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This is pretty creepy...

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Anyone intimidated by my way too long post can skim it and get a pretty good idea of what's going on:

Ever heard of www.ratemyprofessor.com?

Well, one of the courses that I've been taking this summer has been a disaster. Right off the bat, the lectures were terrible. The teacher would spend an hour giving us notes that only recited the text. We never really talked about anything besides what's in the news [and did not relate it to the course]. I think she noticed some rumblings amongst the students, so during class she asked us if we had any ideas. Well, a few of us mentioned some things, but kept it pretty modest. Then, given that she wanted some ideas, myself and another student took it upon ourselves to try speaking with her after class. We told her that we thought we would learn the material better if we had more concise notes and more discussion amongst ourselves. She argued that she wasn't confident that people were reading the text/readings and so she gave thorough notes. We said that the onus is on them to read it, not her. So, although she was noticeably uncomfortable, we tried to be cool about it and just express our thoughts. After we left, we weren't sure if we had done any good, but at least we had stood up for ourselves.

The next class, guess what... POP QUIZ. Her exact words: "Considering some of you feel that you know the material so well, you should have no problem with this pop quiz." It was our only pop quiz during the entire semester. I'm convinced that she did it purely out of spite. She's a child. A fucking child.

Every so often during the next few classes, she would take little, inappropriate jabs at me. By then I was getting along with everyone so they only thought less of her, rather than me. And the other girl that spoke to her with me got completely insulted when she went to the teacher for some help after class (she nearly cried). Things were not going well. I had a paper due in a week and I was worried that she would mark me unfairly. Well, that's what happened. Someone else who wrote on the same topic got a 9.5 (I got an 8) and he admitted that mine was much better. It didn't make any sense.

Oddly enough, those suggestions that we made, to which she responded with a pop quiz... ARE NOW IN EFFECT. The notes are more concise and we set aside 30 min to an hour for discussion each class. So she liked our ideas, but she didn't like that we gave them to her. Uh huh.

She (the teacher) is also extremely rude to students. She picks on the quiet Asians because she knows they'll struggle. She pokes at the lone conservative in our class (no one laughs - it's just mean). She has certain people that do her bidding; she showed them no respect until she noticed that people were disgusted with her. Just all around a very rude person. We've reached a consensus that no one likes her - or at best they're ok with her.

So... just over a week ago... three of us ended up rating her at www.ratemyprofessor.com. Giving very poor marks and some detailed, negative comments. One day after I post my comment, two more appear:

5, 5, 5


5, 5, 5

"Very informed and clear. I appreciated the structure and organization of the class. I think the participation mark is going to raise my grade but lower the grades of those complaining students."

I just saw these now. And I was honestly shaking a little bit. I'm so disturbed. We have a class of like 15 people and I've spoken to all of them. NO ONE feels that way about her. And this particular sentence:

"I think the participation mark is going to raise my grade but lower the grades of those complaining students."

Ooooh... *shudder*. That has to be her.

I can't believe she'd do that. Well, in fact, I can. But it's still no less disturbing. And that I think she has a good idea of who made them, given what we said [our examples], I'm almost sure that she's going to do whatever she can to rip my mark apart. I haven't even taken my Final Exam yet and she's currently marking my huge term paper.

I am boned. Utterly and completely boned!



Better go to the bursar and see if you can drop and get your cash back before she tells all your other professors and fuxors your GPA

BTW, what's her name

Doth Togo

Awesome site. Thanks for posting this... Seeing some of the old names of my professors made me think back to when I was in college. Good times. I rated quite a few of my professors this evening. Was lots of fun.

:thumbs up
If you are confident enough about the other students opinions you might want to try to rally them together and speak to someone higher in authority. I don't think you need everyone to have a situation like yours, but if there's a general disatisfaction with her teaching and instances where you think she actively lets her personal feelings interfer with her professionalism. Also if you want to use the ratemyprofessor.com thing as evidence then having it confirmed that no other classmate could have written the comments would strengthen your case.

But try to get as many people behind you as possible. It'd be harder for you to defend yourself on your own than if there is a siginificant proportion of the class with you. If you really think this'll affect your grades then you have to do something about it rather than sitting back and accepting it.


belgurdo said:
BTW, what's her name
Hah, no.

