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TMNT - The Last Ronin Comic


Hi all, Just wanted to share this Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles book with anyone who isn't aware. I figure it's a great jumping on point for lapsed TMNT fans.

Here are a few fast facts:
- What we have here is a story from the minds of the creators of TMNT, Kevin Eastman & Peter Laird, that has been taken out of the attic and polished, with help from Tom Waltz & others, for fans to finally read, 30 years after it's inception.
- Simply put, think of this is the "Dark Knight Returns" of TMNT. A gritty, heavily Frank Miller - influenced look at the final days of the TMNT.
- Bi-monthly release schedule. Five-issue mini-series, average of 48 pgs each.

I picked up the first issue today and as a lifelong fan of TMNT, I found it to be exactly the type of adult-aimed TMNT material that I've been craving since the days of Mirage. It's already making a splash in the comic community and selling much higher than any other TMNT books in recent memory. Hop on it. I'll leave you with a glimpse of the book, an interview with one of the writers and a link to the preview of issue #1.

Preview to Issue #1: https://monkeysfightingrobots.co/5-page-preview-teenage-mutant-ninja-turtles-the-last-ronin-1/

Video Interview w/ Kevin Eastman & Tom Waltz:

Which Turtle is The Last Ronin? You'll have to find out for yourself...
Anyone else pick this up? What are your thoughts?


Maybe if your a hardcore TMNT fan but casual fans way too much.
Your talking $45 for the 5 issue run, thats a lot of money anyway you look at it.

You say a 5-issue run, as if the issues are typical length. It's more like over ten issues, if you look at the page count.

Comics keep going up in price, it's true. If you aren't all that interested in TMNT, you can't be expected to pay $9 for a comic. That's fair.
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Reviews pouring in for anyone interested:

"The Last Ronin' is a dream come true for Ninja Turtles fans. It feels like the culmination of the original run of the series, and then some. It's absolutely a must-read for anyone who loves these characters and their world." - AIPT

"Featuring some terrific visuals, fluid panels, and a cast of interesting characters, highlighted by a terrifying background. The Last Ronin would have been can be called a gem in the rough, if only it did not have so much hype around it. If does not waste any time trying to build momentum preferring to dive in on the action, and world build at the same time." - Comic Crusaders

"Point blank reaction: I enjoyed the hell out of this book. Ive started reading through IDW Publishings TMNT books and while I havent read it all, The Last Ronin reads like one hell of a sendoff. I do wonder how hard this will be to actually get. Word is the print run was cut short and some shops think their full orders wont be filled. There are also around 70 variants out there for this book. This is definitely a read but I think its good enough to purchase. I feel like a lifetime of enjoying the various incarnations of the TMNT, whether its been comics, cartoons, or movies, has prepared me for this moment where they are down to one against all the evil in the world. Maybe it's cliche but The Last Ronin is an absolute blast." - Graphic Policy
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Just read it... Noooooooo!

I agree. I initially posted saying I don't want to say, because it will tempt people to spoil themselves. That post made me feel like a nanny, so I updated it with the spoiler. To each their own, I suppose.


Mirage TMNT was so good. The 2003 cartoon was watered down for kids programming, but it tried to capture what the original series was like. Steep price but I have to check it out


I agree. I initially posted saying I don't want to say, because it will tempt people to spoil themselves. That post made me feel like a nanny, so I updated it with the spoiler. To each their own, I suppose.

I was hoping for a punished Don or Mikey getting serious.


Where do I buy physical comics now? Is there a good online store?

Good question.
If you can't get to a local store, I'd recommend Ebay or Midtown comics. Those have always worked fine for me, although it will take a while to get your books. I read the issue digitally on Amazon this morning, while I wait for my physical copy to arrive.


I’m gonna say it’s Donnie just because he would be the least likely in a scenario like this. I may just pick it up.


