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Thousands of women tortured, beaten and raped daily - then shoved into 1.5x1Meter box until the same again tomorrow - Government Approved Method!


Seems fake as hell.

Also why do you care. Aint your country.
Where is this attitude coming from? There are tons of threads on gaf where people are commenting on news, events, and politics that are not their own? So what if the OP is talking about North Korea.

Also, is there any evidence to suggest these accounts are fake? Seems ridiculous to complain about the OP if he is telling the truth
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At the risk of seeming like a Charlie-Church-Goer, I think on how rare it is for a people to overcome oppression. We have the American Revolution and what else? I have a hard time counting a country replacing one type of tyranny for another (e.g. Communism over Monarchy).

I think America is the only society in history to allow men to govern themselves with a restriction on the Government and not the people. It is truly unique.

It has to do, in my opinion, with a belief in a Creator and an endowment of certain inalienable rights of the created. There is a Higher Authority than that of other men. Without that belief, where is a man able to assert any type of right for himself? I don't know.

People in here I think are expressing their hopelessness for any cause for the North Korean people because it would be replacing one despot for some other kind of persecution.


Unconfirmed Member
The thing about North Korea is that it's such a worthless shithole (except the citezens) that it's not even worth going to war with, occupying or even killing the heads of state.
Any country doing so would be become responsible for them by default and nobody wants worthless land full of brainwashed, uneducated and starving masses.
It's more credible than tabloids. You can see some of their concentration camps on google maps.

They would never lie.

Say there are people being tortured, what are they being tortured for? Pissing on a picture of Dear Leader? Is that worse than drawing a picture of Allah?

Or are these prisoners in there for rape, murder and terrorism?

Go have a read of the GAF thread about torture. The people posting in there are not only agreeing with, but also celebrating, State Sanctioned Torture, if it's for the 'right reasons'. These posters are meant to be well-adjusted people, yet they admit they would carry out torture to people they don't like.

Why is NK treated differently? Oh, that's right, because the media said NK is a big bad country with bad people. They don't mention the systematic murder of 3 million people at the hands of the UN or the advancements to tech that NK has, or their goal to be 100% green by the end of the next decade. No, they wouldn't report on that.
Obviously its not a solution. I'd say you need help if you cant disect whats joke and whats not, but that's irrational and cruel. How do you take away that one line from every one of my posts and assume THATS THE THING YOU SHOULD BE TAKING SERIOUSLY
Because i'm lazy and by this point I had read enough.

God damn this place is full of fucking retards.

Say's the pot.
It's funny, I got psycho-analyzed last time because I posted about how it cost $11k to buy all virtual items in a game, and someone went on a huge rant about how I must be so miserable with my family this christmas I "had to take it out on Zenimax"...

The thing about North Korea is that it's such a worthless shithole (except the citezens) that it's not even worth going to war with, occupying or even killing the heads of state.
Any country doing so would be become responsible for them by default and nobody wants worthless land full of brainwashed, uneducated and starving masses.

Just to clarify, you're talking about NK and not the US, right, hypocrite?


Unconfirmed Member
Just to clarify, you're talking about NK and not the US, right, hypocrite?
I'm not American if that's your game.
And no in terms of occupation I was talking about countries that are closer and have more in common with them like China.
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I'm not American if that's your game.

It's not.

My game is simple; Show me the receipts. Show me that the people of NK are brainwashed, uneducated and starving, any more or less so than any other country, to the point where we can act superior to them.

Maybe it is a shit hole, maybe it's a lush paradise. We don't know.


Go to war with NK and the first thing they do is fuck SK up and no one wants to deal with that shit.


I always felt we were the police of the world and wish we could fix NK, but man I felt it could start a real war so we just sit and watch.


They would never lie.

Say there are people being tortured, what are they being tortured for? Pissing on a picture of Dear Leader? Is that worse than drawing a picture of Allah?

Or are these prisoners in there for rape, murder and terrorism?

Go have a read of the GAF thread about torture. The people posting in there are not only agreeing with, but also celebrating, State Sanctioned Torture, if it's for the 'right reasons'. These posters are meant to be well-adjusted people, yet they admit they would carry out torture to people they don't like.

Why is NK treated differently? Oh, that's right, because the media said NK is a big bad country with bad people. They don't mention the systematic murder of 3 million people at the hands of the UN or the advancements to tech that NK has, or their goal to be 100% green by the end of the next decade. No, they wouldn't report on that.
You have to be trolling? North Korea going green? The concentration camps don’t exist? The advancement to tech that North Korea has? What advancements?