A couple other examples:

One girl joined our class late [she had hurt her neck during the first week]. Our class is separated into groups for discussion, so we encouraged her to join ours. The teacher sent her an e-mail, honest to God, saying "Stay away from them. They're too loud." The next class the girl told us about it and that she didn't care. She knew enough about us by then to not buy into it. That was awesome.

And I just found this out the other day. There's this sweet South American girl that sits near the front. For whatever reason, the teacher told her that our group was "cocky" and "no good". Thanks, teach! I bet she wants to fuck my brains out now! :)

Also, she nearly gave this girl that sits next to me a zero on her term paper because she didn't hand it on time. She had e-mailed the teacher days before it was due, saying she needed to go to California for a family emergency [her sister was in labour and things weren't going well] and that she'd e-mail the paper because she wouldn't be in class. But the e-mail never got there because of complications. The teacher sent her an e-mail, basically accusing her of lying. So the girl brought photos, dated, of the baby with a name tag that had the name on it. The teacher apologised, said "I was in a bad mood at the time" (!! unprofessional!), and then groveled, saying she was "going places" and "should join the model UN".

post the link here

we will rate her accordingly.
Actually, there's nothing stopping me from rating her a thousand times.

But I won't.
If you are confident enough about the other students opinions you might want to try to rally them together and speak to someone higher in authority. I don't think you need everyone to have a situation like yours, but if there's a general disatisfaction with her teaching and instances where you think she actively lets her personal feelings interfer with her professionalism. Also if you want to use the ratemyprofessor.com thing as evidence then having it confirmed that no other classmate could have written the comments would strengthen your case.
Yep, I considered that. Not sure how I'd go about that, though.
But try to get as many people behind you as possible. It'd be harder for you to defend yourself on your own than if there is a siginificant proportion of the class with you. If you really think this'll affect your grades then you have to do something about it rather than sitting back and accepting it.
You're definitely right. But I never got to touch on that part. A handful of us are going to send letters to the Dean after the semester (one guy in particular is 33 and lectures occasionally at the school - they will definitely take him seriously) and I am personally going to speak to the head of the department.



Ease, Helpfulness, Clarity
Socreges said:
Yep, I considered that. Not sure how I'd go about that, though.

You're definitely right. But I never got to touch on that part. A handful of us are going to send letters to the Dean after the semester (one guy in particular is 33 and lectures occasionally at the school - they will definitely take him seriously) and I am personally going to speak to the head of the department.

How well known are these situations amongst the rest of the class? And when you say a handful of people how many are you talking?

Approach your other classmates and just say you'd like to talk about that particular class. Maybe do it with one of the other people who are going to send letters. Ask them what they thought of the class, tell them the examples you've given us (and any that you haven't) and just say that some of you are already going to speak to her superiors about her teaching. If they also feel the same way ask them, should it be necessary, if they would be willing to confirm their opinions to the head of department and the Dean. Try not to scare them into thinking that they'd be sticking their neck out but just that you might need to call on their support. The more people you already have confirmed on your side the easier it'll be to convince people who may be unsure about standing, up to do so.

If the girl who had the emergency still has the email that would also help your case.


Junior Member
I make it a point not too complain about cranky teachers. Most of them are cranky because they hate their life. So I wouldn't want to get them fired and leave them with even more of nothing. Same with taxi drivers who piss me off.


Die Squirrel Die said:
How well known are these situations amongst the rest of the class? And when you say a handful of people how many are you talking?
It's pretty much unanimous. With anyone we haven't spoken to about the class, you can get a good impression of how they feel. That South American girl, though... the teacher has kept her fairly close. I think I'll speak to her next class. :)
Approach your other classmates and just say you'd like to talk about that particular class. Maybe do it with one of the other people who are going to send letters. Ask them what they thought of the class, tell them the examples you've given us (and any that you haven't) and just say that some of you are already going to speak to her superiors about her teaching. If they also feel the same way ask them, should it be necessary, if they would be willing to confirm their opinions to the head of department and the Dean. Try not to scare them into thinking that they'd be sticking their neck out but just that you might need to call on their support. The more people you already have confirmed on your side the easier it'll be to convince people who may be unsure about standing, up to do so.
Yeah, we've been building support from the beginning. In fact, after just the second week or something, we were joking around that it had become a coup d'etat.

