Are you a diehard Louis fan...?I think one thing that is often overlooked in these situations is that it's not just about the power someone like Louis would have. It's pretty well known that sexual harassment of actresses and females in Hollywood is commonplace. The last thing these powerful men, who have much more power than Louis, want is a wave of women coming forward. They are the ones that are far more likely to ruin someone's career than a single comedian, regardless of how popular he is.
If I'm understanding this right, men in Hollywood, generally being regular sexual harassers, prefer to discourage public outing of sexual harassment in general for fear of having to be responsible for their actions down the line?
I thought it was already proven that the alleged sexual harassment rumors were actually referring to another comedian?
Is CK really powerful enough for people to be afraid of completely exposing him? Can he actually ruin your career?
All it takes is a few well known and respected comedians to blow the lid off the whole thing and he's fucked. I'd say he has more to lose than they do.
Is CK really powerful enough for people to be afraid of completely exposing him? Can he actually ruin your career?
Matching stuff, basically. Inviting girls up to his room under innocent pretext, then locking the door and doing basically masturbating on them or some other weird shit while simultaneously preventing them from leaving. I didn't hear that it ever went as far as direct rape, but sexual assault would probably still apply.
I trust the friend in question quite strongly, and these stories aren't in a vacuum. I wouldn't bring the guy to trial over secondhand stories, but I'd say it's much more likely than not that at least some of the allegations are true.
Are you a diehard Louis fan...?
is it possible that the victims fear professional retaliation because although he's a comedian, he's a powerful comedian?
is it possible they haven't pressed charges because there is a variety of behavior that is disgusting, offensive, violating, and not illegal or not easy to prove forensically?
Is CK really powerful enough for people to be afraid of completely exposing him? Can he actually ruin your career?
All it takes is a few well known and respected comedians to blow the lid off the whole thing and he's fucked. I'd say he has more to lose than they do.
Of course. But this is still a question of right or wrong. If I don't report a crime because I'm scared of the splashback on me or I "don't want trouble", it doesn't make me atypical but it would make me a coward.
Of course. But this is still a question of right or wrong. If I don't report a crime because I'm scared of the splashback on me or I "don't want trouble", it doesn't make me atypical but it would make me a coward.
That's obvious, but not my point. I'm saying that it's not as simple as outing a single person like Louis CK, who has some power. It's the people with real power, well above Louis CK, that make victims afraid of outing someone like Louis.
Of course. But this is still a question of right or wrong. If I don't report a crime because I'm scared of the splashback on me or I "don't want trouble", it doesn't make me atypical but it would make me a coward.
If the fears were legitimate no it would not make someone a coward. But calling potential victims of sexual assault and harassment cowards does make someone an asshole.
Hey, remember that time Louie (in the show) forced himself on Pam Adlon's character and she called him a rapist but he still gets with her in the end?
Of course. But this is still a question of right or wrong. If I don't report a crime because I'm scared of the splashback on me or I "don't want trouble", it doesn't make me atypical but it would make me a coward.
Yeah it does. It's the textbook definition of the word.
Fuck me. I completely forgot about that season.
Yeah it does. It's the textbook definition of the word.
Yeah, I love that show but that shit was so uncomfortable and gross and it really made me think, like, "that feels true."
It definitely lowered my opinion of him a lot.
I hoped Louis was going to really do something great with that initial sequence by having actual consequences happen. But nope. Happy ending. In the worst, nebbish sort of way.
Hey, remember that time Louie (in the show) forced himself on Pam Adlon's character and she called him a rapist but he still gets with her in the end?
Hey, remember that time Louie (in the show) forced himself on Pam Adlon's character and she called him a rapist but he still gets with her in the end?
Like, the entire arc of their relationship is some bullshit Friend Zone fantasy.
Exactly how do you stop rapists and harassers if people don't come forward, exactly?
