I imagine most people are going to say faster, and I believe you! However, for me, it feels slower. Anyone else? And why?
I had a 5 years ago memory pop up on my Facebook and I was floored that it was only 5 years ago. I've had this sensation for about 10 years now (since I was about 24), so the feeling is nothing new. However, I was still blown away at how much slower time feels now, and the effect seems to get stronger every year! I'm almost alarmed by it, like there is something wrong with me. The memory that was from 5 years ago, legit feels like ages ago, like I've lived multiple lifetimes since then (ok so that's a bit of an exaggeration, but you get the idea).
I've come up with all kinds of mixed results on google, as to why time goes faster for some and slower for others. Overwhelmingly, people claim it goes faster, but there are a few other out there like me who claim slower.
Which is it for you? What do you think the reasons are for each?