I expect at least six of us to write a letter. And I may be able to see if anyone else is willing to (for themselves - a lot of people feel strongly about this, but are afraid to do anything about it).
If the girl who had the emergency still has the email that would also help your case.
I'm sure she does.

I sent her that page. Here's part of her reply:

"you have to be kidding me. that is so ridiculous. im telling you, i will be writing a letter to the dean"


Something similar happened to me. My prof wasn't such an asshole like yours (his class wasn't that bad), but at RateMyProf, every single one was glowing, except one that said "Stop rating yourself Rob". Heh.


A couple more negative comments went up. Then this:

5 5 5

"Glad I kept up with the readings. This course was challenging but I am doing well because I don't sit and **** all class long. I came to learn and glad I took the class."

If there was ever any doubt.... wow...


First tragedy, then farce.
I had a similar situation. At UT at the end of every course students are given teacher review sheets, and you can later look those scores up as well as leave comments. The comments never go online, but the teacher gets them after the course is over (without your name). Anyway, I had a first year teacher, who I have been told took the proff reviews from the student who was supposed to take them to the department secretary.. all I know is I wrote a scathing review (after all my grades were in) and somehow wound up with a D- in a class where my grades averaged to a A-. I took it to the Dean and had my grade reajusted.

I know she knew about it because she told the class that she was cancelling a movie she had planned on showing us (we spent 2 months watching movies, and Im sorry I dont pay hundreds of dollars to see 3 movies I could have rented for under 10 bucks) because someone had complained about it. I was the only one who complained about it, and I only did so on my proff review.


Aw man....

I never went to sleep thursday night. Went to the exam on friday having pulled an all-nighter. Yet I left feeling confident that I aced it. The semester was over and I was in high spirits.

A bunch of us stuck around to get our research essays. She spoke to us individually. Get this: She wouldn't let us take our papers with us [for whatever reason, she wanted to keep them]. She insisted that we don't discuss our marks with anyone else. And she wouldn't even let us discuss what we had discussed. Fucking bizarre. In fact, after I left, the next person who went in [the person told me this] was grilled by the teacher as to what I said after I left the office. This infuriated me. Then another person told me that the teacher had explicitly said that our group was a disturbance. He got the impression from her that she was going to drag our mark down. Mine specifically.

The entire semester she's been talking to people behind my back. Does she not fucking realize that I get along really well with everyone? And that they immediately tell me these things? She's such a douche.

So... I was tired. I was hungry. And now I was depressed. What a terrible fucking way to end the semester. I was about to go home, but first stopped by the other campus to speak to the head of the department about the entire situation. He was an intellectual, so he gave me no sympathy, but it wasn't what I was looking for. It was just nice getting everything off my chest. He suggested I do a 'blind mark' for my research essay (which I feel was unfairly marked) by another 'blind' instructor. HOWEVER, in order to do that they need the original paper. Otherwise they can't be sure that I haven't changed anything if I were to give them a new copy. So now I've got to somehow find a way of getting the essay back from her. That should be interesting. Maybe I'll just tell her exactly what's going on.

Oh the drama!

[edit] btw, I went to bed at 5pm and woke up at 1am. And I've eaten one bowl of cereal in over 24 hours. Everything's so weird right now.


Can't you just give them a copy of your essay, and tell them since you're doing this because of your professor it would be easier for the 'blind' professor to ask for the original from her?

All the other prof. has to do is send the copy you gave him to her via e-mail perhaps to confirm that they are identical or just stop by her office and pick it up...


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Damn...so much drama. Well you know something is up for sure since she asked other students about what you were talking about.

I would just be honest and tell her that I would prefer to go the "blind prof" route and don't want any trouble. Just say something like "Nothing personal, but I would prefer to do this and ensure that my grade isn't damaged by any personal conflicts we've had in the past. I'm not saying you would do something like this on purpose, but it would put my mind at rest"


Chrono said:
Can't you just give them a copy of your essay, and tell them since you're doing this because of your professor it would be easier for the 'blind' professor to ask for the original from her?