At the end of the day, this "powerful man" is a damn comedian. If you're afraid of crossing him because of your career, you are tacitly accepting more victimization for the sake of your own job. That's cowardly, whether you're a victim or know someone who is and still say nothing.
How many more women were victimized by Cosby and others because it took years for someone to straight-up say what people were talking about in hushed tones?
The creepiest moment of the whole show.
thats a common misconception, but Stanhope took the blame as a joke.
RumbleHumble said:I hoped Louis was going to really do something great with that initial sequence by having actual consequences happen. But nope. Happy ending. In the worst, nebbish sort of way.
Yeah it does. It's the textbook definition of the word.
A female comedian in Los Angeles says she feels ashamed of herself for needing to speak anonymously. I wish that I believed that I could just be an angry woman in public and not be looked down on as hard to work with, she says, adding that a woman who spoke out about sexism or abuse would be persona non grata in the comedy community.
She says she was once asked out by her male boss when she interned at UCB, and describes a separate instance in which a male comic put her in a cab under the guise of comforting her when she was crying, then took her to his house and tried to have sex with her.
The comic describes the disbelieving reactions of her male friends to the assault allegations as triggering, and says it makes her feel hopeless. I dont have the words to convince this other person that theyre wrong or that what theyre doing is hurtful. I dont feel like I want to armor up about this.
Didn't she write that whole sequence with him and defend it afterward?
Didn't she write that whole sequence with him and defend it afterward?
"When I read it I was dying laughing, because in the script he said, Louie approaches her closing off the ring which is like a boxing terminology and then he said, and shes holding on to the walls and furniture like a cartoon cat. So when I read it, it read hilariously. Then on the day that we were shooting it, I was like, Lets really get into it, and I grabbed the dresser and all of that. And then at a certain point, I looked at him and I said, Somebody might get mad.
"The notion that were being careless and putting some kind of dangerous message out is offensive to me. But I cant help what people feel and what reaction they give to things. I said something to Louis at the beginning of this season, which was that when were doing stuff, more than going for a laugh or anything or a reaction were going for a feeling."
"You can't even rape well."
That's a line in the show. Played for laughs.
Says who?
I believe it was himself. Doug Stanhope. Maybe on twitter, it was awhile ago I'd have to really dig to find it, but it could also be in the many other Louis threads that have popped up here before.
I believe it was himself. Doug Stanhope. Maybe on twitter, it was awhile ago I'd have to really dig to find it, but it could also be in the many other Louis threads that have popped up here before.
I thought it was already proven that the alleged sexual harassment rumors were actually referring to another comedian?
Yeah, Stanhope definitely said he was the real subject of the blind item. This Notaro wrinkle lends credence to the argument that it really was about Louis, for me, even accounting for that thing about Louis supposedly stealing her "clown performance for solo dude" idea from her short film. The whole thing is depressing because I like every one of the comics involved. I hope it isn't true but it feels like it is.I believe it was himself. Doug Stanhope. Maybe on twitter, it was awhile ago I'd have to really dig to find it, but it could also be in the many other Louis threads that have popped up here before.
I always got the impression from his comedy and his interviews that he knows he is a deeply deeply flawed man who has a pretty insightful and progressive point of view on most subjects but often lacks the self control, desire, or empathy to act on those points of views in reality. I wouldn't have much trouble believing he did what he has been accused of, I also wouldn't have much trouble believing he knows how wrong and shameful they were.
These rumours on his conduct around women have been swirling around for years. It's a ticking time bomb at this point. Enjoy him while you can, because when all this blows up on Louis, it will be extremely messy.
Welcome to show business.
I've directed the voice work for more than one AAA video game and am not even in the credits for that game. I've written stuff I'm not credited for too. I've had executive producers on films that literally nobody ever met in person.
It makes more sense in the middle of everything.
Welcome to show business.
I've directed the voice work for more than one AAA video game and am not even in the credits for that game. I've written stuff I'm not credited for too. I've had executive producers on films that literally nobody ever met in person.
It makes more sense in the middle of everything.