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This wolf is a pimp


The first game wasnt crappy. It just lacked direction and reason.

Im sure Peter isnt a complete moron and learned from his mistakes and read all the feedback on the problems in the first and B&W 2 will be awesome, probably one of the best PC games of all time.


The best part is where he's like "oooh, I'm so angry I could just-- no, no, deep breaths, it's ok, it's ok."

B&W was a decent enough virtual pet simulator, but as soon as I started trying to play the game as they wanted me to, to you know like actually progress, I lost interest almost immediately and went back to just watching my holy tiger hug his teddy bear.

It won't surprise me if I pick up vol. 2 just to do the same, only now with better fur.


brandonnn said:
The best part is where he's like "oooh, I'm so angry I could just-- no, no, deep breaths, it's ok, it's ok."

B&W was a decent enough virtual pet simulator, but as soon as I started trying to play the game as they wanted me to, to you know like actually progress, I lost interest almost immediately and went back to just watching my holy tiger hug his teddy bear.

It won't surprise me if I pick up vol. 2 just to do the same, only now with better fur.

Like I said, either you can think Peter is a complete moron and has listened to nothing the fans have said, or hes gonna learn from his mistakes.


brandonnn said:
The best part is where he's like "oooh, I'm so angry I could just-- no, no, deep breaths, it's ok, it's ok."

B&W was a decent enough virtual pet simulator, but as soon as I started trying to play the game as they wanted me to, to you know like actually progress, I lost interest almost immediately and went back to just watching my holy tiger hug his teddy bear.

It won't surprise me if I pick up vol. 2 just to do the same, only now with better fur.

Interest in the original +100


BuddyChrist83 said:
Interest in the original +100

It's cheap as kittens now, too, which makes it that much more an attractive virtual pet simulator.

And to top it all off, with the right sort of preening your pet can become the spitting image of funnyman Marty Feldman:


which, in that case, who cares if the gameplay is broken.


I reinstalled Black and White recently and exhibited the exact same gaming behaviors as brandonnn. I purposely tried to avoid the story so I could continue to chill with my greedy but playful Monkey Mage. We would have a ball throwing villagers off of hilltops together...playin' soccer with the wildlife and attempting to teach him to shit on peoples homes.

Eventually though I would be tempted to do a quest (the first few are pretty fun) and things turned shit bland shit fast. The RTS aspect of B and W needed to be slimmed down tremendously or cut out completely. I would keep doing the main quest in an attempt to find more morality quests, not to do the main quest itself. More pet sim, more good vs. evil, less war.

Does B and W 2 sound anything like that? I'm genuinely curious.


Yeah! This is my kinda wolf :D

Anyway, like the details on him, and it has reignited my interest for the game. I've had Black & White since launch, and I had a lot of good time with it. Hopefully B&W2 will be better and have better support. A sandbox mode would've been awesome, I mean, you're supposed to be a god, but you were very limited in what you could do. Mind yo though, I didn't get the expansion, so I am not really sure it had a sandbox...
I'm trying to find a song that sounds just like it....

I know I've heard a song that sounds a lot like it(maybe not exactly the same one).

Like in the First Mortal Kombat: I'm searchin the Soundtrack right now.

Either way, I liked the wolf.
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