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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt |OT3| Metz Some Ploughing Good Ladies In the Forest


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I'd recommend AutoLoot Herbs. I generally prefer to avoid mods when playing through a game for the first time, but that was a "quality of life" improvement I couldn't bear to be without. Manually confirming herb pickups got very old very quickly.

Edit: IIRC, the mod displays its own, unnecessary notification upon looting something, but you can disable it by opening AutoLootBase.ws in Wordpad and changing the values of NotificationShouldDisplay to false (if set to true).


Damn... I don't think I can bring myself to start again. Hmm.. Maybe I'll just avoid anything PC/mod related so I don't know what I'm missing. That automatic herb mod sounds great though..
Oh well.


Gold Member
FriendlyHUD is a mod I can't recommend enough. Anyone playing on PC should absolutely check it out. It's simple to install and once you use it it's tough to imagine playing the game without it.

Do yourself a favor and check it out!
How my screen looks 90% of the time when using FriendlyHUD. I can bring up the mini-map by holding down a button. Health bar automatically appears in battle. I can access all potions, oils and bombs from the radial menu. I cannot recommend this mod enough.
It literally changed my life.


Also the preparations mod is super cool. It allows you to use campfires to meditate. Meditating can now only be done at campfires (like in The Witcher 1) and is required to perform alchemy and invest skill points. It also allows you to see the world change when fast-forwarding.



After beating BOTW, I felt this emptiness. Last time I felt this emptiness was after beating W3 after launch, so I decided to load it back up and play through it again. I have not played the DLC either, as I purposely held off on those so when the time came and I did a full replay, I'd be able to also experience some new things. :)

I beat this on PS4 on launch, completed it around December of 2015. So its been a while since I've loaded it up, in fact, this is the first time I've played it on my PS4 Pro. I am really impressed at how much this game has improved. Menus look a LOT better, graphics also seem improved somehow? I'm going off my memories of playing through this the first time, but it seems like draw distance seems a lot better? Also, its a solid 30 FPS (still in White Orchard, I know the game had some issues in Velen in the swamp areas), but it plays a lot smoother than what I remember.

I'm really excited to play through this again. Anything I should know since its been a while since I've loaded it up? Any settings I should change, etc?


I'm on my second play through at the moment and there's still one thing about the plot I'm not following. So I'd really appreciate anyone with the knowledge to help:

When Ciri escapes from Novigrad by teleporting back to Skellige, how can Avallac'h be there literally seconds after picking her up from the ocean near Hindarsfjall?

Also if there's a good story summary anywhere, a link would be appreciated. :)
I'm really excited to play through this again. Anything I should know since its been a while since I've loaded it up?
You should know that there's a PS4 Pro patch coming. CDPR have said they'll be patching the game to support both PS4 Pro and Xb1x. No timeframe given though.

Although knowing CDPR, the patch will probably break the game. Then they'll eventually patch those bugs, but that bug patch will introduce new bugs. Then they'll patch the patch-patch, and the game will eventually work again :)


Finally started playing the game and I'm in love. I was leaving the game in the backburner for when I had a decent graphics card, but apparently I can run everything(minus hairworks) on ultra at 30FPS on a decrepit 660ti. And it looks and plays awesome.

I'm actually kinda shocked that the game holds up with steady fps/frametime on a 660ti. I'm pretty sure my ps4 would be handling this worse.

Man, I'm so in love with this game. It has everything I want, up to and including an addicting card game.


Only thing I really can't get used to is the menus. I keep hitting one button meaning to bring up the abilities and bringing up the one with saves instead, and vice-versa. I don't know why I keep getting them wrong haha.


Either I have a sound bug or I'm going crazy. I've put in 320 hours so far between the PS4 and PC versions and I've never heard this sound till I started a fight in the Blood and Wine expansion. Accessing much older saves it is there as well.

When accessing the Quick Access Menu (L1,LB) for signs and bombs, every time I hit the button I'm hearing a beep, is this normal?

I've never heard this noise till now, even in a dead silent room and it's a real annoying beep.

Edit: Well, I know why I'm now hearing it, still dunno if the sound is normal. Where I normally sit while playing games, apparently that sound is muffled when it bounces off walls etc, sitting in another place makes it way more noticeable. Very odd.


I'm replaying it again. Currently doing Hearts of stone. I forgot how much i bloody love
Vlodomir taking over Geralt
. That goofy smile.


Completed Hearts of Stone and Blood and Wine after picking up the game again for the first time since shortly after launch. UI, combat, and traversal were still shitty, but I really liked the main questline of Hearts of Stone -- seeing Shani again was great, and the three tasks were all interesting and/or enjoyable. The overall length of the HoS expansion was also very good, though I skipped the rune enchantment quest (the other side quest(s) I did do were pretty bland). The only part I didn't care for was the early early sewer quest and Ofreidi (sp?) fight.

