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Today's burning question: Is Barack Obama the Antichrist?

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Barack Obama The Antichrist

Did anyone catch this guys speech at the Democratic Convention? This guy bothers me, and here is why. First of all, Barack means blessed. This is from his bio:The lanky candidate speaks with grace, often without notes; strangers greet him enthusiastically on the street.

Even Republicans are complimentary. He exudes confidence and finesse Rep. Ray LaHood of Illinois told USA Today.

And yet, in the middle of reporters' scrums and enthusiastic greetings from strangers, Obama has remained preternaturally calm (exceeding what is natural or regular).

"The rich guy flamed out, and Obama was right there," said Mendell. "He ran a really smart primary campaign. He waited until the ninth inning to score all his runs. ... It was masterfully done. (His running mate Jack Ryan withdrew from the race because of sexual activity claimed by his wife.)
He was introduced by longtime Democratic Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois, who referred to Obama as a man who can help heal the division in our nation.

This guy just sounds to perfect to me. He came on the scene vertually unheard of except in Illinois. I looked at the polls this morning, and Burack Obama had more of a percentage rate then anyone giving speeches at the Democratic Convention...INCLUDING KERRY!!!

I fear nothing except God. Fear is the opposite of Faith, and Faith I have. It is not only his name, "blessed", but this guy doesn't sound human to me. People can think what they want about me, I could really give a hoot. People think that the AC is coming out of the mid-east. My personal belief is that the AC is going to rise right out of the UN, and with this guys popularity, charisma, and how he is climbing the ranks in government real fast!!!, He may be in the UN next.
Barack Obama, the son of a Kenyan father and a white mother from Kansas, born in Hawaii, raised in Chicago, was a little known Illinois state senator as recently as last year.

Now he's the states Democratic US Senate canidate, He will win, because now he is unopposed. I am watching everyone very carefully, especially since this chip is on the horizon, which I believe is connected with the mark.
The antichrist is not going to come in with devil horns on his head, and make an announcement...Hello all. I am the expected antichrist!!! I can see how people are going to be fooled when the AC does show up. He is going to be a charismatic fellow, with all of the answers for the worlds woes. Why not start in the US, since I believe that is where he is going to rise out of?? "who referred to Obama as a man who can help heal the division in our nation". Only God can HEAL our nations divisions!!!

Yes, it is uncanny the way that people are flocking to him. He has an eerie magnetism. I watched his speech, and I was almost spellbound. He said ALL of the right things. Even the tv commentators said that they had never heard such a good speech at a convention before. I'm going with my gut on this one. My sister and I both feel something "spooky" about this guy, but can't quite figure out what it is. It is odd that strangers come up to him on the street. Why would they do that, unless they were drawn to him.
You are right GodSaves, we are supposed to watch, and those that do not, aren't very bright to say the least. Jesus didn't give us His word with all of the information in it for no apparent reason...Grace.


I'm going with my gut on this one. My sister and I both feel something "spooky" about this guy, but can't quite figure out what it is.

I'm going to take a wild stab at it -


At least we know that people are watching him closely. I think if he gives off any more Antichrist vibes Trish1947 will be all over it. ;)

It's probably a good thing you have to register to view that forum, I'm sure it's hypnotic.


If fear is the opposite of faith, and he fears nothing but god, then god is the opposite of faith. If he has faith, then he is the polar opposite of fear which is god.

OMG he is teh antichrists! :O
Lost Weekend said:
If fear is the opposite of faith, and he fears nothing but got then god is the opposite of faith. If he has faith, then he is the polar opposite of fear which is god.

OMG he is teh antichrists! :O

Dude, you just blew my mind.


EviLore said:

He combined combined two different "fear"s in the statement I believe. The first is the fear of God (reverence) the second is fear as it's tradtionally used - as in being scared.


I got's more. Barack mixed around is Ackbar. Perhaps this is the lords way of telling us 'It's a trap!'

i dont get the fasciniation with this guy..

he seemed like a copy of all the great american speakers for the last 50 years.. cherry picking styles and methods of speaking...
i dont get the fasciniation with this guy..

he seemed like a copy of all the great american speakers for the last 50 years.. cherry picking styles and methods of speaking...

??? What the fuck does that last sentence mean? Did he start talking like William Shatner and transfer over to a bit of Tupac rant?

If giving speeches was so damn easy, how come George W. can't give one without stopping for three seconds after every sentence and/or mispronouncing common words?

The fascination with Obama is that he is brilliant man who was the first black editor of the Harvard Law Review, organized massive voter registration drives before entering politics in some of the hardest hit economic areas on the South side of Chicago, spear-headed important legislation as a state senator, taught law classes at the University of Chicago and puts more charisma and honesty in anything he says than any politician that has come around in a long, long time.


Damn right wingers and their hystereses! If this guy is the antichrist then Jesus was definitely black!
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