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This is my second day not drinking... please help me give strength


Hey Guys!

So I'm 31 years old and I started drinking heavily in the last 3 years. Before that I was mostly a social drinker. Then I started to go to the pub more regularly, and then every day, getting drunk. Then gradually over the last 2 years I slid into alcoholism, or at least I think what is was.

I started drinking at home, and in the last few months, sometimes I felt so shit physically and depressed in the mornings that I found if I drink in the mornings I feel better and function enough to do some work (I work from home).

Obviously I couldn't work the same amount, so my pay got lower and lower. And because now I drank the whole day (not every day of the week, but most) I felt even shittier. I couldn't even fuck a girl properly since I was so drunk I couldn't feel anything the girl was doing to me, so that got me feel even more shitty and drank even more.

I couldn't make any plans in life, I had no vision. My only thoughts were when is the next time I can drink.

My mother wanted me to get help, she is the only one who could totally see trough me, she always did. Basicly every other person I could trick, lie or hide my problems. I refused help or going to rehab. This week I decided to do it on my own. I said this has to stop!

My first day was very bad indeed. The second day I already feel better. I had a good night sleep in like I don't know... years? I already have energy, feel better about everything around me, the depression seems to be ease up.

I know two days is not a lot of time and this journey will be hard. But I'm very determined, and I feel that this will lead to good things in life. Well, the alternative leads to nowhere anyway, I guess.

I know I shouldn't ever drink anymore. The problem is, there is no "I just drink one beer" with me, never was. If I drink a beer, I have to drink one more, and then more. This has to completely stop.

Thanks for listening! What do you guys think? Do you have stories, personal experiences?
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Well, while I never drank masses of alcohol, I stopped drinking since Sunday.

During lockdown, I got into the habit of drinking a bit here and there, which amassed up to three beers a day. Which I consider too much for me. Especially since it got more and more lately.

I wish you a lot of strength going through this

add: maybe M1chl M1chl can join this thread and tell something about this and future consequences if you don't stop as well.
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Currently Gif and Meme Champion
As you wish:

And with that said keep going, also this may be helpful:
I do not know if this is correct but here on eastern Europe alcohol is a big issue, drunkenness is quite common to see. I know in the drunk shelters they give small amounts of drink to help keep people calm, I believe alcohol withdrawal can cause physical harm? You could begin to reduce what you drink and limit the hours in which you do?

I would also imagine that you need to reduce the activity you do while drinking, maybe take up some exercise instead?

Addiction to drinking can really ruin not just your life but those around you.

My wifes brother and his girlfriend are bad drunkies, so bad that they neglect their own kids to the point my wife just took them and they now live with us. They can go a week or two without even asking how their kids are.

Stay strong and reach out to family, keep yourself busy


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
I do not know if this is correct but here on eastern Europe alcohol is a big issue, drunkenness is quite common to see. I know in the drunk shelters they give small amounts of drink to help keep people calm, I believe alcohol withdrawal can cause physical harm? You could begin to reduce what you drink and limit the hours in which you do?

I would also imagine that you need to reduce the activity you do while drinking, maybe take up some exercise instead?

Addiction to drinking can really ruin not just your life but those around you.

My wifes brother and his girlfriend are bad drunkies, so bad that they neglect their own kids to the point my wife just took them and they now live with us. They can go a week or two without even asking how their kids are.

Stay strong and reach out to family, keep yourself busy
Yeah, with Benzodiazepines is the only other drug, which can give you death on w/d.
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In Ireland drinking is a massive problem ( go figure)
I think it's the general attitude towards drink as well. Like a badge of humour to get shitfaced.

Some people like me can't handle heavy amounts of alcohol or I resort to my base personality.exe which is a complete asshole.

I had to tone it down as well but I wish you the best.

As always with giving something up it's about replacing it with something else. Try and do something to do instead of drinking. Perhaps running or joining a club or society.

Sitting down idle and being bored won't get you far.

Also if you have any friends that love drinking it's time to take a step back from them for a little while.
Well, was just about to give an update to the thread I posted this in for prayer but looks like this is a sign.

Right now I have a friend of mine sitting in a hospital bed barely hanging on due to alcoholism. They found him passed out on the sidewalk with his body covered in bruises, a brain injury and a blood alcohol level of over 300...


He went into a coma and the doctors had to do brain surgery. They don't know if he will ever fully recover control over his entire body. He was able to raise his hands the other day and put two fingers in the air.

