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Thinking about moving out of parents house, should I do it?

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I'd first like to say my mom died about 2 years ago and it's just been me and my dad. Anyway, I'm 19 and I'm graduating in 2 days, and I'm considering possibly moving out not because my dad and I have any problems or anything, but just so I can move out and be able to have my own place. Currently I don't have a job but being handicapped I do get $$$ from DHS. Even so I'm not planning on living on it forever, and do plan on trying to find a job. So, to those of you who have moved out and gotten their own Apartments, any advice?

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yup do it.

What handicap?
Get a place, get a routine, keep your receipts and documents of all agreements somewhere safe, always pay your bills before your entertainment the minute you get your paycheck and you are good to go.


Pay yourself first. By paying bills first before doing anything like buying DVDs and crap. Also before you go out and buy crap, put some of that money away. You'd be surprised how much you can get if you keep putting away a little each paycheck. Keep it in a low risk fund that gets you a few % back each year and by the time your ready to retire you'll have a nice little bit of money to fall back.

Those are my rules based on a $300-400 a week job. I would put away 70-100 bucks each paycheck away for the future. So far its helped others that i've known. but they dont use the money for retirement, but rather mid life crisis'

Make your money work for you.

You can do it and good luck with being out of the house. I'm sure its fun.


Synbios459 said:
Anyway, I'm 19 and I'm graduating in 2 days, and I'm considering possibly moving out not because my dad and I have any problems or anything, but just so I can move out and be able to have my own place.
With all due respect, I think that is a lousy choice.

As long as you can stand living at home, take advantage of not having a financial burden to pursue school or technical training or any other activity which will result in increased earning potential. You're lucky that you still get along fine with your father -- there are some people who are forced to move out because of a toxic home environment. I think you should stay at home for as long as it makes sense.

The kind of job you can get at 19 MAY be sufficient to keep a roof over your head, but not much more. You can get stuck in that kind of holding pattern for a long time...I know a lot of people who ended up being trapped in that phase, and are paying for it now.


I dunno, at 19 Id really think it over. Parents house is good cause ya get free food.:)

Anyway, if your mind is made up...

Like others said, put away some money for a rainy day. In general you should make at least 3 times your monthly rent/mortgage. You dont have to make that much but if you go too much below you could be riding the edge.

Also, IMO you should definately try to find a job before you move. The worst thing that can happen is signing a lease/mortgage and then running out of money.

How much do you regularly eat? Sounds stupid but its a serious question. My #1 problem the first time I moved out was having to buy all my food. I didnt realize how much I spent a month on consumables. It was really was alot more than I thought. Finally, and please dont take any offence to this, you mentioned you were handicapped...(Im sure youve already thought about this), but make sure wherever you go they have appropriate access to your car/apartment.
I wouldn't if you're thinking about going back to school. I moved out and wasted 3 years before I decided I really wanted to go back to school. Living on your own isn't exactly cheap either. Especially if you aren't single. By the time I decided I wanted to go back to school all of my money had been sunk into rent, food, blah blah blah. A fun, but huge waste of my time.

Now I'm back home until the end of this year, poor as hell with no job, just about halfway done with school, and much happier. Whatever floats your boat.
don't do it unless you have a steady income and your own means to get by completely. Plenty of people move out just to move out, then end up having to borrow money from the parents/friends, or end up back with their parents anyway. Thats no good. There's no shame in staying with your dad, especially since you said the two of you get along and you're going to be going to school.


acoustix said:
In general you should make at least 3 times your monthly rent/mortgage. You dont have to make that much but if you go too much below you could be riding the edge.

This totally depends on the region. Sadly, for lots of people in New York more than half their income goes just to rent.

aoi tsuki

Note: i've got a headcold and took some Thera-Flu and now it's starting to make me drowsy. So this post probably isn't as coherent as it could be. :)

i'm going to take a guess and say that you're not ready to live on your own at 19.

Just to give you an idea of how much it'll cost you to live on your own, keep a record of all the things you buy in a week. Food, clothes, gas, etc. At the end of the week, total it all together, multiply it by four, and add 10% (for padding). Also add monthly bills like cell phone, car insurance, car note, etc. Rent will vary by location, just look in the classifieds for a place that comes with utilities. Add all that together to get a rough idea of how much it'll cost you per month to live on your own.

