Tomb Raider II is being ported to Sega Saturn by a fan



Here's my holiday gift for all you loyal Saturn and classic Tomb Raider fans. I've been very busy with this project lately, to say the least! Since my previous update video, I've decided to completely ditch the concept of E3 levels and focus on the final game instead. The E3 levels understandably have no finished gameplay objective and I think Saturn players deserve a more gratifying experience after all these years. Enjoy this brand new sneak peek of what's to come.Current stateThe following levels are either near completion or mostly done gameplay wise (disregarding wading and/or climbing mechanics, which are planned for later):
  • The Great Wall
  • Bartoli's Hideout
  • 40 Fathoms
  • Living Quarters
  • The Deck
  • Catacombs of the Talion
A few more levels have potential, but I first need to polish the current levels and implement the aforementioned wading and climbing mechanics (the latter which is probably going to be the biggest feature yet). Sound effects are also currently not yet properly implemented, simply because I couldn’t find the time yet.Two levels so far have been tested on original hardware, by my friend ‪@retrodadandmodernlad9857‬. These levels perform remarkably well and are perfectly playable from start to finish. A big thanks to him for confirming they're working as intended! Also, thank you to Troye for offering some solid advice on TR2 code implementation.What the future holdsAs previously mentioned, the next time period will be spent polishing all current six levels and implementing a few more essential gameplay mechanics. This is going to take a while. Sound effects will probably follow after. Down the road, perhaps a two-level demo will be released when I feel they're 100% ready, with more to come in the foreseeable future. I can't promise a date, but a demo sometime mid next year seems realistic for now.Thanks for watching!If you'd like to support me and my work, feel free to donate through this donation link:

This is being made by RetroRaiderJohn, the same dude who ported Unfinished Business, the Tomb Raider 1 expansion from the PC version of the first game that included four bonus levels spread across two chapters, for the Sega Saturn. It was done by heavily modifying the engine used on the original Tomb Raider that released on the Saturn in 1996. RetroRaiderJohn wrote his onw tools to convert PC data into something the Saturn could use, transferring level assets from the PC port into the Saturn base game. That port had better graphics and SFX quality compared to the OG Saturn releases, several bug fixes and much more.

At first he was only porting the E3 Demo of the second game, but now it seems he's trying to port the entire game! Here's hope he can finish this project! Tomb Raider 2 was my favorite game from the OG Lara Croft and I'm really happy someone is making it happen!


Gold Member
It won't look or run as good as the PS1 version (which IIRC had engine changes to specifically utilize features of PS1 the first game didn't utilize), but I'm always interested to see how these games could run on a Saturn.

Something that'd of probably happened back in the day if the system did better at retail outside of Japan.
what but i was told that they jjust needed more time to make the Saturn version better

You're telling me 30 years isn't enough time?


The developer, RetroRaiderJohn, provided clarifications on the scope of his expanded plans on an extra paragraph that was added in the description of that video:
Keep in mind that certain elements, such as dynamic lighting and Lara's extended weapon arsenal, are unlikely to ever be ported over, due to scale and/or complexity. Memory limits also play a huge factor for the bigger levels, although I haven't yet investigated the feasibility of implementing extended RAM. That's why the fate of some levels is still very much unknown right now and that a port of the full game is far from guaranteed.

He also wrote the following in the comments section of the video:
Certain elements are still extremely unlikely to be ported over. It's just that a bunch of levels don't necessarily "need" them. A few other levels that do need them might be ported eventually, but perhaps with some compromises. There's also memory limits that are currently in their way. This is why their fate is still unknown for now. I do have to say, I may have underestimated what my approach does allow for. So who knows what the future may hold, I guess...
My plan isn't necessarily to port the full game. I never made that claim. I'm still focusing on a selection of levels and will see what else the future might hold

Nevertheless, it still very impressive what he is managing to make using the TR1 engine which almost doesn't use the VDP2 if at all, it's basically only using the VDP1 and is rendering an amazing draw distance and textures that doesn't warp like on the PS1 version. I wonder what could have been if the engine was changed to use both VDPs more efficiently


Really like playing the Saturn version of TR1. Subjectively it has a more colourful palette and Lara's proportions are a bit wider. Objectively it has this neat water distortion under the surface that's not present on PC and PSX.


Looks great in motion.
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Really like playing the Saturn version of TR1. Subjectively it has a more colourful palette and Lara's proportions are a bit wider. Objectively it has this neat water distortion under the surface that's not present on PC and PSX.


Looks great in motion.
Also, it has better draw distance than the PSX version
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