IMO, you should save your Sonar for when a Titan deploys Electric Smoke (it'll let you seem them through it lol), or if they're in their dome (less, Tone is the ONLY Titan who can take advantage of a Titan in a dome...) --
You can still use the Tracker Rockets if you have 3 locks, even if it doesn't show up on screen.
In my opinion, you should try to avoid battles with Tone as a Tone. Even if you win (which you might not if they have the better Wall and you don't etc.) you'll likely trade.
Ofc. use your smoke for Pilots, but use your smoke for when Titans want to dash through your Wall. It's SUPER predictable. You'll always get a Salvo Core after winning one fight, so use it to get the jump on another Titan.
As for Pilots... I don't know what to say. You'll get the hang of it.
Lol but there's SO MANY of them ^^; 2 out of every 3 fights as a Tone is with another Tone lol. So it's like we both set up particle walls and just stare at every other lol.
Oh, the Smoke+Wall trick sound neat, I should do that next. Though I always want to save my smoke for pilots though.