How is "stronger together" not apart of the title brehs really.
With R1?
I would have nuked the shitty SBMM it had into oblivion.
Cool, i gave my xbox away shortly after TF1 launch so i'm not sure how it all turned out in the end. Gun balance was pretty poor when i played it though. It seemed to be tons of carbine, smg and 40mm for titan spec.With R1?
I would have nuked the shitty SBMM it had into oblivion.
What ever happened to the title "A Boy and his BT?" I liked that one.
My biggest gripe at this point is ttk.
Too COD like imo. I thought the original was perfect.
My biggest gripe at this point is ttk.
Too COD like imo. I thought the original was perfect.
Yeah, it's certainly harder against smart players. Also, this never gets old:
Maybe I was just really bad at it, but I played TF1 a lot over 2 years, I only got what maybe 15 gooser kills in total? I finally got the railgun gooser kill last month.
I've done probably 25 - 30 at this point in TF2, it's just so much easier I find. Ion's laser cannon is by far the best way to farm it. I even got one with Scorch's gun in a game. A few with Tone as well. Haven't played any legion, ronin or northstar since launch though.
But it's very satisfying.
It's the same as the first one (unless you get one-bursted by a hemlock). This TTK is optimal for fast gameplay and smoothness. The IW has an insanely fast TTK. Different shooters for different tastes.
Is this able to be confirmed. I thought the same but then all thes TF1 vets started to complain so i watched some TF1 videos since i hadnt played it in a while. It still looks the same to me except guns like the hemlock and g2 got a much needed buff because they were outclassed in TF1. It really does look like the same TTK, to me, but you know people will protest this claim without proof.It's the same as the first one.
Ejecting Pilots do not eject as high, so a little easier in Titanfall 2.
Plus the hitboxes are huge
Plus there are hitscan OHKO weapons
I have yet to kill a pilot with the instant fire charge rifle![]()
because it isn't ohko
Did it change since the beta? I saw tons of videos from Frothy Omen killing pilots in 1 shot with it.
TTK IS faster than Titanfall 1. Whether that is because of faster hit registration or whatever, the end result is you die much quicker.
I mean, typically, in gun fights, the winner is the first one to aquire and hit their target. I hate games where you shoot someone in the back a bunch of times and they turn around and ohko you. It's much more infuriating than being out manoeuvred, beaten to the draw or flanked.Same here. I don't see it being changed though, it would probably effect weapon balance. Still having a blast, but I just don't get the trend of lower and lower ttk. I mean fuck, just make a "hardcore" mode so people can have their "peekaboo who saw who first" combat. *Waits for Halo 6 and hopes it has double jump and a better slide*
When people say the TTK is too low, do they mean the weapons are too strong, health too low, health regen time too long, or something else? I've never played the first one, so I'm not sure what I should be expecting.
I mean, typically, in gun fights, the winner is the first one to aquire and hit their target. I hate games where you shoot someone in the back a bunch of times and they turn around and ohko you. It's much more infuriating than being out manoeuvred, beaten to the draw or flanked.
Nah, it's not. Whether it be more accurate weapons, less recoil or more aim assist, something about TF2 makes it noticeably quicker to kill people on average. And I know about amped weapons, it's not that.
edit: a slightly longer kill time doesn't affect fast gameplay and smoothness that much. What it does do is simplify encounters and make weapon properties feel less unique.
edit 2: My feeling is that the reason Respawn did not implement a higher kill time or even keep it the same as TF1 is because it makes it harder for new or less skilled players. When ttk is faster, you'll sneak up on people out of luck and getting the first hit basically means you win (see every single COD). If they upped it, it would raise the skill ceiling and allow for the ambushed player to react. But that's what makes higher kill times so interesting; the ability to react via movement, abilities and precision over time.
Is this able to be confirmed. I thought the same but then all thes TF1 vets started to complain so i watched some TF1 videos since i hadnt played it in a while. It still looks the same to me except guns like the hemlock and g2 got a much needed buff because they were outclassed in TF1. It really does look like the same TTK, to me, but you know people will protest this claim without proof.
Well there's certainly a balance to it, and look at my avatar; I'm definitely biased. But there's a reason Halo encounters are so renowned; the firefights are about persistence and knowing when to do what throughout. It leads to variety within the firefight itself rather than the in-between parts. Titanfall 2 is fantastic at the in-between parts, but the actual combat is over in a second. Some people like that and that's fine, but like I said there is a balance and I personally don't think Respawn have quite struck it.
I mean, typically, in gun fights, the winner is the first one to aquire and hit their target. I hate games where you shoot someone in the back a bunch of times and they turn around and ohko you. It's much more infuriating than being out manoeuvred, beaten to the draw or flanked.
When people say the TTK is too low, do they mean the weapons are too strong, health too low, health regen time too long, or something else? I've never played the first one, so I'm not sure what I should be expecting.
maps and movement don't let you escape the way you used to be able to
the numbers aren't too far off the original
I do not want anything close to Halo in Titanfall. We have Titan and Pilot gameplay options for a reason. I am VERY happy with the balance in this game. Even when I get mapped with a Hemlock lol. Gets me salty, but that's okay.
That's where im at. First few days, i thought ttk was far to quick. Now that I've gotten used to all my tools , i can survive quite a while. I have even had a match or two where I didn't die at all. I never stop moving. The fact that you can reload while doing pretty much any action , means you never have to stop. Soo many ways to escape or break sight linesAnd between tacticals, ordnance, and movement options, you have plenty of opportunities to turn something in your favor unless you get totally outplayed. TTK feels perfect.
Titanfall 1 is still available to play.
TTK seems about the same to me. Unlike COD, you can survive a few shots to the back if you are able to flee well enough.Is this able to be confirmed. I thought the same but then all thes TF1 vets started to complain so i watched some TF1 videos since i hadnt played it in a while. It still looks the same to me except guns like the hemlock and g2 got a much needed buff because they were outclassed in TF1. It really does look like the same TTK, to me, but you know people will protest this claim without proof.
If you go out into open sightlines unprotected, expect to get blasted by some dude with a hemlok from across the map. Any other situation can be avoided thru movement or using your kit. Grav stars are great for punishing thirsty players when you get away successfully.
This is harsh, but hearing that Respawn divided into 2 teams after Titanfall 1 explains a lot.
I'm not sure they T2 team really got what made the first game so wonderful.
I always get destroyed when trying to get some easy ai kills. Lol. I fall for it all the timebut the open is where all the ai are
I always get destroyed when trying to get some easy ai kills. Lol. I fall for it all the time
plus, no silencer (outside of mozambique...)
Does silencer reduce damage?plus, no silencer (outside of mozambique...)
Does silencer reduce damage?
What he said.
Also, health is too low. I highly recommend you check out the first one, you'll understand immediately.
Really, might have to try it. I was missing silencers. My archer is too damn good, im always hesitant to take a pistolplus, no silencer (outside of mozambique...)
Yup and Respawn specifically stated they wanted better "gunplay" in TF2 IE: longer shootouts because people went down too quick in TF1.
I think they did nail here
Really, might have to try it. I was missing silencers. My archer is too dame good, im always hesitant to take a pistol
shootouts were much longer in R1