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TITANFALL 2 |G2.1| "Whatever The Fuck That Means"


I just got like 4 or 5 pulse blade kills LOL

It's funny. After the update I found a lot of players running around throwing pulse blades at other players. Yeah, I was doing it as well. I got 5 of the 10 needed yesterday.

On a side note I had strong words for Respawn in a tweet. A lot of the items I had unlocked with credits got re-locked after the update. I understand re-locking ones that I never paid to unlock with game credits, just like REGEN does, but that was not the case. Also it seems like we earn credits at a slower pace.

For ***** sake Respawn a lot of us hate the Coliseum mode. I have about 200 tickets. Please let us convert them to credits.


Change that I didn't see in the notes:your loadouts don't get reset when you regen! Factions do though, so change that unless you want to hear "precise shooting pilot!" Every time you melee someone.

How could something that big not make the patch notes? That is crazy.

That's been something I'd wanted since first regeneration and am so glad to see.


I played a few games this morning... did they update CTF? I think phase shift drops the flag now and flag return timer is really fast or was i still half asleep?

Also, as much as i love Glitch it showcases how bad the strafing is in this game. Caught in the open and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. In titanfall 1 you could turn around and out strafe someone's bullets, pop stim, save yourself and kill the guy. It's not like that in this game and it really creates frustration which causes you to camp more.

This map also highlights how floaty the jump is. Wish it had more weight so you could make more immediate turns and cuts while in the air after immediately jumping off the ground.


Definitely need more maps in the style of Glitch. I'd love to see a map based on the airships level from the singleplayer. You have to jump from ship to ship in the air and if you miss you fall and die. I don't even know if that's technically possible but it would be awesome.


They did. For the first little bit after the update it was back to normal but now phase shift drops and returns are much faster.

Awesome. Good job being quick about it Respawn! Now return all Live fire to CTF-nitro please. Does anyone actually prefer Live fire over nitro?


Huh, I didn't even realize I already had 2 sonar blade kills already.

New map is pretty great so far. Love being able to wall run around the map so quickly.


Awesome. Good job being quick about it Respawn! Now return all Live fire to CTF-nitro please. Does anyone actually prefer Live fire over nitro?

I like both as different game modes. The cat and mouse gameplay of Live Fire is pretty fun, I'd be annoyed if they removed it completely.


Awesome. Good job being quick about it Respawn! Now return all Live fire to CTF-nitro please. Does anyone actually prefer Live fire over nitro?

Both game types are completely different. I enjoy the variety. I've only played two matches of CTF Nitro, but CTF in general takes longer than Livefire. So I do like the quickness of Livefire.
Have they mentioned a timeframe for when Marked For Death is coming out? That mode was amazing in TF and its the one big thing I've been missing with this game and seeing mention of it again got me super hyped.
So I got a message after a game last night, "Stop teabagging it's immature," and it led to a civil discussion about the ethics of teabagging, and now I think we're Playstation buddies ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Teabagging is caring.
Jayfresh announced on Reddit some small updates
Jayfresh_Respawn said:

We’ve got a couple quick updates that are now live in the game and also wanted to clarify how the new Featured Modes will work:

  • CTF: Phase shift will now drop the flag
  • CTF: Flag return timer set to 1 second
  • Double XP will start on Thursday for all modes and will run through the weekend.
  • Drydock has now returned back to the map rotation for Attrition, Bounty Hunt
  • New modes: Titan Brawl, Marked for Death, and Iron LTS are featured modes and not part of regular mixtape matchmaking so that's why you haven't seen them yet. We’ll be swapping one of those into the Featured Mode slot starting next week. On Friday we'll do a poll so you folks can vote on which one comes out first.
Thanks for all the feedback so far!


Reddit is talking about the melee system being broken even more so after the patch and i have to confirm that it is. Something is definitely up.

The lunge is even worse now. Maybe it's part of the network issues as of late?


awesome map. best one in tf2 easlily. great flow.

if the game launched with more maps like this, it wouldve been easier to ignore all of the other annoying design choices they made with the game.
Respawn, you did one hell of a job with this new map. It's amazing.

Although, why can't I high-five my sweet Marvin? This better be fixed in the next patch.