You can curb some of the costs of living on your own by living with a roommate, which ideally will split the costs in half. The downside to having a roommate is that you have to put up with their shit. In my case, i have to put up with the place be messy all the time. i need to get the wiring fixed in my room since only half of the room's outlets works, but before that i need to have the living room in order. This also sucks with dates. The place is always a mess so i'm too embarassed to bring anyone over, which means a lot of dates end up at her place, or the occasional hotel. Luckily, i haven't been dating all that much lately and i'm looking at moving out in a few months.

It would also help if you learn to cook. If you can cook, you can cut your food expenses in half or more, and a guy that can cook is a bonus with women. :)


demi said:
Stay with your dad.

Seriously. Why throw away cash paying rent? Use that money towards tuition, DVDs, an HDTV, whatever. If you get alone fine with your dad, why the hell would you want to throw hundreds of dollars at some stupid landlord each month for the privilege of living in a tiny box and paying for all your own other expenses?


Bah! I moved out at 19 making $7.60 an hour, and I did fine. I can pay for food, rent, and the occassional DVD on top of tuition for college- no problem.

Of course, I live in Bellingham WA, and the cost of living up here is insanely cheap. You can get a two bedroom two bath apartment with a dishwasher, washer/dryer, weight room, sauna, and pool for about $695 a month.

I've always been a very independent person, and I really like living on my own. It can get lonely though- so take that into consideration.


stay with your dad , save your money and enjoy the time you have with your father. If you really do get along with him, I see no reason to move out yet, give it time, you will be on your own soon enough. If he doesnt restrict you or isnt possesive , than i see no reason to leave. Above the rent, you have food and utilities, it adds up before you know it.


I've been living away from home for three years but my parents still support me for the most part. I'm getting my CCNA/CCNP this summer so hopefully that will change soon enough. I'd do it though, if only for a little while to see what it's like. Then after a year, or whenever you lease ends, you can always move back.


seriously, stay with your dad. If you get on well, use the benefit of time wisely. Start saving now as much as you can. Pretend you have rent and bills to pay and put that away in a savings account.

Then when you do start to get really itchy feet, you are better set up for deposits etc.

Many men don't leave their parent's houses until they are mid-late 20's these days. Purely financial.


Stay at home, because one day when you really *do* need to move out, you'll wish you had more money on you.

Wendo: How old are you now?

I've always wondered about moving out, and I do have the money, but honestly I have it really good at home. Free food, no rent, well no bills really. Plus I get to drive my dad's car pretty much all the time since we have another one now too (and he's the only other guy that drives, except for my bro but he never takes the car regardless).

So, all the money I make is just icing on the cake of my SWEET SWEET LIFE. Haha jk jk :p Really it just pays for my daily coffee :lol
No. Use that money and invest it. Don't bother with HDTVs, amassing huge gaming collections, etc. In 5 years, you should have a big enough nest egg. Also by then, your job(s) should be paying better on top of the DHS. Then move out. My parents and I together have already saved up $10k as a nest egg and will probably more than double before leaving college. Starting off with that much right out of college isn't bad and no, I'm not going to blow my load on a HDTV and a new ride. My 93 car will more than suffice.

Sometimes you got to look 5 years down the road instead of now. Now it seems good to move out but long term, its best to save up, invest (or put in savings accounts), and live much better off.


Wendo said:
Bah! I moved out at 19 making $7.60 an hour, and I did fine. I can pay for food, rent, and the occassional DVD on top of tuition for college- no problem.

Of course, I live in Bellingham WA, and the cost of living up here is insanely cheap. You can get a two bedroom two bath apartment with a dishwasher, washer/dryer, weight room, sauna, and pool for about $695 a month.

:( :( :( :( :(

I'm paying $1050 for a 325 sq. foot studio in Manhattan.

Le sigh.