My Dad lost all 3 of his older brothers when he was younger due to car accidents that involved drunk drivers. I never got to meet my uncles and my kids won't either. His mother died right after she gave birth to him, leading his father to become an alcoholic. He would fly into rages, abusing my father and telling him it was his fault his mother died. My father would later go on to hate drinking, but because of what he went through, he didn't really know how to be a good dad and he was abusive in his own, non physical ways towards my brother and I before we convinced our mother to leave him. One of the worst days of my life. Even just thinking about it...

Please. Take care of yourself mate. Take command of your body. Dominate it. At all costs. Your life, and the lives of others could depend on it. You can do this. Every time you get an urge, just find something else to replace it with. My brother had a substance abuse problem for a while and the Wim Hoff method literally changed him into a new man right in front of my eyes. With my hand on the bible I swear he never popped another pill, said he didn't even have the urge.

I was so impressed even I started doing it and it changed my life and helped with the rampant inflammation that I had been dealing with due to a car accident, a slipped disk, pinched nerve and losing nearly all the curve in my spine, becoming nearly an invalid. It also cured some incredible depression I had been dealing with due to sexual abuse as a child that had to do with cold water. Whenever the season would turn colder, or whenever I came into contact with cold water, everything would change. My sense of smell, my attitude, even my perception. An incredible heaviness would weigh down on me. I swear, after one ice bath it was completely gone. And now, I've got my curve back in my spine and I'm going to be competing in an arm wrestling tournament in just a few days. Just a thought.

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Volcano High Alumnus (Cum Laude)
It's going to feel shite for a few days, you might find you have trouble sleeping/eating normally and it'll take a while to adjust.

Like other people have said, distraction works, and one of the easiest ways to cut down it just to make sure you don't have any booze in the house.


Bluntman Bluntman You should try having something as a replacement drink to satisfy the physical habit of drinking. What helped me is to have lots of bottles of iced tea, it's all the actions of drinking but without the alcohol. Day 3-4 will be tough for you as the anxiety could kick in, it's all in your head and it's not real and you have to push through that. Try and find something to distract yourself from it. Also you might get nightmares, which is shitty but also passes.


I do not know if this is correct but here on eastern Europe alcohol is a big issue, drunkenness is quite common to see. I know in the drunk shelters they give small amounts of drink to help keep people calm, I believe alcohol withdrawal can cause physical harm? You could begin to reduce what you drink and limit the hours in which you do?

I would also imagine that you need to reduce the activity you do while drinking, maybe take up some exercise instead?

Addiction to drinking can really ruin not just your life but those around you.

My wifes brother and his girlfriend are bad drunkies, so bad that they neglect their own kids to the point my wife just took them and they now live with us. They can go a week or two without even asking how their kids are.

Stay strong and reach out to family, keep yourself busy

Well, the first day I had some bad withdrawal symptoms, I really felt the urge to drink just to ease them. But that would've started the circle again, so I said fuck it, I'll get trough it even if I die. I took a light sedative (Frontin) before sleep, and that helped.

The second day, I basicly felt no symptoms at all. Maybe that's because I wasn't an alcoholic for like 10 or 20 years? I guess after a very long time, this kind of instant withdrawal can be really dangerous indeed.

Bluntman Bluntman You should try having something as a replacement drink to satisfy the physical habit of drinking. What helped me is to have lots of bottles of iced tea, it's all the actions of drinking but without the alcohol. Day 3-4 will be tough for you as the anxiety could kick in, it's all in your head and it's not real and you have to push through that. Try and find something to distract yourself from it. Also you might get nightmares, which is shitty but also passes.

Thanks for the advice. I do feel anxiety kicking in sometimes and it's nice to know that it's normal. When I felt that today, I got up from my computer and went for a walk with the dogs and on the way back I stopped at my local pub for a coffee. I felt disgusted, that just a few days ago I would already be there drinking alcohol midday.
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For me a bit of the problem is that in my social circle, you simply cannot meet a couple of people if you are not willing to drink with them.

so stupid.


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
Take care of yourself mate.
I certainly am sorry about your situation. But this is certainly not the message you want to send, since addicted person see this as pointer to drinking. Because you feel like shit without it, especially after long time drinking. So that "care" is ethanol in blood.

For me a bit of the problem is that in my social circle, you simply cannot meet a couple of people if you are not willing to drink with them.

so stupid.
Yes it's stupid, but at least you are not drinking in home and besides, you can get yourself some soft drink, what is way more dangerous is buy a bottle and down it while watching some stupid youtube videos, etc...
I certainly am sorry about your situation. But this is certainly not the message you want to send, since addicted person see this as pointer to drinking. Because you feel like shit without it, especially after long time drinking. So that "care" is ethanol in blood.
Preeeeeety sure he gets the point from the rest of my post... This also isn't my first rodeo helping people with substance abuse issues. Or addicts in general. I've been a mentor for the better part of my life.


