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Thousands of women tortured, beaten and raped daily - then shoved into 1.5x1Meter box until the same again tomorrow - Government Approved Method!


Nothings changed since the 1960's.

Nothing is new in North Korea, but really who gives a flying fuck about equality in Hollywood when basic human rights are being trampled on constantly.

The very worst of mankind, and if it means taking out North Korea - BRING ON WORLD WAR 3.

Hundreds of thousands of people are kept in rotting cells daily, fighting and pleading with each other to eat the Rats, Mice and scraps of Leather off the ground. But don't get caught, you might get 7+ months of torture.

Women and Men are dehumanised so much, they gladly accept sexual abuse so they don't have to withstand torture for months on end.

Women and Men are deprived human contact. Once a year they are treated to a member of the opposite sex being put in their cages for a few hours - which naturally leads to sex that everyone can see, but no-one cares because theyve been deprived any sort of pleasure for so long. Then of course the baby is born.

The baby is shoved into the same cell the mother is - the same mother who works 12+ hours of hard labour a day, only to be fed 120grams of food (state-provided amount, 10-20x less than reccomended daily intake for BARE MINIMUM), to come home to a frost-bitten, malnourished, constantly crying child. A child that will be beaten every day by the guards and by the mother because coming home to hours of screaming/crying after working 12+ hours of hard labour is mind numbing.

I could go into it so much more, and it has bothered me for years since I was very much interested in North Korea. I urge anyone and everyone to watch documentaries about daily life for the 90% of people in NK, who lead sub-human to poverty-ridden lived. Or listen to some accounts from escapees and people kept in the prison system - a prison system which takes prisoners for the smallest of crimes.

Since videos are insanely rare of the prisons, heres some drawings by people who were prisoners there, of daily life of EVERY SINGLE PRISONER:


Here is a picture of daily treatment of prisoners, being kicked into tiny black hole where the prisoner will surely suffocate.


Prisoners are rotuinely tortured and degraded by guards, all malnourished due to being fed about 20x less than the rate to meet minimal nutrition needed. Most prisoners fight amonst others for clothes to avoid frostbite.


Pidgeon-torture, where prisoners are made to be held at a position that stops bloodflow to leg - for weeks on end. After which prisoners are near-death if not dead, in addition to broken legs.


Prisoners goad mice and rats in to their cells that barely contain them. Prisoners are born into these cells, and held until death. If they are caught eating rats without permission from guards, torture is expected.


Corpses are kept amongst the near-dead in cells, as they are eaten by rats. Prisoners fight to get clothes and often eat from their newly deceased neighbout.

If you can do anything, please watch the video I posted about his recounts. There are numerous other accounts like this, and how the world can continue when such an insane breach of human rights has existed for decades and nothing is being done about it.

And I haven't even touched on the brutal life 90% of the North Koreans endure just to feed the DPRK-government and 5% of people who lead a Middle-Class life.

Maybe I will post a better OP with more sources, but there are so many, so many accounts over the internet or on video... just use this as a starter for your Wikihole: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prisons_in_North_Korea
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Ok, so what? Do you want to kill a lot of them and possibly start ww3 in the process? Or are you going to sit back like everyone else and continue to support trade with china?

Also, what makes you think this isn't just propaganda? People lie when it interests them bro. 99% of the time the best thing to do is mind your own business, this applies to world affairs as well as your private life.
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Ok, so what? Do you want to kill a lot of them and possibly start ww3 in the process? Or are you going to sit back like everyone else and continue to support trade with china?

Also, what makes you think this isn't just propaganda? People lie when it interests them bro. 99% of the time the best thing to do is mind your own business, this applies to world affairs as well as your private life.

I'm trying to bring awareness to it. I almost didn't respond to your post because of how fucking stupid it is.

I've been studying NK for well over a decade. Read many many different books, and listened to many accounts over the years as well as studied a lot on the subject you moronic sheep.


Clearly you're not interested in debating this so why fucking post here? Why don't you read one of many books of accounts for god sakes. Aquariums of Pyongyang is a good start.