Great map, but is it even in the standard rotation? I've been playing for hours both yesterday and today (Bounty Hunt and Attrition), and it hasn't popped up even once for me. The game modes that Respawn decided to put in the Glitch playlist are really not my cup of tea.

Pegasus Actual

Gold Member
Cool map. Need more like it. Was kind of bummed to not have any of the new game modes up alongside the patch. I guess it makes sense with the one featured playlist slot. So I guess next week will be MFD? I can't see a Titan mode winning a vote, especially with two Titan modes splitting it.
Reddit is talking about the melee system being broken even more so after the patch and i have to confirm that it is. Something is definitely up.

The lunge is even worse now. Maybe it's part of the network issues as of late?

Thats what I think I have even gotten the hit sound only to die from the enemies melee instead.

I miss the servers from titanfall one. I always had sub 30ms ping but they got rid of the chicago servers. Now I have a choice between Stl, NY and Virginia and none of them are really optimal for someone in Ohio.

I also have different ping depending on if I play on ps4 or xbox one. The STL server is much lower on xbox it says 25ms but in game I get like 55 - 60ms. Same on ps4 but I get like 35 ms on the NY server which is the lowest ping for me on ps4. I still get 50-60ms ping in game no matter what. I want the azure servers back connection use to be flawless for me in titanfall 1.
Great map, but is it even in the standard rotation? I've been playing for hours both yesterday and today (Bounty Hunt and Attrition), and it hasn't popped up even once for me. The game modes that Respawn decided to put in the Glitch playlist are really not my cup of tea.

I dont think it is. I was playing Attrition and Bounty Hunt yesterday too and never saw it. I guess they're keeping it isolated in its special playlist for now. It will probably join the others once that playlist gets rotated out. Avoiding the glitch playlist for the same reason.


I'm going to assume it went like this:

  • Dev1: Let's improve the movement mechanic by adding slide.
  • Dev2: awesome, on it.
  • Dev1: ok, but let's also do something about the TTK, it's too long. Skill curve is too high. People can strafe too effectively.
  • Dev3: what if we make every weapon really strong?
  • Dev1: great idea!
  • Dev2: yes, and maybe we can outline each pilot with this bright red outline like Overwatch? make them super visible
  • Dev1: totally!
  • Dev4: heyyyy i gotta an idea why don't we also increase the aim-assist so players can hit targets without trying, and enlarge hitboxes so good players can no longer out strafe opponents. This would help out the general population a ton
  • Dev1: hmm, yeah not bad, let's do it.
  • Dev2: let's not forget stim! it's too effective for good players, we can't have that. make sure it doesn't boost health immediately.
  • Dev1: you're right, hell no. also, i think to make sure we really flatten this skill curve let's give everyone the ability to amp their weapons all the time! we can really bring that TTK to super fast speed!
  • Dev2: great idea and also let's make sure everyone's health regens much slower!!! it will cause players to pause before they decide to go moving again. We don't want that do we, too much movement.
  • Dev5: Wait, guys wouldn't this make the game like COD? And wouldn't this really hinder the movement system? One of these changes would be enough, but do we really need to pile on all of it? i thought this game was about movement?
  • Dev1: maybe, but who cares. there's PC play if you want that.
  • All devs: ahhh true true true. This is gonna play great on console!
Glitch is a great map. You can spend nearly the entire time wall running.

They need to remove Pilots vs Pilots from the 24/7 playlist. Just an awful mode.


They need to remove Pilots vs Pilots from the 24/7 playlist. Just an awful mode.

Please submit your criticism in the form of a skit, or it will be tossed.

(My vote, but I'm dead inside, was to take LTS out from the 24/7. I think I was slapped hard on the face in response, but recollection is hazy.)
This felt real good, lads


Please submit your criticism in the form of a skit, or it will be tossed.

(My vote, but I'm dead inside, was to take LTS out from the 24/7. I think I was slapped hard on the face in response, but recollection is hazy.)



I got nothing


What i don't understand is why shooter console devs think that diminishing the ability of good players at the top of the curve is an effective way in making their games more accessible. This shit makes no fucking logical sense to me. At all. If the player base at the top is so small how could it ruin the experience for the bottom half? 95% of the time in this game you'll run into average to downright awful players. sooo????