Gold Member
Good question.
If you can't get to a local store, I'd recommend Ebay or Midtown comics. Those have always worked fine for me, although it will take a while to get your books. I read the issue digitally on Amazon this morning, while I wait for my physical copy to arrive.
They want 29.95 at the closest store to me.


They want 29.95 at the closest store to me.

Ah, so there were some print issues with the first book. Demand is super high right now. Orders are highly exceeding what was expected, along with the covid zaniness effecting the print run. Physical copies will simmer down in price soon. If you don't mind digital, the experience on Amazon Kindle is actually pretty cool. You can read panel by panel and it is actually pretty cool that way, as you avoid any spoilers that are further down the page.
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Gold Member
I still have several books of the original Eastman and Laird run. If it's anything like those, I'm sure it'll be great. I'll pick it up when it comes out as a TPB.
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Gold Member
Ah, so there were some print issues with the first book. Demand is super high right now. Orders are highly exceeding what was expected, along with the covid zaniness effecting the print run. Physical copies will simmer down in price soon. If you don't mind digital, the experience on Amazon Kindle is actually pretty cool. You can read panel by panel and it is actually pretty cool that way, as you avoid any spoilers that are further down the page.
I don't want to hijack the thread but my fire tablet is cracked. I was looking at the Kindle but do they do color? Or should I get another Fire for comic books?


Where do I buy physical comics now? Is there a good online store?

This site is one of the best websites I've ever come across, especially if you're looking to score cheap back issues etc. The amount of money ive spent here over the years is ungodly.

Lots of different sellers. Mostly local shops just trying to increase their revenue stream. Great for hunting down rare issues often much cheaper than they are on ebay.

Invaluable resource imho.


I don't want to hijack the thread but my fire tablet is cracked. I was looking at the Kindle but do they do color? Or should I get another Fire for comic books?

That's a good question but I'm not sure. I have a Samsung Galaxy Tablet and I download the Amazon Kindle App through the play store. The colors really pop.


Maybe if your a hardcore TMNT fan but casual fans way too much.
Your talking $45 for the 5 issue run, thats a lot of money anyway you look at it.
That's about how much I would expect for a hardcover of the entire series.

You know, this is an adult series. It's not to much to expect for said adults to have money. Especially if it's a premium product aimed at them.

I don't see how anyone can expect the industry to get better if no one is willing to spend money
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Seems interesting. I was never the biggest Turtles fan but I'm always down for a good story featuring them especially if it's from the original creators.

I'm intrigued by the fact that Michaelangelo is the Last Ronin. You'd expect it to be Leo or Raph. Don seems unlikely. But Mikey? The youngest and most carefree of them? Some shit must have gone done to turn him into such a dark character.


That's about how much I would expect for a hardcover of the entire series.

You know, this is an adult series. It's not to much to expect for said adults to have money. Especially if it's a premium product aimed at them.

I don't see how anyone can expect the industry to get better if no one is willing to spend money
Thats great and all but maybe its just the cheap bastard in me. 🤷‍♂️
Hope you guys get your money's worth.


I forgot to mention: These are over-sized issues. Larger than the typical comic format as a throwback to the original Mirage issues. The art is nice and big.


At least this looks more promising than the current run of the turtles. Holy shit, did that downhill. It went from a somewhat gritty and mature story to some sort of slice of life and tumblr artist's fetish. My god, this series had one of the best story arcs to come out of the TMNT lore with some of the best art I've seen to shit you would get on tumblr. Character arcs and stories dropped to be yet picked backed up. Ugh, I would give details because spoilers. Just know that the main comic series went from one of the best things to come out of TMNT to a pretty mediocre slice of book. I'm done purchasing this series.

Sorry for the tangent.
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I'm not keen on single comics, but vintage TMNT could be an exception. 🙂

That's about how much I would expect for a hardcover of the entire series.

You know, this is an adult series. It's not to much to expect for said adults to have money. Especially if it's a premium product aimed at them.