So what? Have a fucking ounce of empathy dude or even watch the fucking video since it's clear you didn't.

I don't want to mind my own business. If we all did the whole fucking prescence of an INTERNET FORUM would be devoid. Christ.

Listen to yourself. "Do I want to kill them"

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Do you think it's good to agonize and study other peoples pain when you don't have a solution? The only one I've seen reported is war. The accounts are probably fake, and people who read them are being psychologically harmed by them.

Logically you gain no benefit from learning about it, you shouldn't believe in these accounts even if they are true. It's probably no different than wmds in iraq.
It's not a good idea to attack someone's fight in their own country means nothing because things are worse in another country, especially NK because we already know that that is one horrific country.

At the end of the day it's still not your country and we have little influence over them in particular.
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Unproven rumors. Also what gives you the right to intervene in another country's things?
That's the root of all evil. America should stop intervening in other peoples business.
If the situation is really that bad, then it's a matter of time before the regime is overthrown.
Once some civil wars start, then I approve of an intervention.


After all this crazy torture they still want to have sex? What. I honestly can't see how that's even possible if all of this torture stuff is true. Dudes been beaten and starved for who knows how long but he can still get an erection.

can't say I don't believe crazy shit goes on in that country with its people, but I also don't have a hard time thinking some of these stories are embellished to help draw attention.
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After all this crazy torture they still want to have sex? What. I honestly can't see how that's even possible if all of this torture stuff is true. Dudes been beaten and starved for who knows how long but he can still get an erection.

If you diet really hard you lose some of your sex drive. I don't believe in stuff like this because most of the population can't handle either torturing like this or being tortured like this and would nope out. You can find individuals capable of torture but not enough to do it on a mass scale, and what would be the point? That's a lot of wasted resources on torture.
Thanks for posting, OP.

Surprised at some of the replies. It is good to always keep a critical mind, but NK has been famed for this stuff for quite a while. I’m not saying it couldn’t be propaganda, but I wouldn’t be quick to write it off, either.

People in power lie especially to justify wars overseas. If the conclusion is war just assume it's paid propaganda by the military industrial conplex. If NK was being run by ghandi and the whole country was a big pot smoking orgy but was not kowtowing to the US on certain issues you would read the same accounts.
I suspect most undemocratic countries if left to their own devices, would end up committing similar atrocities eventually.

Heck, even in democratic countries people in power still find ways to abuse it for personal gain at the commoner's expense. In the UK we privatised the energy sector, and now we have old people who freeze to death in their homes over winter. All because some MP's probably had their hands in someone else's pockets. Similar story in the US where folks end up serving life sentences for misdemeanour crimes because private jails are making dollar from their labour.


Do you think it's good to agonize and study other peoples pain when you don't have a solution? The only one I've seen reported is war. The accounts are probably fake, and people who read them are being psychologically harmed by them.

Logically you gain no benefit from learning about it, you shouldn't believe in these accounts even if they are true. It's probably no different than wmds in iraq.

Antagonize? Bringing light to injustice is hardly agonizing other people.

The numerous, NUMEROUS PROVEN ACCOUNTS say otherwise. Please do some research.

I gain alot from it since I am studying Korean and want to work with organizations such as Liberty in North Korea.

It's not a good idea to attack someone's fight in their own country means nothing because things are worse in another country, especially NK because we already know that that is one horrific country.

At the end of the day it's still not your country and we have little influence over them in particular.

So Im not allowed to have opinions on any other country? I see people everywhere assuming Im American and start using that as a basis for their argument. It's really lame.

Unproven rumors. Also what gives you the right to intervene in another country's things?
That's the root of all evil. America should stop intervening in other peoples business.
If the situation is really that bad, then it's a matter of time before the regime is overthrown.
Once some civil wars start, then I approve of an intervention.

I can do whatever the fuck I want. I believe a Civil War will start soon in NK due to the rise of the middle-class. That's only less than 5% of the population though, and the middle-class has only appeared in the last 5 years. I'm also not American so stop presuming.

