex: Human Revolution, RE: Revelations, Sonic: Lost World, Tekken Tag Tournament 2, Need for Speed, Rayman Legends, Wonderful 101.

The Wii U isn't for everyone but it still offers a damn good time and a ton of unique features. Remote play, dual screen gameplay, portable Wii, modding it allows for 1:1 GCN compatibility and a host of emulators. Virtual Console contains some absolute classics.

So with that I say HAPPY BIRTHDAY WII U, here's to many more years of obscure bliss.
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great console, great exclusives

ruined by it being the thing to hate online....3rd parties straight up disrespecting it and all other manner of fckery

This thing had so much potential. but half the launch lineup got delayed. Then the next big game was to be Rayman Legends as an exclusive. It even got a playable demo. Then 2 weeks before launch they decided to delay it like 8 months. And also revoked its exclusivity.

The Wii U was a beast amongst me and my friends, we all had a blast on it thanks to it's asymmetrical multiplayer being great for party games. Asides from that, FREE online, Miiverse, great fantastic games including the beast, The Wonderful 101 which is still my Game from that Generation. Ubisoft was pretty good in that era thanks to ZombiU and Rayman Legends. Happy 9th to one of my favorite Nintendo systems, the Wii U!
Didn't the 3ds have some sort of messaging service that was shut down by Nintendo because someone took pics of themselves and sent it to some kid? I remember the message system was hosted by some brown haired girl that wrote stuff down? I can't remember it's name any more, but the brown hair chick was kind of cute in an unintentional ASMR kind of way.
Love how nintendo released this consoles entire library as full priced games on switch
Too bad at least half of them got butchered.

Even if you ignore that Wii U can play the entire Wii and cube libraries, and wii virtual console games, it still has games that absolutely transitioned poorly to switch.

Mario 3d world was just bastardized on switch, no pointer for pikmin 3 and worse visuals, ditto tropical freeze. No gamepad features for W101 and worse fps, no gamepad for cappy toad, rayman legends etc.etc.
Cult console in the making. Shit is going to cost a pretty nickel given some years time.

Just like I personally, think the PS3 was the last true remnants of the "old" Sony likewise do I perceive the Wii U as being the last console that really channels that Nintendo "feel". Regardless of how much Nintendo is thriving in success these days.
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Gold Member
Oh the fond memories of waiting 6 hours for the day one update to install.
Haha, yes, that’s possibly the longest I ever had to wait for something console-related to finish since I got broadband internet, and a good first impression it wasn’t.
But the first night spent with friends playing Nintendo Land is a fond memory of mine. The WiiU was slow, clumsy, and poorly thought out as a system in many aspects, but it gave me some experiences that a traditional system simply cannot replicate. My main problem with it was taking it along to other people’s homes. I had to undo my whole setup every time, and the bag I used to carry the console around has become legendary, lol.

I always loathed the very idea of booting up my WiiU for a number of obvious reasons, but I had some seriously good time with the games. The system’s most obvious shortcomings were the Gamepad’s laughable battery life - you basically had to buy the beefier battery, - the stupid amount of controller options that made it as cumbersome as a Rock Band set, the mandatory Gamepad, the botched brightness in N64 VC games, and the general slowness of it all which severely hampered the nuclear potential of Miiverse. There’s no getting around the fact that the hardware was terrible, yet the software was ultimately worth the hassle.

I understand the reasons why basically the whole industry shunned, ridiculed and actively boycotted the WiiU (delaying Rayman Legends‘s launch to GTAV‘ launch week was a decision worthy of post-Genesis Sega), and when you went online on forums and such, having a WiiU felt worse than having a N64 or GC in the years of PS1 and 2’s absolute market domination. Having a WiiU always felt like being tainted, like supporting a completely lost cause and having the whole world laughing at you. As a Nintendo supporter, E3 basically lost all its meaning - and in those years it lost all meaning for Nintendo, as well. Yeah, the Bayonetta 2 meltdown was glorious, but apart from that it was soon clear that the WiiU wouldn’t be going anywhere far. The best game in the world couldn’t make up for everything that was wrong with the system.

Still... I think it was worth it. Owning a WiiU feels like owning something quite unique, and unlike any of those botched console experiments from the mid-90s, it was ultimately worth it for the games.


Had a cery love hate relationship with the console and have recently booted it up to play metroid other m, had some great games on there but lack game releases still hurts, loved mario kart 8 online, wish i had homebrewed mine but its been uodated with the recent update so doubt its even possible
I love the WiiU for playing so many generations of other Nintendo Systems, but it’s own barren catalog makes it my least favorite Nintendo System. That and the Gamepad really isn’t needed. It’s nice in the HD Zeldas and Xenoblade X but that’s about it.

MiiVerse was fucking lit though. A gold mine of cringe and autism that Nintendo were fools to shut down. Also the WiiU Pro controller is one of the best controllers ever.
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ZombiU was quite the experience. It's still fun on PC and other consoles, but with the Wii U Pad it's a totally different game.
Great game, very glad I bought it. GamePad used to good effect. Never finished it though, died within viewing distance of the finish line and never felt like going back at the time


Gold Member
Oh wii u, not even your mother loves you most probably.

Your biggest plus was giving botw to switch users.
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ChatGPT 0.1
the legend of zelda nintendo GIF

Spent time playing twilight Princess, wind waker and breath of the Wild, unfortunately games like battlefield and gta weren’t ushered into the Nintendo Wii U library going to two screens must have been a huge transition for Nintendo.


Gold Member
Haha, yes, that’s possibly the longest I ever had to wait for something console-related to finish since I got broadband internet, and a good first impression it wasn’t.
But the first night spent with friends playing Nintendo Land is a fond memory of mine. The WiiU was slow, clumsy, and poorly thought out as a system in many aspects, but it gave me some experiences that a traditional system simply cannot replicate. My main problem with it was taking it along to other people’s homes. I had to undo my whole setup every time, and the bag I used to carry the console around has become legendary, lol.

I always loathed the very idea of booting up my WiiU for a number of obvious reasons, but I had some seriously good time with the games. The system’s most obvious shortcomings were the Gamepad’s laughable battery life - you basically had to buy the beefier battery, - the stupid amount of controller options that made it as cumbersome as a Rock Band set, the mandatory Gamepad, the botched brightness in N64 VC games, and the general slowness of it all which severely hampered the nuclear potential of Miiverse. There’s no getting around the fact that the hardware was terrible, yet the software was ultimately worth the hassle.

I understand the reasons why basically the whole industry shunned, ridiculed and actively boycotted the WiiU (delaying Rayman Legends‘s launch to GTAV‘ launch week was a decision worthy of post-Genesis Sega), and when you went online on forums and such, having a WiiU felt worse than having a N64 or GC in the years of PS1 and 2’s absolute market domination. Having a WiiU always felt like being tainted, like supporting a completely lost cause and having the whole world laughing at you. As a Nintendo supporter, E3 basically lost all its meaning - and in those years it lost all meaning for Nintendo, as well. Yeah, the Bayonetta 2 meltdown was glorious, but apart from that it was soon clear that the WiiU wouldn’t be going anywhere far. The best game in the world couldn’t make up for everything that was wrong with the system.

Still... I think it was worth it. Owning a WiiU feels like owning something quite unique, and unlike any of those botched console experiments from the mid-90s, it was ultimately worth it for the games.
Oh I 100% agree. I’d never get rid of my WiiU. But yeah that original update and those load times to get in and out of games were brutal. Really great library of unique games.
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