I don't see how anyone can expect the industry to get better if no one is willing to spend money

Well perpetually swapping artists and writers every few issues puts me off. Frequently combined with the practice of weaving stories between multiple titles, which may star characters I'm not into.

I prefer the creative model better associated with Japan. A self contained beginning to end tale by a handful of people.


Well perpetually swapping artists and writers every few issues puts me off. Frequently combined with the practice of weaving stories between multiple titles, which may star characters I'm not into.

I prefer the creative model better associated with Japan. A self contained beginning to end tale by a handful of people.
They can also take years to finish an equivalent storyline that is done in a couple months in the west, because they are willing to work with a rotating staff.

And it's 5 issuez. How is this even a serious concern


IDW dropped the ball and not printed enough, because their finance is in bad shape. I always read scans, so whatever.


Glad to see some people in here talking about the state of the main IDW series. I've enjoyed collecting the hardcovers of that run and seeing what it is now is infuriating. Hopefully this does well and they get Sophie Campbell the hell off the series.


Interestingly enough, the reviews have been stellar since Sophie Cambell took over writing the main series.
I'm seeing many complaints online from hardcore fans, but comic book critics (make of that what you will), have been praising it. Check comicbookroundup.com for reviews.

I haven't been reading the mainline series consistently for a while now, even before Sophie took over. I love TMNT, but it just didn't excite me. I will say that Sophie Campbell's art is fantastic. She has a great variant cover for issue #2 of The Last Ronin.


I wouldn't call those reviews stellar. Good for sure but not stellar. It's been consistent like that for a while if you noticed. But I wouldn't take reviews as gospel anyway as it's not from a fan's perspective. And no doubt there have been dips in the story where it wasn't as good like dropping storylines but at least it felt dynamic and exciting, I felt nothing but to skip reading when Campbell took over. And look, I'm sure Campbell has fans but man this felt too much like fanfiction with the tumblr OC turtle for me to keep buying this series. Campbell's a good artist but writing on the other hand.... no thanks.


I'd say stellar. There is a certain crowd eating it up. Lots of 9's and 10's pouring into comicbookroundup.
Though, again, make of that what you will. I've found comic book reviews to be some of the least reliable, at least for me personally.

It sounds like The Last Ronin is likely to become a spin-off universe with sequels and prequels. So I'd like to see Sophie remain as artist on the ongoing but have them bring in a new writer. Though who, I can't really say. At least with the budget they are working with and IDW's financial woes.
I assume fan-favorite artist Mateus Santolouco will be back in the fold soon though, one way or another, and I believe he co-wrote "Secret History of the Foot Clan." Maybe he's up next.
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Yeah, a certain crowd, but they're definitely losing me and others with this. A lot of 9's and 10's for other issues as well, doesn't mean much. And yeah another problem is too many spinoff series. Like fuck I don't give a shit about Pigeon Pete. They need to cut down on other series and focus on the mainline one.

But maybe bring back Santoloco would be a good idea, I think he finished the Shedder Goes to Hell mini. Plus, he was part of the best arc in the IDW run. I'd be down for that at least.
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Glad to see some people in here talking about the state of the main IDW series. I've enjoyed collecting the hardcovers of that run and seeing what it is now is infuriating. Hopefully this does well and they get Sophie Campbell the hell off the series.
I stopped at issue 93...does it get bad from there? And Last Ronin is great!


I stopped at issue 93...does it get bad from there? And Last Ronin is great!

I'm not sure what issue I'm on. I think I have 9 of the hardcovers, so I'm not sure when it goes bad exactly. From what I've seen the comic as it is now is basically Tumblr fanfiction. The Turtles are living in a city of other mutants and it's furry nonsense.
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I'm not sure what issue I'm on. I think I have 9 of the hardcovers, so I'm not sure when it goes bad exactly. From what I've seen the comic as it is now is basically Tumblr fanfiction. The Turtles are living in a city of other mutants and it's furry nonsense.
Of fucking course. I left off on hardcover 8...
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