After all this crazy torture they still want to have sex? What. I honestly can't see how that's even possible if all of this torture stuff is true. Dudes been beaten and starved for who knows how long but he can still get an erection.

can't say I don't believe crazy shit goes on in that country with its people, but I also don't have a hard time thinking some of these stories are embellished to help draw attention.

The torture stuff has been proven, multiple accounts.

THE VIDEO I POSTED HAS THE GUY SHOW MASSIVE SCARS FROM HIS TORTURE - if anyone can't be fucked to watch than why even bother? There has been HUNDREDS of accounts of this torture, and thats the point - its so RIDICULOUSLY IN-HUMANE that people don't believe it. But it's true. Seriousely, look at LiveLeak for videos, look at the countless testimonies from multiple backed up sourced...

Thanks for posting, OP.

Surprised at some of the replies. It is good to always keep a critical mind, but NK has been famed for this stuff for quite a while. I’m not saying it couldn’t be propaganda, but I wouldn’t be quick to write it off, either.

NK is of course famed for this stuff. Thats why I said in my first line it has been happening for decades. But somehow people don't believe it, or care enough.

People in power lie especially to justify wars overseas. If the conclusion is war just assume it's paid propaganda by the military industrial conplex. If NK was being run by ghandi and the whole country was a big pot smoking orgy but was not kowtowing to the US on certain issues you would read the same accounts.

Please dude, read up any of the multiple accounts. I'll add them to OP since so many people doubt it. It's shocking to me how many are so quick to write it off without doing any research.,
Sadly there is not a single part of this that surprises me. It is the natural result of communist ideology. It is the same result we saw in the Soviet Union and in China and even in Eastern Germany (before the wall was brought down). Until the 60s these sort of rumors were written off by the West (which is strange since they'd just liberated the German concentration camps...) but then more and more exiles wrote about it and academia had to admit it was wrong.

That is why I can't take Western communists and those sympathetic to communism seriously. I don't tend to assume someone is evil so I can only assume they are naive and uneducated, not that it's a better excuse.
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People in power lie especially to justify wars overseas. If the conclusion is war just assume it's paid propaganda by the military industrial conplex. If NK was being run by ghandi and the whole country was a big pot smoking orgy but was not kowtowing to the US on certain issues you would read the same accounts.

Do you see how your worldview could backfire and actually make you ignore human rights abuses?

Again, it’s good to maintain a critical viewpoint of these kinds of things, but criticism doesn’t mean withdrawing into a singular perspective (in this case, everything is propaganda), and never leaving it.


I'll just say this, just google 'Prison Camps NK' and spend a day or even a few hours just reading up on this.

There are so many numerous accounts, first hand and otherwise, backed up by multiple unrelated people of the horrors that occur in NK prison camps - it's impossible for me to list 'important' ones because there are so many; so many that align with what other people say and so much proof that this exists. I'd end up just linking hundreds of links and people would get bogged down in it.

In reality - I wanted to make a thread discussing NK as a whole, but it just bothers me how these human rights are trampled daily in these Auschwitz-esque camps and not one person or group gives a shit to do anything about it.

People like to make jokes daily about Hitler and this that and the other - or say how shocking and "worst-thing-ever" his reign was - undeniably, but this is currently going on today in North Korea, except this Hitler goes about eating McDonalds, fucking any number of his underage-prostitute-troupe that are forced to follow him, and routinely talks about taking over the world.


What will it take for the UN or literally anyone to do anything?

These guys send drops of things into North Korea to help make them more aware of outside going-ons, though if caught with this material will undoubtedly serve hard labour for being a 'political prisoner'.
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Even if the reports are true or not, NK fucking sucks and anyone who defends it is a scumbag. And I've even heard an interview about a Brazilian traveller that went there and kept complimenting this shithole of a country and telling people not to judge what is right or wrong. I was disgusted.

There are two truths:

1. Yes, we can and will judge a country that is shitty.

2. Some cultures are vastly superior to others and it's not an opinion, it's a fact. NK fucking sucks.


Even if the reports are true or not, NK fucking sucks and anyone who defends it is a scumbag. And I've even heard an interview about a Brazilian traveller that went there and kept complimenting this shithole of a country and telling people not to judge what is right or wrong. I was disgusted.

