acoustix said:
How much do you regularly eat? Sounds stupid but its a serious question. My #1 problem the first time I moved out was having to buy all my food. I didnt realize how much I spent a month on consumables. It was really was alot more than I thought.
I first moved out of home when I was 17. I had no idea what I was getting into at the time. Bills, bills, bills. I honestly had no idea how much shit cost until I was paying the bills.
For me, food wasn't so much the problem. It is amazing how far a large bag of rice and a bottle of soy can go, when you're desperate.
But the rent, the gas, the electricity, the everything else that goes along with it. And once you finally get through paying them all, the next round comes and you start again. It was a HUGE eye opener for me. I never appreciated what my parents really did until I had to do it on my own.
But all money aside - just having to actually look after yourself is a killer. Cooking, cleaning, shopping, washing clothes, hanging them out, taking them in and folding them up, dishes, housework
man, it goes on and on. Its hard work! It totally sucked. And I realised for the first time why Mum would get so shitty about stuff
I finally appreciated all the things she did for me, all the things that I took for granted. Its not all about parties and fun and doing what you want
trust me in saying it looks a whole lot more glamorous than what it is.
The kicker is, no matter how bad it gets out there, once you have gone, there aint no going back. Despite the shackles your freedom brings, it is so hard to go back to living under your parents roof once you have tasted that freedom. THAT is the issue.
I moved back when I was 19. I lasted 6 months. On the one hand, it was SO nice having home cooked meals prepared for me, having my dirty clothes miraculously appear clean and neatly folded, not having to worry about managing the finances and paying the bills. And shopping. To this day I fucking HATE food shopping - (thank God for the internet and home delivery is all I can say). But despite all of these luxuries, having to go back to living by someone elses rules and having them on your back all the time was just TOO much of a head fuck
all of a sudden I was trapped in this hell, divided by responsibility on one side, and invasion of privacy on the other. Its a no-win situation.
So Honey, my advice to you is stay home for as long as you can. Save your pennies, enjoy being looked after. And while you dont really know what that taste of freedom is like, you really dont know what you are missing. Life will make it such that one day, you will be on your own, like it or not. As such, while you have the opportunity to enjoy being at home, milk it for all its worth!
I remember people telling me when I was at school to enjoy the years I had, because once they have gone and you are stuck in the harsh reality of adult life, all you want is to go back. At the time I thought school was hell and good riddance to you
but oh my, now that I look back, how nice would it be to be going to school every rather than this slog and stress that is the workforce. Pitty I never listened and appreciated it while I had it
all I could think about at the time was getting out.
Stay where the hell you are
for as long as you can.
Sorry to hear about your Mum.