Having been a member on NeoGAF for an extended period of time has afforded me many valuable observations and some of these are incredibly thought provoking. That PlayStation and Xbox fanatics will never stop crapping on each other, nobody reads longwinded opening posts (including this one) and that everybody is always horny and in the mood for some good old-fashioned T&A, plus some steaks and beers for prosperity's sake. A person has simply look at the "NSFW" threads in the off-topic and gaming discussion forums to know that these will never leave the front page, and that's a undeniable fact. Not that I'm condemning this of course as I too enjoy the occasional debauchery, but it does make one ponder whether or not the grass is sometimes more greener on the side...
Historically the motion picture industry has been most responsible for the sexualisation of female characters, but I think video games studios are also notable participants. There's usually much less restrictions and governing bodies in gaming and this allows for extremely provocative and sensual character designs ranging from physical appearance and bodily proportions, clothing and accessories, not to mention voice lines and personality. It's become the norm to have curvaceous and voluptuous characters when in reality this was once the exception and now modesty is highlighted and often discussed by feminists about whether or not it needs to make a return and should be the prevalent ideology. Regardless of whether you enjoy the sexualisation or are more critical on the matter are both valid arguments. I want to explore both sides of the spectrum and appreciate the aesthetic beauty within each representation and their character designs.
Ivy Valentine - Soulcalibur
Probably the first character I thought of when making this thread. Ivy's chest is a little overblown and her outfit is silly, but she has extremely sexy legs and British accent.
Lara Croft - Tomb Raider
This thread would be incomplete without Lara Croft. Her impact on sexualizing females in gaming history is unrivalled and is probably the most famous example out there.
Catherine - Catherine
Catherine to me is the most attractive one here and marriage material. Her body is modest, but she oozes sexiness with soft milky skin, pale blue eyes and blonde locks.
Chun-Li - Street Fighter
Chun-Li is a classic of example of "it's what you don't see is what you're interested in" and boy it's a lot of interest. Absolutely sexy legs and thunder thighs to boot (pun int).
Elexis Sinclaire - SiN
Elexis is clearly sexualized within the first game and looks like a sex doll, but I don't like her design very much as they tried way too hard to make her look appealing.
Elizabeth - BioShock Infinite
Appropriate I've been playing BioShock Infinite on it's 10th anniversary. Elizabeth is the image of purity and innocence at the start, but grows into a mature woman later.
Jade - Beyond Good And Evil
I've only played a little of this game and Jade is a standout modestly designed character. Fitting as she's a journalist, always on the move with appropriate attire and tools.
Ayame - Tenchu
One of the most surprising in terms of modesty. Ayame unlike another ninja *cough* Mai is dressed appropriate for espionage/assassination duties and is slender built.
Trip - Enslaved Odyssey To The West
All of Ninja Theory's female characters are modestly designed, but this doesn't make them unattractive. Great characterization and design make up for lack of curvature.
Amanda Ripley - Alien Isolation
Appropriately dressed and likeable in personality. Amanda like her mother is the strong well-written character that shows sexiness through action instead of bust.
Historically the motion picture industry has been most responsible for the sexualisation of female characters, but I think video games studios are also notable participants. There's usually much less restrictions and governing bodies in gaming and this allows for extremely provocative and sensual character designs ranging from physical appearance and bodily proportions, clothing and accessories, not to mention voice lines and personality. It's become the norm to have curvaceous and voluptuous characters when in reality this was once the exception and now modesty is highlighted and often discussed by feminists about whether or not it needs to make a return and should be the prevalent ideology. Regardless of whether you enjoy the sexualisation or are more critical on the matter are both valid arguments. I want to explore both sides of the spectrum and appreciate the aesthetic beauty within each representation and their character designs.
- You can choose either/both sexualisation or modesty.
- 5 answers per each category, start a new post for more.
- Male characters welcome, though the focus is on female.
- Official images only, no manipulated artwork or cosplay.
Ivy Valentine - Soulcalibur

Lara Croft - Tomb Raider

Catherine - Catherine

Chun-Li - Street Fighter

Elexis Sinclaire - SiN

Elizabeth - BioShock Infinite

Jade - Beyond Good And Evil

Ayame - Tenchu

Trip - Enslaved Odyssey To The West

Amanda Ripley - Alien Isolation

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