North Korea would have been wiped like the shitty ass it is years ago if not for South Korea insisting the US stay out of it for fear of reprisal against Seoul.

If you want to blame someone, blame the people of South Korea who are more interested in burying their nose in Instagram & listening to Kpop then they are in ending the oppression of their sometimes distant, sometimes not so distant relatives.

Frankly it’s non of our business anyway, but if we’re gonna finger point, at least point in the right direction.
You have to be trolling? North Korea going green? The concentration camps don’t exist? The advancement to tech that North Korea has? What advancements?

According to Wiki pedia, NK are going 100% green energy so they don't have to rely on oil, gas or coal from Russia and China, a smart move.

The scientist of SK say that the NK facilities aren't as good as the SK facilities, but NK scientist are ahead of the curve. Apparently, NK is working on Nano-tech.

You and a lot of other people will dismiss this though, saying NK is lying or SK is lying or that Wikipedia is lying. Never stopping to think about he alternative...


Really, a country that still uses coal and is begging for foreign investment to build their infrastructure is magically going to be 100% green in a few years? Well I guess if it’s on Wikipedia it must be true. :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy:

No, I don’t trust North Koreans, who can barely launch rockets or maintain consistent electricity is secretly the leader on nanotechnology.

You and a lot of other people will dismiss this though, saying NK is lying or SK is lying or that Wikipedia is lying. Never stopping to think about he alternative...
What is the alternative, please tell us? That all the prisoners are lying?

Where is your proof?
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Really, a country that still uses coal and is begging for foreign investment to build their infrastructure is magically going to be 100% green in a few years? Well I guess if it’s on Wikipedia it must be true. :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy:

No, I don’t trust North Koreans, who can barely launch rockets or maintain consistent electricity is secretly the leader on nanotechnology.

But you do trust WSJ, NYT, Google et al, that NK can't launch rockets (what that has to do with renewable energy I have no idea) and can't build infrastructure?

Pick one, the internet and media lie or the internet and media don't lie.


But you do trust WSJ, NYT, Google et al, that NK can't launch rockets (what that has to do with renewable energy I have no idea) and can't build infrastructure?

Pick one, the internet and media lie or the internet and media don't lie.
I trust the actual survivors, who lived in North Korea. I trust the hundreds of real life accounts from people who escaped into either China or SK.

And yes I trust the satellite photos of camps. You can pretend google is faking that, but like I said prior, where is your proof?

All you said so far is “Wikipedia”(which is the internet) and paranoia around the media.


There is none.

Nothing about NK can be proven or disproven. Nothing.
😂😂 yeah it’s not like there isn’t first hand account from people who left that country
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I trust the actual survivors, who lived in North Korea. I trust the hundreds of real life accounts from people who escaped into either China or SK.

And yes I trust the satellite photos of camps. You can pretend google is faking that, but like I said prior, where is your proof?

All you said so far is “Wikipedia”(which is the internet) and paranoia around the media.

Are these camps, camps, where innocent people are held or are they prisons, where criminals and violent murders are held?

The U.N allowed 3 million people to starve to death in NK in the 90's. I don't trust China.

All i'm saying is, that everytime an NK thread comes up, people spout their opinions, as fact, and it complicates what is really going on. Nobody knows. It could be utopia or it could be hell and everything in between. Nobody knows or can prove it, yet Anti-NK posters are adamant that NK is a cruel, horrible place to live.


Are these camps, camps, where innocent people are held or are they prisons, where criminals and violent murders are held?

The U.N allowed 3 million people to starve to death in NK in the 90's. I don't trust China.
Maybe read one of the many books written by survivors, or look into their testimonies. Many of these camps held people who should be considered innocent.

All i'm saying is, that everytime an NK thread comes up, people spout their opinions, as fact, and it complicates what is really going on. Nobody knows. It could be utopia or it could be hell and everything in between. Nobody knows or can prove it, yet Anti-NK posters are adamant that NK is a cruel, horrible place to live.
Oh please, :pie_eyeroll: . You came into this thread spouting nonsense, claiming that nothing accused of North Korea is true because we aren't there.

If you believe these claims are untrue, and North Korea isn't a "horrible place to live", show us your proof. Where is your evidence the OP is wrong, or that the people who escaped North Korea are lying?


North Korea would have been wiped like the shitty ass it is years ago if not for South Korea insisting the US stay out of it for fear of reprisal against Seoul.