There are two truths:

1. Yes, we can and will judge a country that is shitty.

2. Some cultures are vastly superior to others and it's not an opinion, it's a fact. NK fucking sucks.

Ya, I mean you dont even need to read reports - just watch any number of videos of 'daily life' for North Koreans. 90% of NKoreans are poor farmers who work to the bone in their electricity-less, plumbing-less wooden shacks, for food and clothes vouchers. The NK government bans people taking footage of 'everyday life' of farmers and the like, only allowing the facade of Pyongyang's-wealth to be shown to foreigners.

Another good documentary is 'Under the Sun'


The documentary was made with the permission of the NK-government. The intent on NK-side is to show the life of an "average student" through follies, trials and tribulations. However, unbeknownst to the NK-government, the makers of the film kept rolling cameras long after they were meant to - and they snuck out of the country with so much extra footage they werent meant to show. Half of the film shows how the NK-propaganda-machine-government wants foreigners to view the life of an 'average student', the other half of the film shows the pure confusion and control that these 'everyday people' are subject to. None of the events are 'real' like NK wanted you to believe, and everyone is acting for the sake of the facade (and presumably will be chucked in prison if they don't act accordingly).

FULL FILM (may want to watch elsewhere, with english subs)
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Super Mario

I don't doubt that NK is a shit hole. Everyone shakes their fist, but what action has anyone really taken? We only care about the fake outrages the media tells us about. "Women here in the US have no rights because they choose lower paying jobs!"

I find it distasteful that the headline does not match the video. A headline of "prisoners abused in NK" will gain no views. Talk about women being raped, and suddenly, you have something to care about.
Do you see how your worldview could backfire and actually make you ignore human rights abuses?

Again, it’s good to maintain a critical viewpoint of these kinds of things, but criticism doesn’t mean withdrawing into a singular perspective (in this case, everything is propaganda), and never leaving it.

Anything that leads to war overseas is propaganda. We don't need it. Fix the homeless problem in the us instead of killing foreigners if you care about humanity. Either you are going to do something, war, or you aren't in which case reading about this is like whipping yourself.


Anything that leads to war overseas is propaganda. We don't need it. Fix the homeless problem in the us instead of killing foreigners if you care about humanity. Either you are going to do something, war, or you aren't in which case reading about this is like whipping yourself.

So, even acknowledging potential reality could lead to war, and we don’t need it?

Is that really your position?

There’s more than one way to deal with issues like this, and even if there weren’t, I’d want to be aware of them.
So, even acknowledging potential reality could lead to war, and we don’t need it?

Is that really your position?

There’s more than one way to deal with issues like this, and even if there weren’t, I’d want to be aware of them.

This is propaganda, it only exists so that you will be comfortable with war. It exists to manipulate you into war, and there is no war without war crimes. I want to know how much time you spend on the homeless.


This is propaganda, it only exists so that you will be comfortable with war. It exists to manipulate you into war, and there is no war without war crimes. I want to know how much time you spend on the homeless.

It’s like trying to talk to a scripted NPC on your screen.

You try, and you try, but you cannot make it breach into that higher awareness, or even more than remotely cognizant of your answers. It’s only capable of its programming, and keeps spitting out variations on the same line.
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What will it take for the UN or literally anyone to do anything?

So I’ll assume you’ve done what a small percent of people do and are willing to do. Train yourself for war. Sign on the line and swear in to defend our country. Oh too risky, low paying? Well I guess you could virtue signal on the internet.

I’ll help you out. Nobody really gives a fuck, certainly nowhere near enough to put themselves at risk. I feel bad for them, but it’s their problem, and no intervention will fix it in a lasting way. Now if the United States was a utopian paradise then it’s time to worry about the dude down the street. Because we end up doing it, the UN and our allies are pretty much worthless.
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So I’ll assume you’ve done what a small percent of people do and are willing to do. Train yourself for war. Sign on the line and swear in to defend our country. Oh too risky, low paying? Well I guess you could virtue signal on the internet.