I didn't like Blood and Wine as much, but I think the setting and plot was still better than the main game (which, beside the Bloody Baron questline, I found largely awful). It did seem to drag on (even though I wound up dropping a lot of the side quests), and I really wish that there had been better dialog with the "Beast". I got the "worst" ending (by berating the villain instead of being understanding, despite visiting fairyland), but having YouTubed the others, I feel it was actually tonally the best.


This new mod looks useful. Better Containers. Transforms regular lootable objects such as shelves, etc into permanent storage containers for items you have, allowing transfer to and from.

The translucent UI is pretty slick (left is Geralt's inventory, right are the items in the selected container):



Unconfirmed Member
Im really hoping that the coming "enhancement" update for the PS4 Pro and Xbox One X will also include something for PC, like HDR support for example. If CDPR plan on releasing the patch in time for the Xbox one launch, then we should get specifics within a month or two.


I played through the first two games on PC and carried over my saves to 3, but I'm only a couple of hours in.

I'm tempted to jump to X1X for 3 now though, but I'm concerned about what I'll lose by dropping my old save. Anyone know what actually carries over from 1/2 when you use your old save?


I played through the first two games on PC and carried over my saves to 3, but I'm only a couple of hours in.

I'm tempted to jump to X1X for 3 now though, but I'm concerned about what I'll lose by dropping my old save. Anyone know what actually carries over from 1/2 when you use your old save?

you can simulate all the choices from part 2 that matter.

I don't think anything from part 1 carries over to 3.
Question for everyone: I think I ran into a bug in the Blood and Wine quest Burlap Is the New Stripe

After Gerard is released, I'm supposed to pick up his gear from the chest in between the two gates of the prison yard. However, when I take everything from the chest, the quest objective does not update and the outer gate will not open, leaving me stuck in the prison. Has anyone experienced this bug? Any ideas on how to work around it? I have reverted a couple saves, but unfortunately can't seem to get through it.

Playing on PS4.


Gold Member
Question for everyone: I think I ran into a bug in the Blood and Wine quest Burlap Is the New Stripe

After Gerard is released, I'm supposed to pick up his gear from the chest in between the two gates of the prison yard. However, when I take everything from the chest, the quest objective does not update and the outer gate will not open, leaving me stuck in the prison. Has anyone experienced this bug? Any ideas on how to work around it? I have reverted a couple saves, but unfortunately can't seem to get through it.

Playing on PS4.

I never did that quest but it seems there is/was an issue with it. I googled the issue and found that patch 1.22 addressed the following issue:

"Fixes issue whereby picking up only one piece of dirty cloth at a time during the ”Burlap is the New Stripe" quest could block progress."

I believe that you are required to pick up the piece(s) of dirty cloth before retrieving your items from the chest, right? So maybe you've done something wrong at this part? If you have any saves from before this point I would suggest loading them.
I never did that quest but it seems there is/was an issue with it. I googled the issue and found that patch 1.22 addressed the following issue:

"Fixes issue whereby picking up only one piece of dirty cloth at a time during the “Burlap is the New Stripe” quest could block progress."

I believe that you are required to pick up the piece(s) of dirty cloth before retrieving your items from the chest, right? So maybe you've done something wrong at this part? If you have any saves from before this point I would suggest loading them.

Hmm... I think that's from a bit earlier in the quest when you're doing laundry as your assigned job in prison. Thanks for looking though.
Is it possible to play Geralt as a mage in this game?

I bought this at launch but gave it away a week later. I want to give this game another go especially if I can find the Complete edition new or digital on a sale. I want to play a open world game but I want to run around as a mage like character blasting shot with magic or messing people with magic.

Edit: impulse bought this on PSN. Any pointers?


Is it possible to play Geralt as a mage in this game?

I bought this at launch but gave it away a week later. I want to give this game another go especially if I can find the Complete edition new or digital on a sale. I want to play a open world game but I want to run around as a mage like character blasting shot with magic or messing people with magic.

I didn't go down the full alchemy or signs build but there are some here who could probably share their thoughts on it, as well as guides out there. Can say in the B&W expansion they... expanded... the skill tree with some pretty cool abilities. Here's one I had a blast with, so to speak:



Is it possible to play Geralt as a mage in this game?

I bought this at launch but gave it away a week later. I want to give this game another go especially if I can find the Complete edition new or digital on a sale. I want to play a open world game but I want to run around as a mage like character blasting shot with magic or messing people with magic.

Edit: impulse bought this on PSN. Any pointers?

You can rely heavily on signs, but swords will still be there and you will need them.
I am at the begining of the game and I am playing with signs build for the first time, it is quite difficult so far.
I didn't go down the full alchemy or signs build but there are some here who could probably share their thoughts on it, as well as guides out there. Can say in the B&W expansion they... expanded... the skill tree with some pretty cool abilities. Here's one I had a blast with, so to speak:


Can I do the DLC and use the expanded skill tree in the main game? If so I'll going ahead and do that then come back to the main game.