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
Preeeeeety sure he gets the point from the rest of my post... This also isn't my first rodeo helping people with substance abuse issues. Or addicts in general. I've been a mentor for the better part of my life.
Very well, I certainly see the opposite, but hey different folks different strokes.

Kev Kev

Well, the first day I had some bad withdrawal symptoms, I really felt the urge to drink just to ease them. But that would've started the circle again, so I said fuck it, I'll get trough it even if I die. I took a light sedative (Frontin) before sleep, and that helped.

The second day, I basicly felt no symptoms at all. Maybe that's because I wasn't an alcoholic for like 10 or 20 years? I guess after a very long time, this kind of instant withdrawal can be really dangerous indeed.

Thanks for the advice. I do feel anxiety kicking in sometimes and it's nice to know that it's normal. When I felt that today, I got up from my computer and went for a walk with the dogs and on the way back I stopped at my local pub for a coffee. I felt disgusted, that just a few days ago I would already be there drinking alcohol midday.
i've been sober 2 years and coffee really helped me at times. it's stimulating enough and helps take my mind off wanting a drink. of course you don't want to develop a caffeine addiction so maybe use half caffeinated or decaf. i'd even drink a really weak cup of coffee at night, when cravings were the hardest to resist

good luck to you! my best advice for staying clean is to just focus on making through the day. no matter what happens, no matter how stressed you get, no matter how tempted you are, just make it through this one day. don't think about tomorrow. worry about tomorrow when tomorrow comes. just promise yourself you'll get through this one day.

don't b afraid to visit the sober thread in community side. i've already seen a few other people in recovery post over there. maybe they can offer you some words of support or guidance.


Nice one man, I hope this works out for you. Enjoy the freedom, is there stuff you've been meaning to get round to that you've got space to get into now?

You seem pretty honest about some of the reasons you drank and it sounds like it became a coping mechanism of some kind? More strength to you, hope your life gets better as a result bro.


Hey OP good luck! Working on 5 days sober myself today. My goal is to make it to Saturday night. I always have an excuse why to drink and I really need to get that out of my head. Here is a little log of the last few days:

Sunday: Woke up feeling hung over from night before. Told myself was not going to drink today. Almost cracked a beer at noon when my dad came to visit. At night was a real struggle not to drink with the excuse of "It's still the weekend"

Monday: Woke up feeling great thinking "I need to not drink more often". Later that night I almost drank with the excuse "It's Monday and had a typical Monday at work".

Tuesday: Feeling great. Pretty much think of having a drink right away with the excuse "Hey 2 days sober, need to celebrate". Later that night I have Taco Tuesday. Almost had a margarita with the excuse "It's Taco Tuesday, tacos don't taste the same without a margarita"

Wednesday: Feeling great and looking great. I saw myself in the mirror and I swear I look younger. Real struggle not drinking with the excuse that it's a UFC fight night and I always have a few drinks while watching the fights. I also start getting a headache that I'm pretty sure is from not drinking.

Today: Wake up basically feeling hung over even though I did not drink. Coffee and some Advil and feeling better. Plan on not drinking tonight but know I will need to battle some excuse.
I've always hated drinking since my parents embarassed me publically when socially drinking. Don't forget about the bad things that happened to you and get professional help if your body starts to fight you back. Replacing one addiction with another sounds like a bad idea but I don't know if it's the only way.

Super Mario

Few like my answers on these kinds of things, but the power to stop is within you. In our world of victimization, we always find something to blame. Many people make poor choices and become addicted to alcohol, smoking, gambling, food, etc. Mostly due to some sort of mental trauma. None of these things are inherently bad in moderation, but when you don't control yourself, it gets bad.

I'm glad to hear you are making the attempt and have been on a streak. Watching people destroy themselves around you can be a big help to us waking up and saying "I don't want to be them".
Keep it up :) Don't try to over do it and just take it a day at a time.

My story (i'm drunk right now so sorry if it's a lot of rambling):

I've been trying to get off alcohol for about a couple years now. I'm only just recently been able to cut down how much I drink. I've been drinking since I was 13 years old but it only really got bad in the last 6 years or so (since I was 22). At first I was only drinking Saturday/Sunday Friday/Saturday but then I started drinking on Sunday then I added Thursday in too. So, I was drunk 4 days out of a week....for how long I don't know. If I was off work for the week I would drink Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday! One time I took 2 weeks off and yup i drank 18 days in a row.