Usless. Why the heck pay towards something you're never going to own? Stay as long as possible and save money until you're ready to buy a home!
acoustix said:
How much do you regularly eat? Sounds stupid but its a serious question. My #1 problem the first time I moved out was having to buy all my food. I didnt realize how much I spent a month on consumables. It was really was alot more than I thought.
I first moved out of home when I was 17. I had no idea what I was getting into at the time. Bills, bills, bills. I honestly had no idea how much shit cost until I was paying the bills.
For me, food wasn't so much the problem. It is amazing how far a large bag of rice and a bottle of soy can go, when you're desperate.
But the rent, the gas, the electricity, the everything else that goes along with it. And once you finally get through paying them all, the next round comes and you start again. It was a HUGE eye opener for me. I never appreciated what my parents really did until I had to do it on my own.
But all money aside - just having to actually look after yourself is a killer. Cooking, cleaning, shopping, washing clothes, hanging them out, taking them in and folding them up, dishes, housework… man, it goes on and on. It’s hard work! It totally sucked. And I realised for the first time why Mum would get so shitty about stuff… I finally appreciated all the things she did for me, all the things that I took for granted. It’s not all about parties and fun and doing what you want… trust me in saying it looks a whole lot more glamorous than what it is.
The kicker is, no matter how bad it gets out there, once you have gone, there ain’t no going back. Despite the shackles your freedom brings, it is so hard to go back to living under your parent’s roof once you have tasted that freedom. THAT is the issue.
I moved back when I was 19. I lasted 6 months. On the one hand, it was SO nice having home cooked meals prepared for me, having my dirty clothes miraculously appear clean and neatly folded, not having to worry about managing the finances and paying the bills. And shopping. To this day I fucking HATE food shopping - (thank God for the internet and home delivery is all I can say). But despite all of these luxuries, having to go back to living by someone else’s rules and having them on your back all the time was just TOO much of a head fuck… all of a sudden I was trapped in this hell, divided by responsibility on one side, and invasion of privacy on the other. It’s a no-win situation.
So Honey, my advice to you is stay home for as long as you can. Save your pennies, enjoy being looked after. And while you don’t really know what that taste of freedom is like, you really don’t know what you are missing. Life will make it such that one day, you will be on your own, like it or not. As such, while you have the opportunity to enjoy being at home, milk it for all it’s worth!
I remember people telling me when I was at school to enjoy the years I had, because once they have gone and you are stuck in the harsh reality of adult life, all you want is to go back. At the time I thought school was hell and good riddance to you … but oh my, now that I look back, how nice would it be to be going to school every rather than this slog and stress that is the workforce. Pitty I never listened and appreciated it while I had it… all I could think about at the time was getting out.
Stay where the hell you are… for as long as you can.

Sorry to hear about your Mum.


Be careful of who you live with.

I moved out this February. I'm getting on a bit - 21 now, and this is my first time out. Moved in with two of my old, very trusted friends from high school, only to find out that they're the single most laziest bastards I've ever met.

I'm still supported from home, the Australian government won't pay me cos my parents make too much money and I do too many subjects at university to be able to support myself with the rate of pay I can attain, but I make ends meet and have just enough to have a little fun every month or so. My parents give me a lot of freedom, so moving back home isn't much of an ordeal for me - in fact, I'll probably be going back once my lease is done - I'm sick of cleaning fucking maggots off my roommate's month old soup plate. Current plan is looking like going back home for a few years, finishing my postgraduate qualifications, gathering the money for a house, and waiting for the market to recover so I can buy a decent house.

The other thing in this equation is how much your dad will miss you. My parents are seriously fucked up by the fact that I moved out - even though I needed to be 200km away 5 days a week, they want me to be back at home every weekend. They went to some pretty extreme lengths to try and keep me back, and now that my commitment is almost over, they're gonna be fucking stoked to see me back there. Depends on the relationship you have with him.

If something can be accomplished easily that keeps everyone relatively happy, then go for it. Pretty much everything else I wanted to say, like bills and shit, has been covered by everyone else.

Best of luck with what you decide to do, though.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Wow... you guys had a choice? Here's how it happened for me:

So I started spending alot of time with my then girlfriend... would stay over her house and only come home occasionally to pick up clothes, etc.... so one day I come home and my stepfather is taking my bed apart... and he says... oh I didn't think you were staying here anymore....

yeah we had such a close relationship like that.
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