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TITANFALL 2 |G2.1| "Whatever The Fuck That Means"


It feels like this was addressed to either the last OT or way earlier in this one. The last 2.5 ish pages (since the latest road map reveal) haven't had much outright negativity fired at the game or Respawn at all (aside from the occasional "I don't like pilots only modes" or "I really dislike the pilot glow". Plenty of personal drama though). Mostly it's been discussion about the recent trailer and people expressing interest and excitement over the content revealed in the road map and people new or returning to the game because of the revealed content.

I couldn't help but make that clip when watching the LTT video.


more like "Dear Swolbro"

please remember he packed up his game and console like a page and a half ago but here he still is reminding us about every arguement he has despite him doing that almost literally every single page of this thread


You know, it works both ways. No one owes Swol any extra respect but I appreciate that he's a character that is trying. He's part of this small Titanfall 2 community and I'd like to think that we'd all benefit from being a little closer together.

If TitanGAF isn't playing Frontier Defence together when that hits I'll be sad ;(

You know, it works both ways. No one owes Swol any extra respect but I appreciate that he's a character that is trying. He's part of this small Titanfall 2 community and I'd like to think that we'd all benefit from being a little closer together.

If TitanGAF isn't playing Frontier Defence together when that hits I'll be sad ;(

people like him are a big part of the reason why communities become small. whatever, this thread's fate is sealed. the same 2 people will continue to be overwhelmingly toxic, and people will slowly stop visiting, if they haven't already.


people like him are a big part of the reason why communities become small. whatever, this thread's fate is sealed. the same 2 people will continue to be overwhelmingly toxic, and people will slowly stop visiting, if they haven't already.

It's really ironic that this is the reply.

As much as Swol is done with the game, you said you were done with the thread. You both speak from the heart but the ridiculous part is that this means you all (both) would prefer to have an environment as to talk about one of your favourite games.

Learn to love the weeds, because otherwise, you won't get to appreciate the garden. I'm not popular here either but I would love it if people learnt to just ignore posts they dislike. Swol isn't going to quote and carry on the conversation himself. He's only been engaged with as much because there are so few posts regardless.


Reddit is now discussing nerfing Archer. I feel like communities, regardless of actual balance, will always look at nerfs instead of buffs even where it makes no sense.

MGL becomes bad, so now let's make everything bad!

By this rate people will ask for a Kraber nerf.


Speaking of disappearing players, so are there no Gaffers playing on PC?? Typically the network is zero.
I'll definitely be marathoning a couple of days after the next update hits.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
Ronin is all sword block all the time. Sword block does work against the laser shot but not the northstar railgun. Northstar is the main counter to Ronin. Sword core+2 arc wave is what the good players run with Ronin most of the time. It's all about movement side to side, and going in and out for melee's and sword core hits.

And if you don't know how to reload cancel with Ronin then you don't know how to play Ronin. Learn that.

These aren't the games' melee mechanics at fault here. You're throwing random blows into the air lol

Good stuff. I feel like most of the ronins I face are very good, and even if they aren't they just end up charging in and nuke ejecting.


Speaking of disappearing players, so are there no Gaffers playing on PC?? Typically the network is zero.
I'll definitely be marathoning a couple of days after the next update hits.
I play on pc but made my own clan, we had too many issues with the friend invites not working. We just all log onto the clan we made and hit invite network, it's easier than dealing with origin. Most people are in multiple clans and tend to switch to most populated, bomb, Reddit, etc are way more populated.
Speaking of disappearing players, so are there no Gaffers playing on PC?? Typically the network is zero.
I'll definitely be marathoning a couple of days after the next update hits.

I play on PC, and I'm on the network. I've been on pretty frequently recently. I'll likely be playing a lot when the update drops.
Wonder how common that view is. On PC the community is def a little small but playing with the same people every few days is kinda nice. I've heard console is fine.
Speaking of disappearing players, so are there no Gaffers playing on PC?? Typically the network is zero.
I'll definitely be marathoning a couple of days after the next update hits.
I use my own network. Add me on Origin.
A teammate thought it'd be funny to feed in Bounty Hunt.....

Wonder how common that view is. On PC the community is def a little small but playing with the same people every few days is kinda nice. I've heard console is fine.