The last while (maybe 6-12 months) I noticed I was needing a lot more alcohol to get drunk. I was just downing beers one after another and hardly getting a buzz. I used to drink weak ass beers but then moved on to stronger stuff then started getting spirits. On top of that I was finding myself getting a lot angrier and tired when I was drinking. I finally admitted I had a problem especially since I couldn't just go back to drinking 2 or even 3 days a week as i felt i had no control over it. I was worried that I might start drinking on a wednesday too to make it only 2 days sober a week! (i actually did a few times). I also started noticing that my memory was getting worse which really freaked me out. I don't know if it was the alcohol but it could be. and...i'm really ashamed of it but i even got in my car a couple times while drunk. that's when i really tried getting my shit together. i could feel my life going down hill

Anyway, the last couple months because I was needing more alcohol, I was getting more tired/angry when drinking, and finding myself in my car.... I managed to cut down gradually how much I was drinking. I used to drink about 10-12 beers a day over 4 days (so 40-48 a week) but i managed to get it down to 19 over 2 days. I was off work last week so was drinking nearly every day. I am drinking right now but the last time I had a drink was Saturday so I've gone 4 days without a drink....it might not sound much but it's still better than where I was only a few months ago. I'm gonna try not drink on Sunday this weekend. I am going to try stick to a 5/2 week or a 4/3 week. It's better than a 3/4 week.

Maybe i'll be able to cut it out altogether but I feel like I'm finally able to control it a bit now.
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I drink one shot of hard alc (rum, whisky, gin, brandy etc.) every day after dinner. Would not want to miss it. I change the flavour all the time and always pick something new when a bottle is up.

I was always quite weird when it comes to addictions. For some reason I have the feeling it doesn't stick on me. If I smoke or drink I never experiance any change in behaviour or attitude, I just get dizzy and feel unwell. That's why I always found it easy to not get addicted. For instance, after a catastrophic relationship earlier this year I picked up smoking again for 6 months and then one day just quit and now, a month later, have no urge to pick it up again.
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Perpetually Offended
Much love and respect to you for your courage to look at yourself and confront your issues.

I have no experience in alcoholism but what I CAN do is suggest you add something to your days: exercise.

As someone who battles depression and anxiety daily, I can tell you that exercise helps. Whether it's a walk or a jog... Or a session on the heavy bag/speed bag... Exercise of any kind will help you to feel better. Seriously... Try it. Even stretching helps! I'm nowhere where I want to be or need to be as far as my exercise is concerned but it helps a lot.

Godspeed, brother.


Hey sir,

You have done one thing many others have not, ask for help. My soothers are porn, video gaming, and anime (youtube and binging non-anime as well). Physically sober on the porn for about nine weeks.

I recommend following your moms advice and get help. The key is not to get help to please your mother but to get help to help you and improve your life. There is no shame in getting help. Getting help helps us let go of shame.

Feel free to stop in at Sober GAF.


I don’t have any tips or tricks other than you have to be resolute in your decision. If there’s the slightest rationale for drinking in your brain it will come out. I never drank the way you did, but I think alcohol is particularly bad if you’re insecure or have a bad self image. I stopped drinking entirely when my son was born, I was 35, I’m 53 now. Best decision I ever made. Once you kick alcohol there’s another adjustment you’ll have to make. You’ll find out most, if not all of your social life was based on it. There will be a period of isolation when you are relearning how to meet people and socialize. Good luck, stay strong 🤛


I don't consider myself an alcoholic (but very few actually do) but back in the day my drinking had caused problems at school and with relationships and at one point I wrecked my car and lost my license (in addition to costing me a shit ton of fines and fees and expenses) so it wasn't all fun and games. I quit for a while and replaced it with some other things (which themselves started to become a problem) but the one thing I do to keep things in check is exercise. Daily. EDIT: looks like others have already recommended exercise. It works!

It doesn't sound like a good answer to the problem, and it's not an easy answer to be sure, but the more you exercise, the more you condition your body to discomfort and the more discipline, willpower, and grit you build. You know those people you see up before the sun running in the park? Half of them are running away from something, whether it's drugs or alcohol or some aspect of their old life. The guys you see pumpin' in the gym? Some of them are doing the same thing, using their fear and anger to power thru the workouts. The key is to never stop even after the immediate crisis has passed. So many people work hard for a few months then drop off and eventually relapse. Get into a routine and stick with it. I'm up with the sun to exercise every day whether I want to or not, and I do another session in the afternoons. Sometimes I'll grab one for lunch if my schedule permits. Don't think; just do it. It will improve your heath, help you focus, and take up a lot of free time.

Also distance yourself from bad influences (drinking buddies) and avoid things that might tempt you.

