Abortion a pesronal right!
I believe abortion should be a right, not a privilege. Who are we to forbid others from making the decision of not wanting to bring a new life to this world?
Many would argue that they should have thought about this before and simply avoid the inconvenience, however, wouldn't it be a bigger inconvenience to bring to Earth an unwanted life?
Some would say the baby did not ask to be born and therefore should not have its chance to live taken away by the ones who brought it, however, have you ever considered the possibility of that baby being better off not being born?
Regardless of your religion on personal beliefs, I will always stand against censorship. We should responsibly respect each other's will and never forbid their actions. After all, we all make mistakes and the biggest mistake would be to not let us correct them.
Antonio Haido, Jr.
That's exactly how it appeared in the newspaper.
I'm thinking I'll title my response, "My Sincere Condolences To Antonio Haido Sr.".