The neighbours of the San Bernardino shooters noticed that the couple was receiving packages and working at strange hours into the night.
But thanks to fear of being called racist they never reported it.
Had they, 14 people wouldn't be dead.
Now quite easily the couple could've been doing something completely innocuous and none of the things the neighbours saw pointed to terrorism explicitly.
But out of not wanting to offend an attack was allowed to happen.
So again, I'd rather people point out suspicious things and put up with being called racists and offending people than having an actual attack go through.
I wish it wasn't like this, but until the whole terrorism thing sort of calms down, that's the world we live in.
Deal with it.
So, people aren't allowed to work 2nd and 3rd shifts or receive mail. Got it.
I actually work in an area where the l production industry basically is the great provider of jobs for people and plants run near 24/7. Lots of the employees are white and way too many of them (for my comfort level) are Trump supporters. They also work strange hours and receive packages, so it's basically my civic duty to start reporting these assholes to the authorities in order to prevent the next Charleston church shooting!