If you want to blame someone, blame the people of South Korea who are more interested in burying their nose in Instagram & listening to Kpop then they are in ending the oppression of their sometimes distant, sometimes not so distant relatives.

Frankly it’s non of our business anyway, but if we’re gonna finger point, at least point in the right direction.
Nah, you can't blame South Korea for this, not when North Korea has nukes pointed at them. Also that tubby little shit was firing missiles over Japan this past year like a redneck firing off in their backyard but ofc the non-Oceanic people (not you) aren't considering the actual repercussions of inciting NK.

Texas Pride

I think as horrible as shit is around the world it is up to the people to rise up and enact change. That takes courage and sacrifice. Lives surely would be lost but that's the cost of freedom. Depending on outside forces to change NK isn't a long term solution because the people let this regime continue to do evil shit.
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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
I think as horrible as shit is around the world it is up to the people to rise up and enact change. That takes courage and sacrifice. Lives surely would be lost but that's the cost of freedom. Depending on outside forces to change NK isn't a long term solution because the people let this regime continue to do evil shit.

They’re totally disarmed and living in a police state where family members inform on each other for a chance to avoid starvation, also under strict information control to have them think they’re living in a utopia and the rest of the world is far worse off. It’s really unlikely that a grassroots uprising can get anywhere.

South Korea is committed to striving for eventual unification though, and we’ll back them where we can. It’s an awful situation for the people in the labor camps especially, but there are no easy solutions on this one.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
They’re totally disarmed and living in a police state where family members inform on each other for a chance to avoid starvation, also under strict information control to have them think they’re living in a utopia and the rest of the world is far worse off. It’s really unlikely that a grassroots uprising can get anywhere.

South Korea is committed to striving for eventual unification though, and we’ll back them where we can. It’s an awful situation for the people in the labor camps especially, but there are no easy solutions on this one.
I think some people, particularly Americans, don't realize the differences in technology between the American Revolution and the present. Take China for example. In the 80s they demonstrated that they are okay machine gunning their own unarmed citizens, and using tanks. Against any modern militarized government that is actually willing to use force, people stand no chance. Add to that all the modern surveillance available now and it's stopped before that even happens.

No one is hiding in the woods with muskets here.

Texas Pride

They’re totally disarmed and living in a police state where family members inform on each other for a chance to avoid starvation, also under strict information control to have them think they’re living in a utopia and the rest of the world is far worse off. It’s really unlikely that a grassroots uprising can get anywhere.

South Korea is committed to striving for eventual unification though, and we’ll back them where we can. It’s an awful situation for the people in the labor camps especially, but there are no easy solutions on this one.

No theres no easy button to remedy the situation. And while I realize it's complex it still falls to the people to run these pricks out with whatever means necessary. America isn't the world's savior at the end of the day.
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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
I think some people, particularly Americans, don't realize the differences in technology between the American Revolution and the present. Take China for example. In the 80s they demonstrated that they are okay machine gunning their own unarmed citizens, and using tanks. Against any modern militarized government that is actually willing to use force, people stand no chance. Add to that all the modern surveillance available now and it's stopped before that even happens.

No one is hiding in the woods with muskets here.

Americans don’t know about anything since muskets. Right.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Americans don’t know about anything since muskets. Right.
They have a glorified sense of revolution. It happened a long time ago before technology was as punishing as it is now. And the American Revolution is one of the very few genuinely successful outcomes of a revolution in history. They vastly overestimate the ease with which people can overthrow a government today, particularly if they live unarmed in a surveillance state.

Texas Pride

They have a glorified sense of revolution. It happened a long time ago before technology was as punishing as it is now. And the American Revolution is one of the very few genuinely successful outcomes of a revolution in history. They vastly overestimate the ease with which people can overthrow a government today, particularly if they live unarmed in a surveillance state.

I understand it's not easy. I also understand the cost in blood it would take to enact that change. Nothing in this world is free everything has a cost. If the people being oppressed aren't able or willing to bring about that change it's hypocrisy to expect other countries to bleed for you imo.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
I understand it's not easy. I also understand the cost in blood it would take to enact that change. Nothing in this world is free everything has a cost. If the people being oppressed aren't able or willing to bring about that change it's hypocrisy to expect other countries to bleed for you imo.
Sure, I agree with that. Personally, I think the only option in this case is diplomatic.

Texas Pride

Sure, I agree with that. Personally, I think the only option in this case is diplomatic.

