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things you do when you're bored

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so today i was really bored. spotting my guncon2, i grabbed it and rushed into my roommate's room, screaming "down on the floor motherfucker" while i jammed it in his head. totally scared the hell out of him, he was yelling and hollering - everyone else in the apartment saw the bright orange gun and began laughing.


BuddyChrist83 said:
so today i was really bored. spotting my guncon2, i grabbed it and rushed into my roommate's room, screaming "down on the floor motherfucker" while i jammed it in his head. totally scared the hell out of him, he was yelling and hollering - everyone else in the apartment saw the bright orange gun and began laughing.

LOL. God, I needed a good laugh. :)

aoi tsuki

BuddyChrist83 said:
so today i was really bored. spotting my guncon2, i grabbed it and rushed into my roommate, screaming "down on the floor motherfucker" while i jammed it in. totally scared the hell out of him, he was yelling and hollering - everyone else in the apartment began laughing.
i edit other people's posts.


I stare at this.



Suerte said:
I'm intruiged, where would one find such a thing? We've had Olimario nekkid so surely it's your turn?
first off, if it exists...it would be underage (about three, four years ago). i really don't know either way, and don't feel like contacting the respective party to find out. you may be blessed with more (non-porn) pictures within the next few days, however.


BuddyChrist83 said:
first off, if it exists...well, it's underage. i really don't know either way, and don't feel like contacting the respective party to find out. you may be blessed with more (non-porn) pictures within the next few days, however.

I'm no longer interested :( More non-porn pics are welcome though, w00t, etc etc


But seriously, when I'm bored, I daydream about a parody of my life in which all my friends and family members are spoofed in the most hilariously side-splitting way possible.

I can do this for minutes. :p
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