Maybe it's a general thought of "If the playerbase isn't over 10k, then it's dead"


Wonder how common that view is. On PC the community is def a little small but playing with the same people every few days is kinda nice. I've heard console is fine.

And people want to make the ridiculous claim that i alone somehow diminished this place. I feel special, thanks.

Fact is the tech test hype got destroyed and that did a ton of perception damage here on gaf. Speaking of which if anyone remembers i had to defend the game constantly... of course i got ripped for that as well during that time. lol

On another note people clamouring for world war 2 aspects for COD are so insanely off point, hopefully it diminishes that franchise even further. I don't get these people though. There's battlefield for an old school world war two FPS, what's the point? It's nostalgia, again taking over.

Game developers get manipulated by the mob too much. Discerning the signal through the noise is hard, i know, but just maybe listen to the ones that play your game and know your game the best and not the mob. That's what i'd do.

Holopilot is so awesome now.
Yeah, it is. It's fun as hell to use and also viable if the other team has Titan dominance. A good way to constantly bamboozle an Ion in wasting laser shots.


On another note people clamouring for world war 2 aspects for COD are so insanely off point, hopefully it diminishes that franchise even further. I don't get these people though. There's battlefield for an old school world war two FPS, what's the point? It's nostalgia, again taking over.
It's smart for them to do it for CoD since they're so terrible at sci-fi.


Finally want to switch from grapple since i don't play Angel City that often anymore and on some of the more open maps it's not really that feasible. Only thing i would miss is closing the gap to titans pretty fast.

What should i try next? Cloak is tempting (that pilot model though...). Phase shift is a similar good option. Holo doesn't seem good for me (yeah, i saw that gif).

I would die for server browser or customs servers with a set of specific maps...
Play a cool map, then 2 bad ones follow...


Game developers get manipulated by the mob too much. Discerning the signal through the noise is hard, i know, but just maybe listen to the ones that play your game and know your game the best and not the mob. That's what i'd do.

The problem is that for all the loyalty a small, experienced community gives, pandering to a large mob of users will sell more copies of the game in the end for the majority of games (especially CoD). A lot of publishers just care about the money (and often pressure the devs to do the same), having a game that satisfies a small percentage of the player base is not usually a priority for them.


The problem is that for all the loyalty a small, experienced community gives, pandering to a large mob of users will sell more copies of the game in the end for the majority of games (especially CoD). A lot of publishers just care about the money (and often pressure the devs to do the same), having a game that satisfies a small percentage of the player base is not usually a priority for them.

I don't agree with this philosophy at all. At least from a gameplay perspective. I think a balanced game will sell more and continue to sell more in the long run. In fact, i don't think balancing at the top causes any problems for the casuals at the bottom. (edit: and isn't this what Overwatch is doing?)

Let's take Destiny as an example. If Bungie took the 100 best players in that game and balanced it out accordingly the entire experience for everybody would be better. Much better. How would your average gamer or the entire casual mob be affected by this in a negative way? All i see from people on Destiny are cries of horror about the balancing issues that game constantly faces.

So, yeah I don't see it. Most of the casual player base play the game other than for high level skilled play, right? They don't notice things anyways. They just play, for many other reasons, like leveling up, or cosmetic unlockables, or PVE, etc. Look at how long it takes your general population in Titanfall to notice that something is OP or completely broken. I've noticed it's taken at least a month or more after a few people start posting threads up on reddit.

Now, this is not to say the barrier to entry should be ridiculously high, now that can push people away. I'm saying the game should be balanced at the highest level in order for there to be a natural progression upwards - the more you play, the more skill you attain, the better you become compared to the rest of the community. And this progression should never stop.

When you balance the game for the population as a whole, taking into account the mediocre to the average, it only opens the game up to frustration and not just for good players, but for everybody. Why? Because good players discover the garbage faster, the middle tier players follow suit, and before you know it OP crap/tactics are being abused to the detriment of everybody.

If you don't see it like this, or understand it, i'd like to know why.


I don't agree with this philosophy at all. At least from a gameplay perspective. I think a balanced game will sell more and continue to sell more in the long run. In fact, i don't think balancing at the top causes any problems for the casuals at the bottom.

Let's take Destiny as an example. If Bungie took the 100 best players in that game and balanced it out accordingly the entire experience for everybody would be better. Much better. How would your average gamer or the entire casual mob be affected by this in a negative way? All i see from people on Destiny are cries of horror about the balancing issues that game constantly faces.

