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The Wild Robot: A great family film if you wanna see everyone cry :P


Gold Member
Wow, another pretty damned good family film! This one has a fairly cool visual aesthetic as kind of an oil painting CG look. Lots of themes hit lightly and quickly in this, all classic stuff from family films of yore. If you are a parent this movie will HIT HARD, if you take your wife (or are a mom yourself) then bring a lot of tissues because the core relationship is very maternal focused. Not that it ignores dads, rather the masculine/paternal roles are divvied up amongst several characters so it's not as impactful, IMHO.

I thought the talking animal stuff was gonna make this cheesy, but it's done very well. It's almost a parallel story to WALL-E in some respects and does borrow a lot from that film for the robots. Excellent voice work all around and the film never slows down from frame 1.

I'm pretty psyched that we got Transformers One and this, maybe there is a bit of a pendulum swing from the looney stuff of the past few years and a return to just good story, classic family vibes, and, oh yeah, beheaded characters and bit of shock even in kids films :D

Curious if any one sees this and has read the book. The central theme of recognizing your weakness and having to work harder to be a part of the group is something what was just taken for granted in decades past (COUNTLESS films explored that idea) but its a bit of a rarity these days I think. The notion that an initial misfortune has given opportunities later and you just gotta accept the past and move on is another good theme.

Anyway, while not a direct GAF film, I think any parents should consider it and even if you don't have kids, it's a much more grounded and "Pixar-like" film from Dreamworks versus their usual output which is saturated in topical pop culture and gets dated quickly. This one, I think, will become a timeless classic (even if its because my house robot keeps choosing it for me :p


Gold Member
I'll stick to the film its trying to cash in on, iron giant 🫡
Heh heh, there is a bit of that in there as well. Funny thing is in the theater I saw TWR there was a little Iron Giant display outside of it (the theater chain has movie memorabilia displays all over). It's kind of the opposite (human teaching a robot versus a robot learning alongside a 'human/goose') flow of information but some of the parental aspects are similar.


Great visual art, Best in years. Nice messages and an oasis on a crap animated movies moved by agendas instead of just be fun.

The details on the animations is supperb and the setting is well balanced with the story.
Just saw this in 4DX 3D.

By far the best animated movie of the year. Inside Out 2 was pretty damn good too, but this, for me, was as good as an animated movie can get.

Beautiful animation, great voice acting, a lovely soundtrack and a heartwarming, touching story that's neither too short nor too long. It really is just so gorgeous to look at, and the island is filled with vibrant, lively characters that you instantly fall in love with.

The humor works really well, and dares to have an edge to it that other animations are missing nowadays. Some of it was clearly meant for the adults watching and I love that.

This film just instantly won me over with its charm, and by the end I felt so much emotion for these little animals and their robot mom.

The only complaint that I have is that
most of the action was shown in the trailer and felt like it ended a bit soon. I was hoping for a little more before we go up to the ship to save Roz

Aside from that, I absolutely loved it. Please God let there be sequels!


I teared up twice.
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Just came back from watching the film with the family. I was expecting emotional moments but the sheer hilarity of some of the scenes caught me off guard. Absolutely delightful movie and one of the best animated films I have seen. Go watch it now.


Gold Member
Here's my hot take: The Wild Robot is better than any film Pixar has ever made.
I don't know if I would go quite that far, but its damned close.

I'm curious how much they cut. The human aspect was very underdeveloped, which didn't hurt the film directly, but seemed like they had more there. Stuff like the Rozz bots all going to "five member families", implying that the humans were largely mating pairs with a goal of slowly increasing the population in a very prescribed way. I'm trying to recall if that family graphic had clearly male and female parent icons, or just "adult and kid" androgynous shapes. Anyway, the final act felt compressed and a bit of an overreach. How is the bobcat gonna survive, much less the bear, if they all agreed to live together? The juxtaposition of predator and prey was well done through the first freeze but then was a bit egregious afterwards IMHO.

Anyhoo, maybe the books talk about this stuff more.

On a wacky theory, my wife thinks Roz died in the hut that first winter and everything afterwards is basically her resisting going to heaven because of her unresolved feelings towards BrightBill, then she does eventually accept death and he eventually dies and is reunited with her. That would be a WILD Jacob's Ladder/Minority Report type ending if true :p


Just watched it yesterday with the whole family. I knew the movie generally received good reviews but didn't expect it to be one of my favorites this year. For a family movie, I think this movie surpassed Inside Out 2 by a whole lot. A lot of positive messages in this movie, for both kids and adults. Really tried my best to hold in those tears but I couldn't on numerous occasions. I do hope more people watch this movie in the cinema, it's one of the best this year.


Here's my hot take: The Wild Robot is better than any film Pixar has ever made.

Please go see this movie in theaters!

I haven't seen the movie, but aren't most of these competitive studios filled up with the ex Disney/Pixar talent after they went all "modern audiences" and ousted the key people behind the biggest films.

Which is why we've seen a rise in non Pixar/Disney movies being good to great and a vice versa with it even ranging from good to downright bad with Pixar/Disney lately
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