I’ll help you out. Nobody really gives a fuck, certainly nowhere near enough to put themselves at risk. I feel bad for them, but it’s their problem, and no intervention will fix it in a lasting way. Now if the United States was a utopian paradise then it’s time to worry about the dude down the street.
Why does conversation about serious topics always have to devolve into dick-wagging "what are you going to do about it. huh?"

Feels like some people were kicked out of school, based on their lack of socialization.

It's okay to comment on world events without personally standing up and fixing it yourself, I promise, and you shouldn't feel obligated to do anything when a stranger over the internet attempts to prick your sense of morality. After all, they wasted time scolding you instead of doing something about it themselves.

In a way, the internet reflects the real world: everyone has contradictions, everyone fails to live up to their own standards, everyone is a hypocrite, so you may as well move past it and learn how to discuss things without resorting to the lowest common denominator arguments.


So I’ll assume you’ve done what a small percent of people do and are willing to do. Train yourself for war. Sign on the line and swear in to defend our country. Oh too risky, low paying? Well I guess you could virtue signal on the internet.

I’ll help you out. Nobody really gives a fuck, certainly nowhere near enough to put themselves at risk. I feel bad for them, but it’s their problem, and no intervention will fix it in a lasting way. Now if the United States was a utopian paradise then it’s time to worry about the dude down the street.

People do give a fuck. Why so hostile?

Virtue signal? What does that even mean?

You're not helping anyone out, you're just being a cunt to other people online so theyre as miserable as you are. Not helping dude.

Again, another assumption I am American, which I'm not. And again, I am studying this so I can eventually help North Korean's escape through Asia... is it impossible to think people can be altruistic? Christ.

I'm not doing this for a self-serving purpose, or to feel better? I'm doing this to try raise awareness, and maybe if enough people do, something will get done as a (indirect) result..

And it's funny, all I get is "you sit on your arse doing nothing blahblah" when I am actively trying to do whatever I can. People like to bring up China sweatshops and how I'm contributing to their labour - though all my clothes are hand made through Etsy for this entire reason. I can't do much - on my minimum wage job, struggling to get by and feed my family- but putting it into perspective helps. Try learn empathy.

Why does conversation about serious topics always have to devolve into dick-wagging "what are you going to do about it. huh?"

Feels like some people were kicked out of school, based on their lack of socialization.

It's okay to comment on world events without personally standing up and fixing it yourself, I promise, and you shouldn't feel obligated to do anything when a stranger over the internet attempts to prick your sense of morality. After all, they wasted time scolding you instead of doing something about it themselves.

In a way, the internet reflects the real world: everyone has contradictions, everyone fails to live up to their own standards, everyone is a hypocrite, so you may as well move past it and learn how to discuss things without resorting to the lowest common denominator arguments.

Yeah it's kinda shocking to me that people are like this. I stay out of most conversations online because it devolves into petty arguing over semantics or "YOURE NOT DOING ANYTHING EITHER BLEHHH" or people trying their hardest to make healthy discussion difficult... and does my nut in. It's a shame so many socially retarded incels managed to seep into this place. Wasn't like this back in 2004, people could actually have discussions without trying to make another member of this community feel like shit..

I didn't scold anyone? I'm trying to raise awareness - are people so self-serving they take every opportunity to berate and degrade anyone who thinks about others well-being??
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
US already went to war to prevent this. Saved half the country.

The second half will only change if China starts to value human rights. War is not possible. China is 100x stronger than in the last Korean war.

It's also possible South Korea can slowly build some kind of relationship. The only solution will be a diplomatic one.


US already went to war to prevent this. Saved half the country.

The second half will only change if China starts to value human rights. War is not possible. China is 100x stronger than in the last Korean war.

It's also possible South Korea can slowly build some kind of relationship. The only solution will be a diplomatic one.

The 'sudden' rise of the middle-class people lead me to think there will be some sort of public uprising. I know it sounds weird, but Pyongyangs middle-class has really raised in the last 5 years, and the general NK's aren't as brain-washed as people think (only the ones who live and die in prisons think this - conditioned to tattle on others for survival), so give em a few 3D printed guns and whoo-pah


Why does conversation about serious topics always have to devolve into dick-wagging "what are you going to do about it. huh?"