I don't see it. Most of the casual player base play the game other than for high level skilled play, right? They don't notice things anyways. They just play, for many other reasons, like leveling up, or cosmetic unlockables, or PVE, etc.

Look at how long it takes your general population in Titanfall to notice that something is OP or completely broken. I've noticed it's taken at least a month or more after a few people start posting threads up on reddit.

Now, this is not to say the barrier to entry should be ridiculously high, now that can push people away. I'm saying the game should be balanced at the highest level in order for there to be a natural progression upwards - the more you play, the more skill you attain, the better you become compared to the rest of the community. And this progression should never stop.

When you balance the game for the population as a whole, taking into account the mediocre to the average, it only opens the game up to frustration and not just for good players, but for everybody. Why? Because good players discover the garbage faster, the middle tier players follow suit, and before you know it OP crap/tactics are being abused to the detriment of everybody.

If you don't see it like this, or understand it, i'd like to know why.

There are examples of both sides of this arguement I can think of. Destiny is a good example for balancing based on the competitive community. I played Destiny from launch until now (on and off with content updates), and I agree that if it had been balanced as suggested by the competitive players, PvP would have been infinitely better. Instead Bungie took every little complaint about every weapon from every level of player, and nerfed everything to the point where they had to resort to taking ammo away from certain guns because people would only use 1 or 2 weapons types in the whole game.

On the other hand, Overwatch. The meta for lower skill level play is so insanely different from high level play, if you balance for just one then you alienate the other. For example, at launch you would never see Bastion in high level play, because he would get destroyed instantly. But in lower level play, the damage output from Bastion made him really powerful, and lower level players just weren't good enough to compensate (you could say this is just another time to say "git gud", but there's always gonna be people who just can't). Then eventually Blizzard buffed Bastion to be relevant in high level play, and the whole meta for low to mid level play devolved into "protect the bastion while they easily wipe the entire enemy team". It made the game really suck for anyone not at the higher ranks, because apart from getting really lucky with a good random team or going in with a group, there was no reliable way to counter besides responding in kind.

There's no cure-all universal philosophy for balance IMO. I was addressing games like CoD specifically, where there's the competitive scene isn't super mainstream and they have such a huge player base that marketing to the masses works way better than working with the higher skilled players. For games like CSGO, DOTA2, or Street Fighter, it's definitely better to balance for the higher skilled player because they're the target audience.


I was addressing games like CoD specifically where they have such a huge player base that marketing to the masses works way better than working with the higher skilled players. For games like CSGO, DOTA2, or Street Fighter, it's definitely better to balance for the higher skilled player because they're the target audience.

COD has gotten to that Madden/Fifa level of success. I don't think it's worth considering that franchise when talking about all other shooters. People buy it on name alone, no matter how garbage the game is. This is probably going to take another half decade before the franchise starts to really lose numbers.

For a game like Titanfall i think balance is important. They had a hardcore following coming into Titanfall 2 and they squandered that while not picking up enough steam amongst the general population. Could be a real bad move in the long run, almost killing the franchise (we will see).

Have you noticed on Reddit threads going up about AR dominance on console? These threads getting UPVOTTED NOW! lol. See how long it takes?

ha. People are going to think i have 1000 accounts on reddit because people are finally coming around with what i've been saying for months. ;)


I have to laugh at the idea that Destiny was balanced for the competitive players.

I played Destiny PvP up until RoI and not a single change made the game more competitive outside of the initial time they removed the super large maps.

They constantly shat on weapons that were too powerful in the hands of a skilled user and wanted to get rid of the disbalance in skill among players.


I have to laugh at the idea that Destiny was balanced for the competitive players.
Oh it definitely wasn't. I still laugh at the fact the for the last few months of trials, sidearms and NLB (the only special weapons unaffected by the ammo nerf) accounted for something like 70% of all kills in trials, which is supposed to be the most competitive game mode.


Subete no aware
Balance is easy. Just do what Quake did and have 1 gun of each type and call it a day.

Of course, we live in an age where people can't just play games for the sake of playing them... so with Destiny, it's not enough to get a good shotgun, you need to get a shotgun with the right perks. And if it doesn't have those perks, then you are at a disadvantage against someone with that perk... which just means that in 5 months, Bungie will remove that perk altogether (what was it? shot package on shotguns?).

