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Three dead + 45 injured after Mexican Federal Police open fire on demonstrators

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Will update as new/better info comes in.

A violent clash between members of a dissident teachers' union and police in southern Mexico on Sunday has left three dead and 45 injured, as law enforcement attempts to dislodge the protesters from blocking a local highway.

Emergency services officials in Oaxaca state confirmed the deaths and number of wounded, although it was not clear what sparked the violence. Mexico's National Security Commission, or CNS, reported that 21 federal and state police were among the wounded.

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Good source for updates is Guillermo Del Toro(yes, the director).


Eight people have died after teacher protests turned violent in the Mexican state of Oaxaca over the weekend, authorities said.
The clashes between teachers, state police and local residents also left 53 civilians and 55 police officers injured, according to the Oaxaca state government.

Teachers and residents clashed with Mexican federal police after protests turned violent in the state of Oaxaca on June 19.
The violence came after seven days of street blockages and demonstrations, disrupting traffic on a major highway connecting Oaxaca to Mexico City, the government said.
Clashes broke out after riot police tried to disperse the demonstrators Sunday.
Twenty-one people have been arrested so far.

Local journalist Elpidio Ramos Zárate, who worked for the newspaper "El Sur del Istmo," was among those killed, according to the Mexican National Commission of Human Rights.


Lock if old
Saw GDT retweet someone saying a hospital taking wounded in got gassed. Holy shit I hope that's not true, way too fucked a situation already. Also RT this, story claiming Mexican police collaborated on the disappearance of all those students last year https://t.co/OD9QCucMlo


Members of the CNTE union, which has a history of radical activism, have been blocking roads in southern Mexico ever since the union leaders were arrested.
The authorities said the police were trying to clear the roads when unknown gunmen began firing at both sides in order to create chaos and conflict.

What a fucking mess. I di believe both sides are violent though. That assessments on the teachers are somewhat exaggerated from what I've seen. However, the reaction of the unions on Oaxaca is something else.


Did you know Halo invented the FPS?
Weird picture



WTF? I seriously need to pay more attention, i didnt realize Mexico's government did stuff like this.
Most of the time they don't just fire on protestors unprovoked. There are some cases yes, but overall some of the unions also have fringe groups that are armed. There are many many strikes and protests every day and the vast majority of them go on peacefully. Just ask these guys that have been illegally occupying public property for 16 years: https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Auditorio_Justo_Sierra

I definitely don't think the Federal government is faultless but painting the CNTE as completely peaceful does a disservice to the discussion.

You serious?

The country is a shit hole. I don't know what it will take to fix the mess, the government doesn't give two fucks about the people.
The Education Reform controversy is a perfectly solvable issue if both sides meet as equals and are able to negotiate and accept some concessions. This is not related to the Drug Wars.


Shit like this is why I'm never returning to Mexico. I've an uncle that is a teacher and has retired. He and 90% of my family live in Sonora so they're largely unaffected by this (though there's always cartels) and live relatively peacefully. But even if it was 100% safe, I'd never want to return to Mexico with what it has become. It's depressing.
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