fart town usa

A 7th generation console that unceremoniously kicked off the 8th generation of gaming, the Wii U was an odd duck to say the least. It came as no surprise that the vast majority of the gaming community ignored it outright and focused on the PS4 and XBONE. (The Wii U released 362 days before the PS4...)
While the Wii U had some quality launch titles, most were things that didn't really impress. However, browsing the Miiverse was an adventure and game in it's own right. Those who did buy a Wii U at launch will probably agree that the best thing this strange new console had going for it was the Miiverse.
Who can forget when Jim Sterling transformed the Rabbids Land page into the Dafoeverse? It was amazing.

The Miiverse was silly as hell and wildly entertaining.
Eventually the Wii U would offer up a software library with an insane amount of quality titles; Xenoblade Chronicles X, Mario Kart 8, Super Mario 3D World, Pikmin 3, Bayonetta 2, Breath of the World, Paper Mario: Color Splash (this game is awesome stfu), Zombi U (launch title), Fatal Frame 5, Wind Waker HD, Twilight Princess HD, Super Mario Maker, Super Smash Bros. It also featured some quality 3rd party support: Deus Ex: Human Revolution, RE: Revelations, Sonic: Lost World, Tekken Tag Tournament 2, Need for Speed, Rayman Legends, Wonderful 101.
The Wii U isn't for everyone but it still offers a damn good time and a ton of unique features. Remote play, dual screen gameplay, portable Wii, modding it allows for 1:1 GCN compatibility and a host of emulators. Virtual Console contains some absolute classics.
So with that I say HAPPY BIRTHDAY WII U, here's to many more years of obscure bliss.
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