+1I want to recommend Defender's Quest
Set in the universe of the fabled 2299 comic strip, 2299 : THE GAME is an old-school, point and click adventure game with 8-bit inspired, retro graphics.
It's on Steam so isn't really overlooked but damn, its seems a great retro-arcade orgasmic game. I'm speaking about Pineapple Smash Crew
Someone has tried it?
Retro Blazer.
Looks like Wolfenstein 3D with Mega Man inspired visuals and sound.
Strategy RPG Telepath: Servants of God has been released. Doubt it'll get much attention due to its offensive looks alone.
I haven't tried it yet, there's a demo though.
25.53 (lol?).
Treasure Adventure Game
Fans of side-scrolling Action/Adventure games like Zelda II, Wonder Boy / Monster World, Faxanadu, Battle of Olympus etc. should definitely check it out.
It was free before gog too.This is now available for free on GOG.com!
Help me GAF, I cannot for the life of me remember the name of the not yet released isometric adventric game set on a space station or some such similar thing. I need to put it back on the radar.
Stasis seems more likely though I don't think it's set on a space station. Sci fi adventure in isometric perspective though.FTL? Faster Than Light?
The people of Issegeac believe that their good fortune depends on the spellbook that has been in their village for over nine centuries. When the keeper of the text, your grandfather, is killed and the Grimoire stolen, the villagers ask your help. Now it is your task to find the Black Sect's hideout and return the spellbook to Issegeac.
Lankhor's Black Sect is a great game. It has however a few features that where normal in 1993 but aren't so popular today. The game is timed, has dead ends, only 5 save slots, 20+ action icons, no smart cursor and you can die.
To make the game accessible to more players this remake features among other things:
- Timeflow based on player actions, so no dead ends
- Unlimited save slots (Well, I don't know that. More than 30 anyway)
- 2 action cursors
- Smart cursor that lights up over interactive areas
- Extra puzzles
- Changed puzzles to suit the new interface
- Updated hint system
- New sound and music
And kept from the original game:
- first person exploration
- Lankhor's art and animations (mostly)
- 31 locations to explore
- day and night cycle
The game is back in development!!!!!
Higher resolution too.
I mentioned this in the Cave thread but this is a better place for this.
Eden's Aegis
Gameplay and the japanese site to download it
This thing is ridiculously good and its music is great. Plays like a dream and has a 60 fps mode. Slowdown can occur similar to Mushihimesama games in particularly intense stuff which is cool for setting up cash conversions of big points.
- You have two normal shots. Tap it to get a wider spread and hold it to narrow the spread and rapid fire. The Rapid Fire version slows you down.
- Your enemies drop Gold and you have to pick it up to collect the points from it.
- You have a "bomb"-like move in this game, but instead of killing everything it converts all the bullets on the screen into gold and makes the Gold home in on you so you auto collect it. When this move is used you also let loose a barrage of shots. You have to kill your enemies with these as the move itself doesn't destroy your enemies and it just converts their bullets.
- The more you fire your shots the faster your meter fills up. When this meter is full you gain access to a special attack that depletes the meter. This attack launches additional shots alongside of your own that tend to home in on enemies they pass near. Kill an enemy with this shot and it will convert that enemy's bullets that are still on the screen into Gold and you will auto collect them. This acts like a mini version of the bomb but it only converts the bullets of who you kill.
- You get 2 hits, 3bombs, and 2 lives. The first time you are hit it says "guard" and eliminates all bullets on the screen eliminating any chance to convert those shots into money after you recover. When you die all shots are cleared as well so that you cant simply respawn and drop a bomb to be rewarded for bad play. Each new life restores your two bombs.
- There are 5 levels and each have sub bosses and really great music.
- You can earn credits (continues), but I'm not certain at what point total they are awarded.
- There are only 2 playable cast unless there are more to unlock and I've somehow not heard of it.
- If you beat it on hell difficulty without losing any lives you get to face the true final boss.
More than a little Similar to Espgaluda from what the Cave fans tell me, but with that thing that generates bullet conversions like the bomb that is powered by meter usage that I mentioned.
Intrusion 2 is an action platformer. Set in sci-fi environment on reserve planet occupied by hostile military corporation conducting forbidden weapon research. Intrusion 2 is inspired by classic 16bit era sidescrollers and focuses on classic fast paced action combined with modern physics and animation.
Hi everybody, vap here! First of all thanks everybody, and PBnFlash especially! I was bombarded with mail and comments today. Seriously, wasn't expecting that. So I'll answer common questions first:
* Steam: Yes the game has passed the approval and is already integrated with Steam (http://i.imgur.com/xsp20.jpg ), summer sale is now over and Steam guys said they will resume work this week.
* Steam Keys: Those who bought the game on HumbleStore will receive Steam keys after release on Steam
* Mac version is ready with exception of gamepad support, I'll need a real Mac to compile some libraries (couldn't run XCode on virtualbox), so it will be released as soon as I find one.
Oh, and George Dziov (guy who made the soundtrack) has a bandcamp page: http://georgedziov.bandcamp.com with OST and indie games tribute songs (check Ultra Pack).
TELETROOPER was the game we’d always wanted to make. We were inspired by the non-stop shoot-and-dodge excitement of Starfox 64 and wanted to bring that into the world of the 2D pixel-precise arcade.
Nerve-wracking combat!
Over-powered weapons!
Hazard-filled environments!
Giant mechanical bosses!
Post-modern storyline?
Sprawling multi-route world map!
Programming by Adam Butcher
Graphics by Ben Claxton