Balancing the game at the very top will have a trickling down effect, indeed a trickle down economy that actually works! If the top players are playing the game in an obnoxious way what do you expect from everyone else? What's even more astonishing to me is how many examples of this we have to go on ever since Halo C.E and yet devs continue to make the same damn mistake over and over and over and over.

Balancing/designing the game for the bottom half of the bell curve never leads to good gameplay, in reverse, it leads to FRUSTRATING GAMEPLAY for EVERYBODY!!!

If there is an opposing argument to this i'd love to hear it or just call me a 'dick' as per usual and move on.
Tell me about Thunder and Lightning

You sound like a good person.

You don't.

I like the way you think lol

LTS is a high skilled mode. All the pros play it.

I wouldn't expect you plebs to understand.

Don't think this was posted. Regarding some future content

Detailed patch notes



PvP and LTS are pretty good on Glitch but CTF with random teammates is terrible. Especially since 11/14 matches that I played in that playlist ended up being CTF.
People who read my posts, do you recall that feeling I described while playing TF1? The heart pounding? Its there in Glitch. And only Glitch, but damn does it feel great.


People who read my posts, do you recall that feeling I described while playing TF1? The heart pounding? Its there in Glitch. And only Glitch, but damn does it feel great.

i mean yeah it does but the damn movement is so floaty and you can't counter anything once in the open. When a spitfire can kill you with a bullet skimming your knee what's the point in having movement at all?

Secretly i think Respawn wants to make another boots on the ground Modern Warfare. Right? That makes sense doesn't it? I've talked to a few people about this and they all agree. Why bother with Titanfall at all at this point. They should make what they really want to make.
Whats with Ronin staying crouched after embarking?

i mean yeah it does but the damn movement is so floaty and you can't counter anything once in the open. When a spitfire can kill you with a bullet skimming your knee what's the point in having movement at all?

Secretly i think Respawn wants to make another boots on the ground Modern Warfare. Right? That makes sense doesn't it? Why bother with Titanfall at all at this point. They should make what they really want to make.

I don't get that feeling at all. They may have swung too far in one direction in an attempt to appeal to a larger audience, but Glitch tells me they know what makes Titanfall's movement great.
The wall running speed reload really does come in handy

Phase Shift needs to be nerfed to one charge. The most unfun encounters in the game.

Coliseum image needs to be changed to something that doesn't resemble the highlight effect when choosing a game mode. Im always hitting up.


Haven't seen this posted here yet:
Jayfresh_Respawn on Reddit said:
-Double XP is now live for all modes
-Adjusted map rotation in Live Fire so you should get Deck map more
-Adjusted rotation of modes in Glitch 24/7 so you should get CTF less
-Added Attrition to Glitch 24/7

The wall running speed reload really does come in handy

Phase Shift needs to be nerfed to run charge. The most unfun encounters in the game.

Coliseum images needs to be changed to something that doesn't resemble the highlight effect when choosing a game mode. Im always hitting up.

Yeah I don't know why they haven't adjusted phase shift yet it's ridiculous
Could you please keep the Glitch 24/7 playlist alongside the other featured playlists? I don't want to play anything else right now.


I don't get that feeling at all. They may have swung too far in one direction in an attempt to appeal to a larger audience, but Glitch tells me they know what makes Titanfall's movement great.

Oh, i'm sure. Afterall they did make Titanfall 1.

It's clear that there are competing philosophies over there. This is why the experience is so frustratingly fragmented. It seems like they are constantly going back and forth on what the game should be.

They keep trying to fix everything but the main issue with the game that plagues the console version which is the inability to actually engage in a gunfight. Your mobility means absolutely nothing in a gunfight, and that's the problem. You die too fast. This is where the game is too much like COD when it shouldn't be. It's catching on though, people are getting better, especially on PS4 (finally) and they're noticing what others have been complaining about since day 1-

Basically, people want the ability to break someone's aim. You could do this in Titanfall 1 with a quick jump right cut left move or by simply strafing like a crazy man. If they weren't good they wouldn't track you. Pop stim and you could turn on them despite being shot or seen first. It was COD TTK but with the ability to outgun and outmaneuver opponents no matter what the situation. People loved it.

Respawn needs to decide what this game is going to about because it's bullshit that console players have to play this game like a faster paced COD while PC gets to fly around like Unreal Tournament mixed with Tribes.
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