All the other prof. has to do is send the copy you gave him to her via e-mail perhaps to confirm that they are identical or just stop by her office and pick it up...
True. I guess my point is that whatever happens, it's required that she know that I'm having my essay re-marked. Which is fine really...

Grizzly, well said.


there should be a departmental process for impartial assessment in case of a question like this. if your grade isn't what you think it should be your only choice is to follow whatever school policy exists. really the best plan would have been to drop the class or not antagonize her in the first place.


fart said:
there should be a departmental process for impartial assessment in case of a question like this. if your grade isn't what you think it should be your only choice is to follow whatever school policy exists. really the best plan would have been to drop the class or not antagonize her in the first place.
My ~$300 was sunk before I realized I wanted out. And what she considered "antagonizing" would have been "cooperation" to any other teacher. Fuck her. I've done nothing wrong.

And yes, after speaking to the department head, I'm going to follow whatever policy I can. Especially if my mark seems unusually low.



Ok, my mind is blown. www.ratemyprofessor.com :

One new rating is up:

"The positive comments are a joke!!! Must have been her, as every student complained! Lazy, mean, refuses to help, unorganized, unprofessional.. cant get much worse!! I dont usually complain, nice to me... but she was a horrible prof! Watch out [edit: new school that she is teaching at next semester]!"

But the weirdest thing is.... 3 of the 4 positive comments are now GONE. They've simply disappeared. Every negative comment is still there, though.

That's such a fucking trip. I wonder if she took them down herself somehow.


Petition your grade. I'm sure you can do it at your school. At my university, the professors have to keep our papers for 2 semesters before they can throw them away incase a student petitions their grade. You could also get a bunch of the other students to back you up if you are still in contact with them.
2/24/04 POLS 281 2 2 1 cant understand, learned nothing
10/28/03 PolySci 2 2 1 Hard to understand when he talks...
12/11/02 POLS 281 2 1 1 Can't understand him when he talks

LOL - I had this guy last semester. Half the people didn't answer role because they couldn't understand this very Asian professor. Some people got up in middle of class and left, I ran to the computer lab after and quickly dropped and added a different class (1 spot open! omg!)


Edmonton's milkshake attracts no boys.
I feel for you. Ive only been though highschool so far.. but bad teachers really piss me off. This last year the teacher you got for math decided whetehr you got an easy 90 in one teacher's class or a hard 80 in another teachers. Also THANKS FOR THE SITE! I can look up Professors who I will be getting next year at my university.


Socreges said:

Ok, my mind is blown. www.ratemyprofessor.com :

One new rating is up:

"The positive comments are a joke!!! Must have been her, as every student complained! Lazy, mean, refuses to help, unorganized, unprofessional.. cant get much worse!! I dont usually complain, nice to me... but she was a horrible prof! Watch out [edit: new school that she is teaching at next semester]!"

But the weirdest thing is.... 3 of the 4 positive comments are now GONE. They've simply disappeared. Every negative comment is still there, though.

That's such a fucking trip. I wonder if she took them down herself somehow.


I wish you had a capture of those 4 comments, can you take comments of yours down yourself...

how did she find out about this site anyway...

I can't stop laughing at this: "The positive comments are a joke!!! Must have been her, as every student complained!"


I almost feel sorry for her sorry life (unless she's having fun with all this)...


Junior Member
I almost want her to pop into this thread and start chastising Socreges. Now that would be creepy shit.
Leon said:
I almost want her to pop into this thread and start chastising Socreges. Now that would be creepy shit.

But no one here would be a super douche and post the URL to this thread as a rating comment. Although that would increase the drama in this thread by a factor of at least 10x.


efralope said:
I wish you had a capture of those 4 comments, can you take comments of yours down yourself...
Actually... no. I'm thinking that someone reported that she might have done them herself. Though why would the site immediately comply just because someone said so? Very weird.
how did she find out about this site anyway...
Most teachers know about it.
I almost feel sorry for her sorry life (unless she's having fun with all this)...
Fun? No.

I'm just glad I've got all the comments in this thread, either by image or quote.
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