Feels like some people were kicked out of school, based on their lack of socialization.

It's okay to comment on world events without personally standing up and fixing it yourself, I promise, and you shouldn't feel obligated to do anything when a stranger over the internet attempts to prick your sense of morality. After all, they wasted time scolding you instead of doing something about it themselves.

In a way, the internet reflects the real world: everyone has contradictions, everyone fails to live up to their own standards, everyone is a hypocrite, so you may as well move past it and learn how to discuss things without resorting to the lowest common denominator arguments.

This isn’t a serious conversation about it though. It’s a hysterical guy admonishing everyone and calling attention to their own efforts in raising awareness. Just raise awareness then. Stop acting as though you’re some hero when you’re really not doing anything.
This isn’t a serious conversation about it though. It’s a hysterical guy admonishing everyone and calling attention to their own efforts in raising awareness. Just raise awareness then. Stop acting as though you’re some hero when you’re really not doing anything.
I wonder how one might bring the topic to the attention of their social circles on the internet... :pie_thinking:

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
The 'sudden' rise of the middle-class people lead me to think there will be some sort of public uprising. I know it sounds weird, but Pyongyangs middle-class has really raised in the last 5 years, and the general NK's aren't as brain-washed as people think (only the ones who live and die in prisons think this - conditioned to tattle on others for survival), so give em a few 3D printed guns and whoo-pah
Yeah that's always possible. And you can bet money the US would funnel them whatever they wanted covertly.

Or it could lead to some slow reforms for N. Korea opening up on their own similar to current China.


People do give a fuck. Why so hostile?

Virtue signal? What does that even mean?

You're not helping anyone out, you're just being a cunt to other people online so theyre as miserable as you are. Not helping dude.

Again, another assumption I am American, which I'm not. And again, I am studying this so I can eventually help North Korean's escape through Asia... is it impossible to think people can be altruistic? Christ.

I'm not doing this for a self-serving purpose, or to feel better? I'm doing this to try raise awareness, and maybe if enough people do, something will get done as a (indirect) result..

And it's funny, all I get is "you sit on your arse doing nothing blahblah" when I am actively trying to do whatever I can. People like to bring up China sweatshops and how I'm contributing to their labour - though all my clothes are hand made through Etsy for this entire reason. I can't do much - on my minimum wage job, struggling to get by and feed my family- but putting it into perspective helps. Try learn empathy.

Yeah it's kinda shocking to me that people are like this. I stay out of most conversations online because it devolves into petty arguing over semantics or "YOURE NOT DOING ANYTHING EITHER BLEHHH" or people trying their hardest to make healthy discussion difficult... and does my nut in. It's a shame so many socially retarded incels managed to seep into this place. Wasn't like this back in 2004, people could actually have discussions without trying to make another member of this community feel like shit..

I didn't scold anyone? I'm trying to raise awareness - are people so self-serving they take every opportunity to berate and degrade anyone who thinks about others well-being??

I’m shocked this was insults towards me and more big ups to yourself. Shocked.


This isn’t a serious conversation about it though. It’s a hysterical guy admonishing everyone and calling attention to their own efforts in raising awareness. Just raise awareness then. Stop acting as though you’re some hero when you’re really not doing anything.

Dude fuck off out of here. Seriously. I don't want to be priased, I don't care what people think of me - I'm trying to get people to think of the everyday North Korean. Not me. Christ.

Do you think someone with this avatar

Would care so much about my own fucking internet cred - when Im completely random and anonymous.

If I wanted any sort of recognition surely Id be touting my own Twitter etc.

God this place is just as bad as reset era now.

Yeah that's always possible. And you can bet money the US would funnel them whatever they wanted covertly.

Or it could lead to some slow reforms for N. Korea opening up on their own similar to current China.

Thanks for trying to have a discussion here.

Seems like it's impossible with the number of people who just try to argue with others instead of having a discussion. ):

I’m shocked this was insults towards me and more big ups to yourself. Shocked.