You can rely heavily on signs, but swords will still be there and you will need them.
I am at the begining of the game and I am playing with signs build for the first time, it is quite difficult so far.

I'm determined to make the Sign build work! Lol..

Lol.. I might have to respect my build. What are you guys build?

I'm currently doing the Wild at Hearts side quest and all I can say is...

Fuck that side quest!

I liked the side quest but hated the
auto health regen the Werewolf got.
but I beat it.

Edit: I wish I started playing this when the community was more active and haven't moved on.

For the "Family Mathers" quest

Do I really have to
wait one in game day and night for the miscarriage baby to be reborn

Edit 2: NVM
Can I do the DLC and use the expanded skill tree in the main game? If so I'll going ahead and do that then come back to the main game.

I'm determined to make the Sign build work! Lol..

Lol.. I might have to respect my build. What are you guys build?

I'm currently doing the Wild at Hearts side quest and all I can say is...

Fuck that side quest!

I liked the side quest but hated the
auto health regen the Werewolf got.
but I beat it.

Edit: I wish I started playing this when the community was more active and haven't moved on.

For the "Family Mathers" quest

Do I really have to
wait one in game day and night for the miscarriage baby to be reborn

Edit 2: NVM
In my personal opinion, dedicated Signs builds aren't the way to go, for two reasons:

  1. Even with a non-Signs build, Signs still work very well; and
  2. Dedicated Signs builds can get boring very quickly.
Again, that's just my personal opinion, but after trying a dedicated Signs build in Blood and Wine (where it was OP), it got very, very boring. As I said, Signs still work well even in builds that aren't dedicated to them, so you're not really missing out on anything if you go more for a sword or alchemy build (or a more balanced/blended one).

While I guess you technically can get access to the DLC stuff early, it's meant for end game players so you'll probably get your arse kicker trying to do it early, and you won't be anywhere near advanced enough to progress the new mechanisms anyway.

And yes, you should've bought and played the Witcher 3 a long time ago :)


I don't think you can access the additional skills below certain level. But I am not sure. You can try, the expansions are quite a bit harder than the base game so unless you are playing on some low difficulty level, good luck with that;)
Can I do the DLC and use the expanded skill tree in the main game? If so I'll going ahead and do that then come back to the main game.

No, the "expanded" skill tree being referred to are only available upon completing a certain quest within the Blood & Wine expansion content.


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
I have a Geforce 1070 and I wanted to know what settings I should adjust so I can run the game in native 4K for a smooth framerate?

16GB RAM and Ryzen 1600X

I'd like to get 60fps, but I doubt that is possible.

No setting is too important.
I'm surprised nobody has commented on that Witcher 10th anniversary trailer/video. I thought it was awesome, and the sort of thing that only CDPR seem to do (within the wider industry).


I'm surprised nobody has commented on that Witcher 10th anniversary trailer/video. I thought it was awesome, and the sort of thing that only CDPR seem to do (within the wider industry).

There was a separate thread on the gaming side.

CDPR are amazing and I can't wait for the Witcher noclip series.


Junior Member
I'm playing Blood and Wine now and something happening that didn't happen before

When I eat food to get health back screen becomes like drunk dizzy blurry ? Why is that?


I'm playing Blood and Wine now and something happening that didn't happen before

When I eat food to get health back screen becomes like drunk dizzy blurry ? Why is that?

If you drink alcohol it does that. I think it restores health but at a slower rate, though I never really used it because of the drunk effect. It can get auto placed in the food slot when other food items have been exhausted.


Danny O'Dwyer has been making a Witcher/CDPR documentary series on his youtube channel NoClip, the first part (of six) just released today. Plenty of interviews, history and insights, its a great watch.


The bit about Polish radio stations broadcasting game cassette tapes for players listening to make copies of back in the day was novel. Good look into the climate of Poland during their early years. Didn't realize there wasn't any real copyright law there until 1994, so piracy before then technically wasn't illegal which given the high cost of legitimate games caused people to create and obtain bootlegs for the most part.

Glad the big gamble of localizing Buldur's Gate paid off for them. It's interesting how despite pirated copies of their version becoming available within 48 hours they sold tens of thousands of copies more than they were anticipating thanks to both the quality of the localization and game but also the way it was packaged as a collector's edition, with various extras added to create value, as they continue to do.


I have only one save file, and i started new game+. Now i want to play Blood and Wine, is there any way to start DLC now whit my character, or do i have to play hours to open it?

If i have to play, how many hours it takes to open the DLC?
I have the game of the year edition on PS4 (no pro). I’d say I’m only 6-10 hours in. Think it will be worth it to trade/sell my PS4 version and get this on xbox for when I get the X?


Technically it should look/run slightly better but until we actually see some footage it's pretty much a guessing game.
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