If there's ever a Titanfall 3, I hope they just go back to having one AR, one SMG, one shotgun, one DMR, and one Sniper and call it a day.


I have to laugh at the idea that Destiny was balanced for the competitive players.
Wait, who said it was?

Balance is easy. Just do what Quake did and have 1 gun of each type and call it a day.

Of course, we live in an age where people can't just play games for the sake of playing them... so with Destiny, it's not enough to get a good shotgun, you need to get a shotgun with the right perks. And if it doesn't have those perks, then you are at a disadvantage against someone with that perk... which just means that in 5 months, Bungie will remove that perk altogether (what was it? shot package on shotguns?).

If there's ever a Titanfall 3, I hope they just go back to having one AR, one SMG, one shotgun, one DMR, and one Sniper and call it a day.

I agree. People are obnoxious with the "we need more weapons" nonsense. I think Bungie is in a good position though. They can introduce a ton of weapons for PVE and then keep a few very balanced weapons for PVP. I don't think people would have an issue with that. It would satisfy both parties.

If there is a Titanfall 3 Respawn should consider making each class good at specific things. Like the LMG class should be devastating against militias, reapers, etc. SMGs should be amazing in air and wall running while letting ARs dominate for stationary pilots but be complete ass for everything else.
I play on PC. What's a network.

That clan thing on the bottom of the screen



Havent played TF2 in awhile, planning to hop back onto it soon. Whats makes holopilot better now?
A lot of small changes:
-It doesn't die instantly when it hits a small obstacle
-When you aim at one it shows the username and health bar as if it's a real player
-It has a little bit of hp now, so it doesn't instantly die to a grunt shooting it(players still one-shot them with anything though)
-The player using Holo pilot gets a little audio beep when their Holo pilot disappears

Nothing ground breaking on its own, but it all really adds up.


Finally want to switch from grapple since i don't play Angel City that often anymore and on some of the more open maps it's not really that feasible. Only thing i would miss is closing the gap to titans pretty fast.

What should i try next? Cloak is tempting (that pilot model though...). Phase shift is a similar good option. Holo doesn't seem good for me (yeah, i saw that gif).

I would die for server browser or customs servers with a set of specific maps...
Play a cool map, then 2 bad ones follow...

Once you go phase shift, it's hard to do anything else. Seriously. Titan coming at you? Phase shift and run away. Someone has Amp and Hardcover? Phase Shift and get the drop on them. You hear someone revving up Devotion? Phase shift, move, and get ready to shoot em.

As for a server browser, yea that would definitely be cool. I know people are able to use private lobby's. You could create a party at the network menu and set up a game like that, couldn't you? I haven't done it myself.
Of all the things I see in the text chat, why is calling the Softball OP one of them?

Edit: That really tall tower in Colony is annoying AF to deal with if the person up there has Phase Shift or A-Wall


Once you go phase shift, it's hard to do anything else. Seriously. Titan coming at you? Phase shift and run away. Someone has Amp and Hardcover? Phase Shift and get the drop on them. You hear someone revving up Devotion? Phase shift, move, and get ready to shoot em.

As for a server browser, yea that would definitely be cool. I know people are able to use private lobby's. You could create a party at the network menu and set up a game like that, couldn't you? I haven't done it myself.

Tried Cloak and it's not so good since people still often see me anyway (judging from the kill cams). Sonar dagger is nice (and used by a lot) but Stim seems to be the best one yet for me. Nice for running away or getting close to a Titan/pilot.

Phase Shift ist next on my list. Don't doubt that it's one of the best.


So how does one actually join TitanGAF? I went to the website, logged in with my XBL, clicked join and... Nothing. No indication that it's waiting for auth or anything.


So I bought the game after playing at launch using Redbox for a couple days and immediately get put into a game of a bunch of randoms on my team against a full squad of people just camping the corners of the map with their titans all 6 of them together.

Of course they all got 20-40+ kills and that was the worst experience ever.

How the fuck are you supposed to counter anything like that with horrible teammates. They all had 2-3 kills.


So I bought the game after playing at launch using Redbox for a couple days and immediately get put into a game of a bunch of randoms on my team against a full squad of people just camping the corners of the map with their titans all 6 of them together.