One last thing: get a dog. It's always good to have something to live for. A human partner or family member will be able to move on, but if you didn't come home one day a dog wouldn't understand. Sometimes I feel like my dog is the only thing that keeps me going.


Hey guys, thanks everyone for the tips and advice, you can't imagine how helpful it is! I mean it from the bottom of my hearth!

Currently powering trough the third day, it's going pretty okay so far.

I plan on working for two more hours then go for a short biking in the evening. Short because I'm unfit as fuck. Not fat or anything, I look pretty normal, just very unfit. I will try to make evening biking a habit

Will try some exercise in the morning as well. Again, just some very basic stuff in the beginning like pushups for the above mentioned reason :D
Hey guys, thanks everyone for the tips and advice, you can't imagine how helpful it is! I mean it from the bottom of my hearth!

Currently powering trough the third day, it's going pretty okay so far.

I plan on working for two more hours then go for a short biking in the evening. Short because I'm unfit as fuck. Not fat or anything, I look pretty normal, just very unfit. I will try to make evening biking a habit

Will try some exercise in the morning as well. Again, just some very basic stuff in the beginning like pushups for the above mentioned reason :D
Biking is great for your health.

Keep at it brother! :messenger_smiling:


Gold Member
Great work OP.
I hope you’ve emptied out every bottle in the house, it’s much harder to buy new stuff than gain access to what is already around.

I always like working things in milestones. You get through a week and celebrate by buying something nice so you have something to look forward too.

Keep up the great work and I look forward to hearing your updates.


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
Hey guys, thanks everyone for the tips and advice, you can't imagine how helpful it is! I mean it from the bottom of my hearth!

Currently powering trough the third day, it's going pretty okay so far.

I plan on working for two more hours then go for a short biking in the evening. Short because I'm unfit as fuck. Not fat or anything, I look pretty normal, just very unfit. I will try to make evening biking a habit

Will try some exercise in the morning as well. Again, just some very basic stuff in the beginning like pushups for the above mentioned reason :D

Awesome to hear OP.

Also, remember, if for some reason things don’t go to plan, don’t feel embarrassed or anything, just come back and share your experience. We are always going to support a member of our community trying to improve themselves.

Kev Kev

Hey OP good luck! Working on 5 days sober myself today. My goal is to make it to Saturday night. I always have an excuse why to drink and I really need to get that out of my head. Here is a little log of the last few days:

Sunday: Woke up feeling hung over from night before. Told myself was not going to drink today. Almost cracked a beer at noon when my dad came to visit. At night was a real struggle not to drink with the excuse of "It's still the weekend"

Monday: Woke up feeling great thinking "I need to not drink more often". Later that night I almost drank with the excuse "It's Monday and had a typical Monday at work".

Tuesday: Feeling great. Pretty much think of having a drink right away with the excuse "Hey 2 days sober, need to celebrate". Later that night I have Taco Tuesday. Almost had a margarita with the excuse "It's Taco Tuesday, tacos don't taste the same without a margarita"

Wednesday: Feeling great and looking great. I saw myself in the mirror and I swear I look younger. Real struggle not drinking with the excuse that it's a UFC fight night and I always have a few drinks while watching the fights. I also start getting a headache that I'm pretty sure is from not drinking.

Today: Wake up basically feeling hung over even though I did not drink. Coffee and some Advil and feeling better. Plan on not drinking tonight but know I will need to battle some excuse.

this posts hits on a HUGE component in anyone's sober journey (whether they stop for a week, a year, or for life), which is making excuses to have a drink and creating reasons for why you deserve a drink

when i was trying to get clean (took a million tries) i always gave in bc i told myself that i could have one drink, and that i deserved it, or i had a bad day, or its my dads 50th birthday (a lot like what you were mentionaing in your psts). and sometimes thatd work... but only for a short while... it wouldnt be long before i was back to a bottle of vodka a day. same thing with cigarettes. the addict in me will do anything to negotiate just one drink. but if i have that one drink or that one smoke or that one hit, pill, line, etc.. then its all over.

hey man congrats to you! stay strong and push through to your goal. you can do it!
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Dai Kaiju

Depending on how severe your dependency on alcohol is, you should NOT do it outside of a setting where you are medically supervised. You can literally die from alcohol withdrawal. I spent a week in the hospital the first time i tried to quite drinking...and another the second time a month later. 5 years sober!

My advice to you is this: After you quit, DO NOT blow it off when people tell you you can't have one drink ever again for the rest of your life. All it takes is one freaking sip of beer and you'll be hooked again. I learned this the hard way,
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