Technically speaking, if you want to get really anal about this, I could make the argument that Liberality and Socialism easily coexist in a near-utopian society, while your typical idea, I'm guessing, is painting socialism as a government style and not an economic style. Most statistical data shows, also, that many Americans who consider themselves as 'liberals' actually do not abide by the natural definition of liberalism, and are actually socialist-authoritarian in their paradigmic nature. Being that their economic belief structure leans toward the socialist side of economics, one can easily understand how they would then go so far as to say that capitalism is the root of all evil.
Liberalism and socialism are mutually exclusive. Don't lump them together and assume that because I use one to make a point that I automatically mean the other as well.
And I'm perfectly capable to make this assumption, because I live among these stupid fucks who think that Marx was the second coming of Jesus, and I debate these asshole (and asshole liberals like you who hear one political generalization and want to skull fuck me) students in political theory classes constantly. And my pet fuckin' peeve is when these people who clamor and bitch about this stuff are people who've never taken more than 2 or 3 classes in their entire lives, then go read the New York times and think they can sit here and toss back political science questions with me.
*in Jack Nicholson voice*I eat breakfast 300 yards away from 20,000 students who all think they know the political intricacies of the real world, so don't think you can come reply to my post, use a couple of over-reaching political terms, and scare me.