Yes okay, maybe if people actually discussed the topic at hand instead of trying to berate me for my lack of help - I wouldn't have to fucking defend every word I wrote. Im out.
It's not a good idea to attack someone's fight in their own country means nothing because things are worse in another country, especially NK because we already know that that is one horrific country.

At the end of the day it's still not your country and we have little influence over them in particular.

I agree with your sentiment, but no, we don't know. All we know is what the tabloids and tat media say about Nk and none of it can be proven.

Let's ignore the UN allowing 3 million NK citizens to starve to death because they wouldn't send aid to NK until they allowed the West in.

@OP you are brain damaged if you think WW3, a full global nuclear holocaust is a viable 'solution' to what amounts to potential media propaganda, is at best short-sighted and at worst, psychotically delusional. Get help.
It’s like trying to talk to a scripted NPC on your screen.

You try, and you try, but you cannot make it breach into that higher awareness, or even more than remotely cognizant of your answers. It’s only capable of its programming, and keeps spitting out variations on the same line.

I've watched a military industrial complex with the aid of foreign governments nearly get us into a war almost every year since I've been an adult. There are people that hunger and thirst for war, and the only way to fight them is to deny any grounds for war at all. Show me what good american war overseas has done lately?


I've watched a military industrial complex with the aid of foreign governments nearly get us into a war almost every year since I've been an adult. There are people that hunger and thirst for war, and the only way to fight them is to deny any grounds for war at all. Show me what good american war overseas has done lately?

Get out of your little bubble where you judge everyone by America standards. Not everyone is from the fucking US and it seems you can only think from one perspective.

It doesnt matter where the fuck you're from - human morals and decency should be a global concept.

I agree with your sentiment, but no, we don't know. All we know is what the tabloids and tat media say about Nk and none of it can be proven.

Let's ignore the UN allowing 3 million NK citizens to starve to death because they wouldn't send aid to NK until they allowed the West in.

@OP you are brain damaged if you think WW3, a full global nuclear holocaust is a viable 'solution' to what amounts to potential media propaganda, is at best short-sighted and at worst, psychotically delusional. Get help.

Obviously its not a solution. I'd say you need help if you cant disect whats joke and whats not, but that's irrational and cruel. How do you take away that one line from every one of my posts and assume THATS THE THING YOU SHOULD BE TAKING SERIOUSLY. God damn this place is full of fucking retards.

It's funny, I got psycho-analyzed last time because I posted about how it cost $11k to buy all virtual items in a game, and someone went on a huge rant about how I must be so miserable with my family this christmas I "had to take it out on Zenimax"...
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ChatGPT 0.1
I could see NK maybe starting out to be good, I want to see them on the right path, the country hasn't been good for a very long time.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
I agree with your sentiment, but no, we don't know. All we know is what the tabloids and tat media say about Nk and none of it can be proven
It's more credible than tabloids. You can see some of their concentration camps on google maps.
Get out of your little bubble where you judge everyone by America standards. Not everyone is from the fucking US and it seems you can only think from one perspective.

It doesnt matter where the fuck you're from - human morals and decency should be a global concept.

Obviously its not a solution. I'd say you need help if you cant disect whats joke and whats not, but that's irrational and cruel. How do you take away that one line from every one of my posts and assume THATS THE THING YOU SHOULD BE TAKING SERIOUSLY. God damn this place is full of fucking retards.

It's funny, I got psycho-analyzed last time because I posted about how it cost $11k to buy all virtual items in a game, and someone went on a huge rant about how I must be so miserable with my family this christmas I "had to take it out on Zenimax"...

You believe in government propaganda about obviously fictionalized accounts of elaborate sex torture that is little different from children's belief in santa.
Sadly the world is not a fair or often humane place. Our power is limited at a distance, but those suffering such abuse and injustices have a responsibility to resist/not comply even at the cost of their own well-being and lives. Corruption/abuse persists because fear allows it to do so. The only power they have is their human dignity, and they owe it to others suffering and to those who will suffer in the future to rebel in whatever capacity possible and even sacrifice themselves, if necessary, in the face of tyranny.
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