Now that I watch it again, I can't help but notice that horse riding seems off. Especially that mounted NPC in Novigrad who did a quick 90 degree turn on his horse. Also the way horse stops and its idle animation seems unnatural.
I actually was thinking the horse animation looked pretty good. The only sort of wonky parts were when Geralt riding the horse collided with the other horse in the beginning and there wasn't much reaction by the other rider.
At least the horse riding here looked more natural than the horse animations in Dragon Age: Inquisition.
Animations and facial animations are not really up to par with the graphics of the game
Too much dialog. Gotta rely on automated systems cause there's no time to hand animate every single conversation.Why is it so hard to get proper facial animations in an RPG? don't remember an RPG with good facial anitmation from the recent times
Why is it so hard to get proper facial animations in an RPG? don't remember an RPG with good facial anitmation from the recent times
Yeah they look fine to me, very fluid. The part where they collide is very "videogamey" but its not at all bothersome.
Thanks. The amount of detail and diversity looks unbelievable for an open world. Just unbeliavable.
It's already confirmed that you will be able to drink potions before combat and then activate them when you will actually need their effect. I'm very satisfyed with the compromise.Combat looks more responsive and customisable thanks to addition of the crossbow, although disappointed that potions cannot be imbibed mid-combat. Hope they at-least compensate by increasing the time the effect stays for after consumption. Otherwise the flow of combat would break and it will become a chore.
Collision may be "videogamey", but the 90 degree turn of the other mounted NPC is disappointing. You can see it at 02:24 mark in this video (in the distance)
Why is it so hard to get proper facial animations in an RPG? don't remember an RPG with good facial anitmation from the recent times
Man, they have maybe more than 7 months to fix some things.. like REDorigen from CD Project RED westerday posted on the official forum : "At this point we're still fixing loads of stuff, so constructive feedback is much appreciated."
Collision may be "videogamey", but the 90 degree turn of the other mounted NPC is disappointing. You can see it at 02:24 mark in this video (in the distance)
No, but in the IGN video he's getting information about her possible whereabouts.Do they show Ciri in any of these demos?
Too much dialog. Gotta rely on automated systems cause there's no time to hand animate every single conversation.
Some thoughts:
- Looks like indoor <--> outdoor area transition is practically seamless (no more loading signs or 1 second black screen like TW2.
- Geralt went out of the tavern and his horse was missing. I thought this was hilarious for some reason.
- I hope the stamina bar can be increased not only by leveling up but also by drinking potions.
I need some gamersyde quality for a proper judgement, but I'm not that impressed with the graphics. AC Unity spoiled me.
It looked like it was tied to a hitching post opposite the tavern.
Ok, so the footage was from XboxOne after all..
translation: "Was played on the Xbox. Please do not underestimate the power of my favorite console".
That would be quite exciting if confirmed.
Not because I care about the XB1 (I really don't) but because if that's the level of detail and performance they can squeeze out of it, this bodes incredibly well for the PC version (and to a lesser degree for the PS4 too, I would guess).
Well, for a start because -and correct me if I'm wrong- he's a community manager, not a developer.If conformed? what do you want more?Marcin from CD Projekt RED confirms on the official Witcher forums that the footage was from XboxOne, why wouldn't you believe him?
Well, for a start because -and correct me if I'm wrong- he's a community manager, not a developer.
Beside that, I'm not entirely sure of what footage he is talking about specifically.
The one on stage with Microsoft? The one on IGN? Both?
Well, for a start because -and correct me if I'm wrong- he's a community manager, not a developer.
Beside that, I'm not entirely sure of what footage he is talking about specifically.
The one on stage with Microsoft? The one on IGN? Both?
Music from the most recent trailer:
Hunt or be Hunted