Unfortunately diplomacy only goes so far. It's difficult to force the kinds of change needed in NK with just diplomacy. Bullies eventually have to get their asses beat to make them understand why they were wrong to begin with.


They would never lie.

Say there are people being tortured, what are they being tortured for? Pissing on a picture of Dear Leader? Is that worse than drawing a picture of Allah?

Or are these prisoners in there for rape, murder and terrorism?

Go have a read of the GAF thread about torture. The people posting in there are not only agreeing with, but also celebrating, State Sanctioned Torture, if it's for the 'right reasons'. These posters are meant to be well-adjusted people, yet they admit they would carry out torture to people they don't like.

Why is NK treated differently? Oh, that's right, because the media said NK is a big bad country with bad people. They don't mention the systematic murder of 3 million people at the hands of the UN or the advancements to tech that NK has, or their goal to be 100% green by the end of the next decade. No, they wouldn't report on that.
Good grief you’re ignorant. Besides what’s in this thread there is endless, documented, unndoubtable terrible things NK has done to its own citizens. They send off people for slave labor to other countries, murder dissidents in open daylight, most people are malnourished, don’t allow travel, have extreme public brainwashing. Basically I’d sooner live in Afghanistan in a cave than NK.


Nah, you can't blame South Korea for this, not when North Korea has nukes pointed at them. Also that tubby little shit was firing missiles over Japan this past year like a redneck firing off in their backyard but ofc the non-Oceanic people (not you) aren't considering the actual repercussions of inciting NK.

If North Korea has nukes pointed at them today it’s because they refused to face the problem when it was merely artillery, they had artillery aimed at them back then because the refused to face the problem when it was tanks and land mines.

My hope is that America will face the problem before Korea has nukes aimed at them. The smoking crater that was South Korea can exist as a reminder of the dangers of procrastination.


Won’t it be cool if communism in NK falls under Trump, similar to how it fell in Russia under Reagan.
Absolutely tragic, but sadly we won't do anything for a few reasons.

North Korea has nothing of value the West want.

The Dictatorship doesn't threaten any of our Democratic Allies (that even includes South Korea and Japan).

I honestly do feel for these people, as I do for the Homeless, Starving Africans and Old/Disabled Vulnerable people but if I worried about all of these things everyday my own health would suffer.

The best we can do is expose this as best as we can online and hope to assist any NK Citizen who escape to have a normal life where and when possible.

Unless our Countries actually do something, this will just continue on. :(


Why is NK treated differently? Oh, that's right, because the media said NK is a big bad country with bad people. They don't mention the systematic murder of 3 million people at the hands of the UN or the advancements to tech that NK has, or their goal to be 100% green by the end of the next decade. No, they wouldn't report on that.

You in 1938:

Nazi Germany is making some pretty impressive technological and medical advances, and has a very impressive aesthetic. I’m sure all the reports coming from refugees are exaggerated reports and the media is lying about it.
You in 1938:

Nazi Germany is making some pretty impressive technological and medical advances, and has a very impressive aesthetic. I’m sure all the reports coming from refugees are exaggerated reports and the media is lying about it.

The war hadn't started in 1938, neither had the death camps.

'38 Germany probably looked alright, they were going through a cultural and artistic renaissance after the depression.

REEE literal Nazi for questioning what you're told.
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I was thinking more summer time '38.

You prove my point though; look how the Jews were labelled as evil, the enemy and needed to be dealt with. Why did normal Germans think like that? Propaganda.

The government told them what to think, who hate, who to fear, who to believe.

What's the difference between then and now in terms of propaganda? Fuck all.

By the summer of '38, Nazi Germany had already invaded Austria.


They’re totally disarmed and living in a police state where family members inform on each other for a chance to avoid starvation, also under strict information control to have them think they’re living in a utopia and the rest of the world is far worse off. It’s really unlikely that a grassroots uprising can get anywhere.
Not entirely true. I support a charity that smuggles North Koreans to South Korea (https://www.libertyinnorthkorea.org/) and the accounts tell a different story somewhat. The first part is absolutely correct but they know about the outside world thanks to smuggled electronics and USB disks with documentaries, photos and movies from all around the world. So they know they live in a shithole but because of the first part of your post they can't do much about it.

edit: Also, vast areas of North Korea are wildlands where the government has very limited control and people live somewhat tolerable lives thanks to smuggling and black market with the surrounding countries. The government tolerates it because it keeps the people "satisfied" to a degree.
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