I think it's self-defeating. If They want to reshape our culture, imploding their own tools of cultural subversion seems to work in the opposite direction. Why are They outing their own celebrities as pedos and liars? Why are They removing their own content? Why are they kneeling and apologizing for syrup bottles?
To me, this reads less like "cultural subversion" and more like one big narcissistic church-service where a bunch of elites suck eachother off and show how moral they are. But because it's a hollow, consumerist "morality", it looks empty to onlookers and turns the stomach a bit.
Here's a personal story from growing up in a conservative christian home. I find it ironic because I think it would be considered more tolerant than what we see on Twitter nowadays.
When I was a kid my parents taught me that athletes and entertainers can be great role models, but they can also be awful people. Earning a world record in a sport, or earning an oscar, or making a lot of money on a TV series doesn't make you a good or a bad person. The very very best examples are sometimes enshrined as inspirational stories, but otherwise they are just entertainers. Often they make great entertainment but are scumbags behind the scenes.
They also taught me that it's okay. People are imperfect. Enjoying a movie by someone who has bad morals doesn't make you evil, or learning from an athlete who isn't a christian doesn't make you a bad christian. Worrying about the log in our own eye is more important than the speck in our neighbor's, and especially the speck in the eye of someone 1000 miles away we've never met.
The West forgot this "simple-minded" moral lesson.