Of course they all got 20-40+ kills and that was the worst experience ever.

How the fuck are you supposed to counter anything like that with horrible teammates. They all had 2-3 kills.
Leave game.


I play on pc but made my own clan, we had too many issues with the friend invites not working. We just all log onto the clan we made and hit invite network, it's easier than dealing with origin. Most people are in multiple clans and tend to switch to most populated, bomb, Reddit, etc are way more populated.

Yeah I mainly play Australian network, just a bummer not to see any gafs

Yeah I've got a bad habit of staying even with horrible teams.

Funny thing is, I never saw titanfall 2 as a team based game, I personally play as a one man titan killing machine.

Although after watching a few competitive matches, it's pretty cool. In CTF at least.


I'd never leave a match, even if the teams are completely unbalanced (leaving would make it even more unbalanced anyway). Just look at it as a challenge, and even if you won't win the match, scoring against the teamwork of the opposite side is all the more satisfying.
I must admit that I'm not much of a team player myself (I do support allies around me when the occasion arises, but I don't use it as a strategy), and meeting other players using advanced tactics almost feels like they're cheating. :p "oh come on I would totally have won that encounter if there wasn't two of them !"
Finally added PvP to my playlist to get some more variety, and wow that game mode is terrible for one simple reason: showing the spawn zone of the other team. Are you actually serious? Every game turns into who can spawn camp the other first.


I'd never leave a match, even if the teams are completely unbalanced (leaving would make it even more unbalanced anyway). Just look at it as a challenge, and even if you won't win the match, scoring against the teamwork of the opposite side is all the more satisfying.
I must admit that I'm not much of a team player myself (I do support allies around me when the occasion arises, but I don't use it as a strategy), and meeting other players using advanced tactics almost feels like they're cheating. :p "oh come on I would totally have won that encounter if there wasn't two of them !"

Yeah these dudes I was playing against were next level abusers.

They were positioned to where when you spawned you were killed literally within 1-3 seconds because they had every single lane covered.

Of course it wouldn't have worked as well if my teammates had any skill but they all seemed to be brand new.

I checked their PSN profile and they all had their stats as their PSN background. They had 9 KDRs.

Mine is 1.4 against pilots...

I'm never playing BH again xD


Finally added PvP to my playlist to get some more variety, and wow that game mode is terrible for one simple reason: showing the spawn zone of the other team. Are you actually serious? Every game turns into who can spawn camp the other first.
Get used to these types of "wtf were they thinking" aspects to the game. You'll encounter more of them as you continue to play more .


Checked in to see the state of things after not really playing for two weeks. Seems like competitive CTF on x1 is over . Everyone is done. It's strictly LTS now.

It's unbelievable what Respawn managed to do with the pilot , and pilot v titan combat in this game. Serious blunder.

Pegasus Actual

Gold Member
Finally added PvP to my playlist to get some more variety, and wow that game mode is terrible for one simple reason: showing the spawn zone of the other team. Are you actually serious? Every game turns into who can spawn camp the other first.

No, that's the one thing that makes it somewhat playable. If you can't see the spawns then you can't play high mobility because you will get picked off from completely random angles. Personally I don't try to farm spawns, I like to crash them, clear them out, and then run towards the next one.


Do you have the Xbox One S? I find it performs really well in Titanfall 1.

Similar to that of 90 FoV Titanfall 2 I perhaps.

Its an Ol' fatty


- TTK without a doubt is higher. Im actually having engagements where I can turn around and fight when Im shot from behind
- Arc grenades are more balanced in this game. Theres a delay (unless you cook it, majority seem to just toss them) unlike TF2 where it detonates on impact
- Cloak is more balanced. The duration is a lot shorter but is available more often compared to TF2
- Mother effin' regenerating Titan Shields!
- Titan dashes regenerate quicker
- Titan melee hit boxes aren't the size of a building and require you to be in their face for executions
- No Pilot lock-on melee BS, but the hit box is definitely too small in TF1 (3 whiffed on a grunt where I felt I should have connected)
- Proper rodeo

There were moments where I caught myself looking across the maps while pilots were traversing the levels and thought "this is cool"

Theres definitely an opportunity to strike a damn good balance between TF1 and TF2, but I unfortunately dont see it happening.
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